Staff News
Community and Oral Health
Staff Update
Staff News
Community and Oral Health
Staff Update
December 2026
November 2026
October 2026
September 2026
August 2026
July 2026
June 2026
May 2026
April 2026
March 2026
February 2026
January 2026
December 2025
November 2025
October 2025
September 2025
August 2025
July 2025
June 2025
May 2025
April 2025
March 2025
- 26 March 2025|Last week, was a time to showcase the innovative work and improvements that have been occurring across the directorate over the past year.
- 26 March 2025|As I moved around the facilities in Community and Oral Health, I was sorry to learn that some staff had endured infrastructure damage, power loss and flooding during the recent extreme weather event.
- 19 March 2025|Tomorrow is World Oral Health Day which is themed ‘A happy mouth is a happy mind’,where prioritising oral health leads to better mental health and quality of life.
- 14 March 2025|We have been endeavouring to visit sites and check in with you following the extreme weather event and to thank each of you for working so well together to care for our patients and residents during the severe weather event.
February 2025
- 27 February 2025|We are only a few months into the year and the signs are already showing that it will be another great one for our directorate.
- 20 February 2025|This week, I had the most wonderful opportunity to join the team responsible for delivering the Community Based Transition Care Program. There was so much to be impressed by and grateful for (including the 25 squats to start the day!)
- 14 February 2025 |This week, we hosted the Metro North Peer Review Assessment Team to assess our performance under the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS).
- 13 February 2025|Thursday 13th February marks the 17th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. In 2008, Prime Minister Rudd made the formal apology on behalf of the Federal Government, to the Stolen Generations; the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were forcibly removed from their families and communities by successive colonial and Australian governments.
- 7 February 2025|Thanks to the great work from the Medical Education and Director of Medical Services teams, Community and Oral Health welcomed 20 registrars and residents to Brighton during our first on-site orientation.
January 2025
- 31 January 2025 |Last week, along with Nursing Director Belinda Sawtell and the residents, I was pleased to welcome State Member for Redcliffe, Kerri-Anne Dooley to Cooinda House. This was her first visit to a COH facility since being elected last year.
- 23 January 2025|Welcome back to many of you. I hope that you all had a relaxing break if you had the chance to over December and January.
December 2024
- 12 December 2024|I hope that each of you enjoy the joy that is Christmas by spending time doing whatever it is you love in the company of the people who are most important to you. Thank you sincerely to the staff who will be working over Christmas.
- 09 December 2024|While last week’s message was filled with many important milestones there were also a lot of highlights and amazing celebrations across the directorate which I also need to share.
- 04 December 2024|The gift of giving is always something that brings a smile to people’s faces and can make such a difference to our residents, patients and staff.
November 2024
- 28 November 2024|I couldn’t be prouder to see so many of our Community and Oral Health (COH) stars shining brightly at the 2024 Metro North Staff Excellence Awards.
- 21 November 2024|It gives me great pleasure each year to acknowledge the success of some of our current and future leaders within COH.
- 13 November 2024|With the COH Staff Excellence Awards completed for another year, we can turn our attention to the broader Metro North Awards, which will take place at the end of the month.
- 07 November 2024|It is great to be back after a short break and to have the pleasure of joining the Bright ‘N’ Sparks Dementia Choir on Saturday for their first ever public performance.
- 1 November 2024|I caught up with staff at Kallangur Satellite Hospital, Metro NorthOral Health Service and Cooinda House this week as part of ourCOH Staff Excellence Awards ceremonies.
October 2024
- 25 October 2024|I was fortunate to acknowledge and thank 11 amazing staff members for thier dedication and outstanding work as part of three COH Staff Excellence Awards ceremonies held this week
- 18 October 2024|While Glynis enjoys a much deserved holiday, it is my absolute pleasure to lead our wonderful Community and Oral Health teams in her absence. Despite only being in the role for the last four days, there is much to share with you all.
