
Telehealth (video call) | Virtual Care

Telehealth is a video call that is a safe and easy way of delivering healthcare.

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This service may be accessed from your home using your computer, tablet, or smart phone. A Telehealth appointment may also be possible from your local public hospital, GP Clinic, or another healthcare service.

Talk about Telehealth (videocall) options with your health professional.

This webpage focuses on outpatient telehealth appointments.

Test if Telehealth works on my device

Use these instructions to test if you have everything you need to access Telehealth.

Test my device

I am a patient

Find out what to do before, during and after your Telehealth appointment.

I am a support person

Find out how to support a patient before, during and after a telehealth appointment.

I am an external healthcare provider

In some case patient’s may need support from their healthcare team for an appointment. We’ll tell you how to connect and support your patient using Telehealth.

Easy read

We have developed an Easy Read version of this information.

Visit the Easy Read pages

Virtual services

To find out more about other virtual services visit:

Virtual Emergency Care Service

Need an Emergency Department? You may be able to use the Virtual Emergency Care Service instead.

Metro North Virtual Ward

The Virtual Ward provides hospital-level care to people in their place of residence.

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