Manager Milestone Micro Skills
What is:
Key information on how Metro North Health operates.
Show What is:
Topic | Skill group |
A Briefing Note |
A Privacy Breach |
A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) |
A Psychologically Safe Workplace |
Accrued Day Off (ADO), Rostered Day Off (RDO) and Flextime Flexible work arrangements for staff |
Awards and Enterprise Agreements Understanding employees’ rights and responsibilities |
Bullying and Harassment Creating a safe workplace |
Business Cases and Change Plans Managing change effectively |
Common Acronyms, Abbreviations, Contractions, Initialisms |
Complaints and Grievances Managing complaints |
Contract Management and Procurement Purchasing goods and services from outside Metro North Health |
Corrupt Conduct Reporting corrupt conduct in Metro North Health |
Cost Centres and Budget Management Managing funds appropriately |
Delegations Managing within your legal authority |
Discipline Managing poor performance or inappropriate behaviour |
Early Intervention for Psychological Injuries Protecting the mental health of staff |
Employee Engagement |
Employment Conversion Maximising permanent employment |
Establishment Management Managing the roles within your organisational unit |
Fire Safety for Managers Be prepared in case of fire, evacuation or other emergencies |
Have Your Say Giving everyone a voice |
Health and Safety Incident Management Protecting the health and safety of employees |
Human Rights Protecting human rights at work |
Independent Medical Examination (IME) Independent specialist advice on an employee’s health |
Leave Management Managing employees’ leave |
Legal Protection What to do when legal action is taken against you |
Management of Workplace Injuries Supporting staff who are injured at work |
Manager Health and Safety Obligations Protecting the health and safety of staff at work |
Manager Milestone Micro Skills Fast learning for the modern manager |
Metro North Health Delivering high quality hospital and health services north of Brisbane |
Metro North Health Values Managing according to Metro North Health values |
myHR Making human resource management easier |
Performance Management Managing for high performance |
Phishing |
Positive Performance Management Managing for high performance |
Processing staff Separations and departures Processing the departure of staff |
Public Interest Disclosures (PID) and Whistleblowing Disclosing wrongdoing in the public sector |
QSuper Income Protection Helping employees get back to work after an injury |
Queensland Government Insurance Fund (QGIF) The insurance policy for Metro North Health |
Reasonable Adjustment for Impairment A few workplace adjustments may be all it takes to help |
RiskMan and Incident Reporting Investigating health and safety risks and incidents |
Rosters Determining when staff work |
Shadow IT |
Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation (SBAR) |
Software as a Service (SaaS) |
Staff Wellbeing and Resilience Helping your staff to thrive |
Support Person Allowing staff to be supported in challenging meetings |
The Business Planning Framework (BPF) Planning Your Nursing Staff Requirements |
The Manager Mindset Achieving outcomes through others |
The Payroll Cut-off Making sure staff are paid on time |
The Recruitment Process Hiring the best and brightest |
The Rights and Responsibilities of a Manager Making fair and reasonable decisions |
The Talent Pipeline Providing permanent roles for unassigned permanent employees. |
Timesheets Keeping records of staff entitlements |
Unions Knowing your legal commitments to staff |
Welcome to Country Respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people |
How to:
Practical advice on how to model and act, that promotes good management and the values of Metro North Health.
Show How to:
Topic | Skill group |
Act with Integrity and Trust |
Balance Work and Life |
Be Action Oriented Effective leaders take action and get results |
Be Approachable |
Be Assertive |
Be Determined |
Be Patient |
Build An Effective Team |
Conduct a "Have Your Say" team debrief |
Deal With Uncertainty |
Dealing with Challenging Behaviour |
Delegate Getting work done through others |
Deliver Constructive Feedback |
Demonstrate Compassion |
Demonstrate Confidence |
Demonstrate Fairness |
Develop Staff |
Give Directions to Staff |
Give Information |
Handle Mistakes |
Have a Wellbeing Conversation |
Interpret a "Have your say" Report |
Listen |
Maintain Your Composure |
Make Good Decisions |
Make Timely Decisions |
Manage a Privacy Breach |
Manage Conflict |
Manage Expectations |
Manage Stress |
Manage with Vision and Purpose Inspiring your staff to achieve a vision |
Manage Your Time |
Motivate people |
Negotiate |
Organise Your Work |
Plan |
Present to Senior Managers |
Set and Measure Goals |
Set Priorities |
Show You Care About Staff |
Solve Problems |
Stand Up and Be Counted |
Support an Employee Who is Bereaved and Grieving |
Take Charge |
Take Minutes in a Meeting |

These documents were based on material developed by Centre for Leadership Excellence, Clinical Excellence Queensland, and the Korn Ferry Lominger Framework.