- 10 October 2024|I always look forward to the end of the year as there are so many amazing events, great opportunities to celebrate a busy year, learn about people’s experiences, join a working group and acknowledge some of our wonderful staff and teams.
- 3 October 2024 |Last week, the theme was happiness at work, and it was good to see so many staff participating in some light-hearted activities and bringing some old-fashioned fun to the workplace.
September 2024
- 26 September 2024|I continue to hear about all of the positive and inspiring stories and staff achievements during my visits across the service.
- 19 September 2024|When everyone is moving together, then success takes care of itself and magic happens.
- 12 September 2024|I have many reasons to be proud of the people in COH each and every day. Recently, all power had to be turned off for two hours at the Brighton Health Campus to allow repairs to the 55-year-old switchboard.
- 4 September 2024|It was great to see all of the nominations forthe 2024 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards.
August 2024
- 22 August 2024 |I was delighted to hear this week that the Queensland Ambulance Service’s (QAS) Falls Co-Response Program was recognised as part of the international Council of Ambulance Authorities (CAA) 2024 Awards for Excellence in Melbourne.
- 15 August 2024|The feedback from the Bond University medical students who were recently on placement at the Brighton Health Campus, was a testament to the multidisciplinary teamwork that happens at Brighton.
- 8 August 2024|The transition to an integrated electronic medical record (ieMR) is a significant milestone for Community Services. Congratulations to the many staff who have been involved.
- 1 August 2024|I look back over the past month and have to express my gratitude to everyone for their efforts.
July 2024
- 25 July 2024|I am very pleased to open the nomination process for the 2024 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards.
- 17 July 2024|We always host some great events across the directorate, and over the past week there were some key ones that I would love to share.
- 11 July 2024|We were delighted to welcome the Metro North Health Senior Executive Team into the refurbished auditorium at Brighton last week and to take our HSCE on a tour of the additional beds.
- 10 July 2024|Sunday 7th July – Sunday 14th July marks NAIDOC Week across Australia. NAIDOC Week celebrates and recognises the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
June 2024
- 26 June 2024|On Monday, July 22 Michelle Kane will be taking extended leave to explore Australia.
- 19 June 2024|Each week there seems to be more and more positive things to talk about!
- 13 June 2024|Community and Oral Health has always prided itself on being a partner to other Directorates within Metro North and that partnership is even more critical as the health service has been under the pressure of sustained demand.
- 6 June 2024|This week I had the pleasure of travelling to Norfolk Island and meeting with the Norfolk Island Health and Residential Aged Care Service (NIHRACS) team.
May 2024
Message from the Executive Director
30 May 2024I joined the COH performance management meeting within hours of returning to COH and was privileged to hear a wonderful story of a patient from Interim Care.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Manager
24 May 2024National Reconciliation Week is held annually from 27th May – 3rd June. National Reconciliation Week provides all Australians with an opportunity to learn about our cultures, shared histories and achievements, ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 May 2024The staff awards and celebrations continued this week with our Length of Service Awards at Brighton and local Shining Star Awards at Aspley Community Health Centre.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
16 May 2024The staff awards and celebrations continued this week with our Length of Service Awards at Brighton and local Shining Star Awards at Aspley Community Health Centre.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
10 May 2024This morning I was realty excited to be notified that next week Metro North Clinical Governance will be undertaking a Peer Review in Community and Oral Health (COH).Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
9 May 2024What an amazing few days across Community and Oral Health with our Administration Professionals Day and International Nurses Day awards!Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 May 2024I want to focus on our administration heroes across Community and Oral Health (COH) this week as they play a fundamental role in supporting our patient and resident services.Read more >
April 2024
Message from the Acting Executive Director
24 April 2024For my first day acting in the Executive Director role I am very excited to share with you some of the great pictures from the grand opening of the Gannet ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 April 2024The months of May and June are always a busy period for celebrations, acknowledgements and events. This year is no different, with many activities coming up including our Nursing, Length ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 April 2024This week I visited the Caboolture Dental Clinic at the Satellite Hospital. I was extremely impressed by how happy and welcoming the team were.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
4 April 2024What a great week to travel around to see as many teams and staff as possible and get the opportunity to say thank you for so much inspirational work.Read more >
March 2024
Message from the Executive Director
28 March 2024Easter is important to me personally as it reminds me of second chances to do better, to be better. No matter what your belief system is, it is easy to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director and Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
