News (extended archive)
Measles alert for Brisbane
Metro North Public Health Unit has confirmed a case of measles in an adult male on Brisbane’s north side who has visited numerous locations while unknowingly infected.
Metro North commits to Closing the Health Gap
Metro North Hospital and Health Service marked National Close the Gap Day today by unveiling a draft Close the Gap plan and signing a public statement of commitment to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Engineering the safe transport of 4000 babies
In the space of around two decades, a simple student project has grown to help save the lives of almost 4,000 babies at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital alone.
TPCH welcomes new Executive Director
TPCH welcomes new Executive Director. Only a few weeks into the job, Michele Gardner is excited about the prospect of leading one of Queensland’s best hospitals.
Funding boost to improve hospital facilities for cystic fibrosis patients
Minister for Health Steven Miles visited the Centre to see progress achieved since the $2,925,000 project began in January 2019. Works should be complete in the second half of the year.
QLD Trauma Symposium
The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Trauma Service hosted the 10th Queensland Trauma Symposium on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd February 2019 at the RBWH Education Centre.
Help Caboolture Hospital improve the health of our community
Help Caboolture Hospital improve the health of our community
Expansion of Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department underway
Expansion of Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department underway
Maria’s 50 years of caring for patients
Maria Boland will retire this month after a nursing career spanning more than 50 years.
Brighton and Zillmere healthcare hubs providing better access to centralised care
Brighton Brain Injury Service patient Marie-Therese Los and staff member Fiso Mapfza have welcomed the relocation of the service to Brighton Health Campus and the scenic Moreton Bay foreshore.
TPCH researchers turning the tide on lung cancer
A team of researchers at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) are turning the tide on the world’s deadliest cancer, after bringing an international CT screening trial to Australia to detect lung abnormalities, before it’s too late.
Youth cancer centre rising from the RBWH rooftop
The builders are now on site at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, bringing to life Queensland’s first public specialised centre for 15 to 25-year-olds fighting cancer.
Intersections and Opportunities
The Jamieson Trauma Institute (JTI), presented the Intersections and Opportunities Event which was held on 6 Dec 2018.
Better bone marrow transplants
RBWH researchers have conducted Australia’s first clinical trial using genetically engineered immune cells to make bone marrow transplantation for blood cancer safer.
Small changes making a great deal of difference to care
For Cooinda House resident Peter Tate it has been the small changes that have made all the difference to the care that is now provided to residents at the residential aged care facility in Redcliffe.
Metro North celebrates Australia Day winners
Metro North Hospital and Health Service has awarded 10 Australia Day awards for excellence today.
Metro North takes a stand against domestic and family violence
Metro North is proudly participating in the With Ribbon Australian Workplace Accreditation Program.
Information session on proposed multistorey car park at Caboolture Hospital
A community information session to discuss the proposed new multistorey car park at Caboolture Hospital will be held in coming weeks.
New chronic wound clinic starts at Caboolture Hospital
Caboolture Hospital is starting a new multidisciplinary Chronic Wound Clinic for local patients. This is a trial service for six months with Caboolture Hospital Director of Surgery, Mr Brian Kirkby, starting in mid-February.
Celebrating 21 years of breast screening at Chermside
21 years young! Our staff at BreastScreen Queensland Brisbane Northside Service at Chermside took time out to celebrate this important milestone which has seen 324,000 women screened through the Chermside service since it opened its doors in 1997.
Caboolture Hospital welcomes 17 new medical interns
Caboolture Hospital is welcoming 17 medical interns who start their health career at an exciting time in the hospital’s history. Executive Director Dr Lance Le Ray said Caboolture Hospital provided a ‘hands-on’ learning environment for medical interns
Metro North signs historic collaboration with QIMR Berghofer
Metro North Hospital and Health Service and QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to extend their...
Measles alert for Brisbane
Metro North Public Health Unit has issued a measles alert after a male passenger travelled on an international flight to Brisbane while unknowingly infectious.
Who makes sense of our genes?
We spoke with Vrunda Sane, Genetic Counsellor at Genetic Health Queensland at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, about her journey into the profession.
Do you have a New Year resolution?
Do you have a New Year resolution to get healthy and fit in 2019? So do we! Check out our list.