Education and Events2025-02-13T09:28:26+10:00

Education and Events

Research Excellence Awards

Our annual Metro North Research Excellence Awards are a chance to recognise and reward outstanding achievements in research across all clinical specialities and professions.

Ethics and Governance Information Clinics

Metro North Research Ethics and Governance Information Clinics are available to provide advice on ethical and governance requirements for research in Metro North.

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) 

The guideline for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is an international ethical and scientific quality standard for designing, conducting, recording and reporting of  clinical trials that involve human participants.

Research Careers Development Framework

Metro North is committed to supporting the development of research careers for our workforce. The Queensland Health Allied Health Research Careers Development Framework aims to describe the unique capabilities of allied health clinicians engaged in research, translation of research into practice, and research leadership across the diverse and developing roles of the Queensland Health clinical and research environment. The Framework can be used to support the development of career pathways for staff interested in pursuing an embedded research career that integrates both clinical and research skills.

Whilst created for the Allied Health workforce Metro North’s Office of Research endorses and supports the Framework to support the development of career pathways for all staff interested in pursuing an embedded research career that integrates both clinical and research skills. A number of case studies have been provided within the Framework to illustrate how the current skills of clinician researchers map onto the Framework.  These cases illustrate the Framework can account for each individuals’ unique circumstance. The Allied Health Research Careers Development Individual Assessment pack is a useful tool that assists assist Clinician Researchers assess their capabilities across five core domains. This tool can be used both independently or with a manager for career planning.


The Framework was developed by the Office of Chief Allied Health Officer, led by a Project Team and a representative Project Reference Group of allied health clinician researchers, research leaders, allied health leaders and policy experts. Metro North acknowledges the significant body of work in developing the Framework and thanks the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer for granting permission to host the Framework.

Clinical research education videos

Short videos of question and answer interviews on introductory topics related to core principles for clinical research.

Designing Clinical Research Projects – Professor Patsy Yates

Key To Designing Clinical Research

Patsy’s Top Tips for Clinical Research

Planning Biostatistical Analysis – Dr Joel Dulhunty

Planning Statistical
Analysis for Research

Joel’s Top Tips
on Biostatistics

Reaching significant outcomes

Recommendations for Data Collection

Accessing information from the academic literature – Mr Chris Parker

Searching Academic Literature

Critical appraisal of research evidence – Professor Joan Webster

Defining Knowledge Gaps

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