21 March 2024Today, Thursday 21st March 2024 marks National Close the Gap Day. A day to show support in achieving Indigenous health equality by 2032. The day has been acknowledged on the ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
14 March 2024While Glynis has been acting in the Chief Operating Officer role in Metro North, I had the pleasure of attending the COH launch of the Metro North Disability Services Action ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
8 March 2024I have been wanting to sing from the rafters about this wonderful initiative for sometime now.Read more >
February 2024
Message from the Executive Director
29 February 2024I always enjoy showcasing and emphasising the wonderful contributions of our staff and teams across our directorate.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 February 2024Any challenge we face is an opportunity to see how many great people we have across our directorate. I have seen so many extraordinary people in COH and I am ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director and Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
13 February 2024Tuesday 13 February marks the 16th anniversary National Apology to the Stolen Generations by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. In 2008, Prime Minister Rudd made the formal apology on behalf ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 February 2024For me, there is no greater privilege than hearing about our services making a difference to patients’ lives.Read more >
January 2024
Message from the Executive Director
25 January 2024It’s been an exciting start to the year for Community and Oral Health. I’ve had the pleasure of getting on the road and visiting our various community facilities and hearing ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 January 2024Welcome back to many of you. I hope that you got a good relaxing break if you had the chance to over December and January.Read more >
December 2023
Message from the Executive Director
18 December 2023With only a couple more sleeps until the festive break I want to again thank everyone for another amazing year.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
13 December 2023This week we saw some important milestones to cap off another great year.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
7 December 2023It is good to be back after another holiday overseas and I can’t speak highly enough of taking some time to get away and relax – although in saying that ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 December 2023With Glynis returning next week I just want to pass on my thanks and gratitude to everyone who has supported me over the past few weeks. It has been an ...Read more >
November 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
22 November 2023It’s official! Community and Oral Health has been fully accredited for the next 12 months by the Australian Council of Health Care Standards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 November 2023As I have been advised that some staff did not see my previous message, I am happy to welcome Jayne Stevenson to the role of Senior Director Clinical Operations (Community), ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 November 2023Thank you for the way in which services have responded to Metro North moving to Tier 1 in our Acute Respiratory Plan, and for how you have responded to the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 November 2023The accreditation process last week reflected positively on all of our services and the accreditors spoke highly of the cleanliness and maintenance of facilities as well as the compassionate patient ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 November 2023It is great to be back after a short but refreshing break. A big thank you to Dr Mario de Silva who looked after the directorate while I was away, ...Read more >
October 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 October 2023I want to thank everyone for their support and efforts while I acted in the Executive Director role over the past few weeks.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
19 October 2023I had the great pleasure of attending the Community and Oral Health Innovation Showcase yesterday to see first hand some of the great work that our teams are doing.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 October 2023I am on leave from today for the next few weeks, but while I am away Dr Mario de Silva will be acting Executive Director until Monday 30 October. During ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 October 2023Over the last few days we began our roadshow to acknowledge and celebrate our 2023 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards winners.Read more >
September 2023
Message from the Executive Director
28 September 2023It is time to get serious and talk about the amazing services, teams and individuals that we have across Community and Oral Health. And, for some reason I keep on ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 September 2023While there has been a slight delay in my message last week this just means there is more to highlight. Following the school holidays, we will be kicking off our ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 September 2023Following on from last week’s announcement about the impressive number of nominations for the 2023 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards, I want to share some more positive stories.Read more >
August 2023
Message from the Executive Director
