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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2022-11-30T07:07:29+10:0029 November 2022|RBWH, News @ the Royal, Facility Messages|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, Acting Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

It is great to be back at RBWH again after my recent annual leave and I wish to thank Dr Glen Kennedy for steering the ship during this time. Looks like he did a great job and from all accounts the staff enjoyed his humour and truly benefitted from his skill and knowledge on how we can best respond to the current challenges around activity.

Taking a break from work is so important to ensure we can rest, recharge and come back feeling refreshed and full of energy. I encourage you all to at least have a plan in place in collaboration with your line manager. Your wellbeing is our priority and I can vouch for the benefits of having a break.

In the November issue of News at the Royal, we hear about the fantastic teamwork involved in the Sterile Stores Project and find out how Team Royal prioritised their mental health for Wellbeing Wednesday.

Find out about what a clinical nurse’s role within the P.A.R.T.Y Program involves and learn about how the NICU is supporting families to take their new baby home sooner.

You can also read on to find out which teams took out the RBWH Foundation’s Giving Day Champion status for their role in raising more than $520,000 for our hospital!

Please don’t hesitate to make contact or come see me during my weekly Brief the Boss opportunities

Have a great month.

Kind regards,

Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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