Imagine and decide2022-10-07T11:29:52+10:00

Imagine and decide

Why do we need to imagine and decide?

At the end of the imagine and decide stage, your co-design team will have:

  • a potential set of ideas for a solution to the issue or opportunity
  • decided which of these are to prioritised for development.

​Who is involved?

  • The co-design team and/or broader community of stakeholders. They will work together to dream big about how the issue or opportunity could be tackled, and decide together which of these should be prioritised for development
  • External designer/facilitator. This stage needs creative thinking and methods, which can sometimes benefit from an external perspective and design expertise.

Design expertise is key to co-design (the clue is in the name: co-design). Many of our university partners have design schools. For example, QUT has a Design Lab and offers design internships which may be an opportunity for a designer to come work on your team.  Queensland Health’s Clinical Excellence Queensland also has links with designers that might be useful for your project.

Having the right facilitator is also critical to this process. It might be helpful to refer back to the section on The right facilitator before you proceed with this stage.

​What co-design methods, tools and templates could we use?

We have collated a list of tools which might guide this stage, but feel free to adapt these or to not use any of these at all.

Previous: Explore and connect
Next: Create and test

Light globe ideaCo-design

Give us your feedback

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3. Please leave your name/contact if you'd like us to get in touch to talk more about this. Or you can email us at or with your feedback
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