30 August 2023I was amazed by the number of nominations we received for the 2023 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 August 2023What a wonderful week it has been thanks to a number of great events I had the pleasure of attending. This included the opening of the new cinema at Cooinda ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 August 2023With the Ekka over for another year, I wanted to highlight the Flu Vaccination Clinic at the show. This came together with staff working across logistics, planning and equipment, vaccination ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 August 2023This week, our Executive Leadership team received feedback from the recent Metro North Have your Say staff survey via Jacqui Parle from BPA Analytics.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 August 2023In 2023, we are taking some very important and exciting steps to prepare Home Hospital services for future demand and sustainability.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 August 2023Today, we welcomed our first oral health patient to the new Caboolture Dental Clinic which is located at the Caboolture Satellite Hospital. Phillipa is a regular patient at Caboolture and ...Read more >
July 2023
Message from the Executive Director
27 July 2023I am very appreciative of the way our staff continue to keep on responding to the needs of Metro North hospitals and the complex and changing needs of our patients.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 July 2023Please join me and members of the the Community and Oral Health executive as we celebrate our monthly Shining Star Award recipients at North Lakes Health Precinct on Tuesday 25 ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 July 2023Great news! We have opened the nomination process for the Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards for 2023.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 July 2023Community and Oral Health has had a lot to celebrate recently with the NAIDOC celebrations last week. There has also been music, coffee and a cooked breakfast for the tradies!Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 July 2023Staff within the Home Hospital service will be aware of the Home Hospital Review that was undertaken earlier this year to provide advice and recommendations on how we can align ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 July 2023For this week’s message I would like to focus on NAIDOC Week and the many celebrations that have been occurring across our facilities.Read more >
June 2023
Message from the Executive Director
29 June 2023Another great week and another opportunity to share some wonderful examples of the compassion shown by our inspirational staff.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 June 2023It is always a good day when I can share some of the great stories and happenings across our directorate, and today there is a lot to share.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 June 2023Following on from my message last week I wanted to continue the conversation about the short notice assessments against the eight National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 June 2023From July 1, short notice assessments with ACHS, can occur at any time when Community and Oral Health will be assessed against the eight National Safety and Quality Health Service ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
1 June 2023Tomorrow it’s Crazysocks4docs Day! It is a day where we think about mental health and the impacts on our health care workers.Read more >
May 2023
Message from the Executive Director
23 May 2023Today, we continued our executive visits to Community and Oral Health facilities at Chermside Community Health Centre, and it was nice to spend some time with the team and enjoy ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 May 2023I have had the absolute pleasure over recent weeks of joining team huddles and last week joined the Community Palliative Care team at North Lakes.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Director of Nursing
12 May 2023Every day, working alongside such fabulous nurses across Community and Oral Health, I am truly proud and so privileged to be your Professional Lead.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 May 2023The month of May has provided us with an opportunity to celebrate our incredible administrative staff, midwives and nurses.Read more >Message from the Executive Director | Administrative Professionals Day
9 May 2023Last week we celebrated the diversity and immense contributions of our administrative professionals throughout Community and Oral Health (including information sessions and professional development opportunities throughout the week).Read more >Message from the Executive Director
4 May 2023While we have experienced a few short weeks where many of us have had the opportunity to take a break, there are still some great things happening across our amazing ...Read more >
April 2023
Message from the Executive Director
20 April 2023We continued our executive visits to Community and Oral Health facilities this week at Sandgate Dental Clinic, and we were very appreciative of the warm welcome we received from the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
13 April 2023It is always a pleasure to see our staff being very passionate about the care and support that they provide to our patients and residents, but also when they are ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 April 2023It is great to be back after a short and refreshing break spent with my family. Thank you to Mario de Silva for covering the Executive Director position while I ...Read more >
March 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
30 March 2023It’s been another rewarding week in the hot seat and as always there are a few things I would like to share.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 March 2023This week, I had the pleasure of catching up with staff as part of the Brighton Health Campus Shining Star Awards and our regular executive roadshow.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
16 March 2023Each week seems to get busier and busier across our service and I am always appreciative of the valuable work you do.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 March 2023We continue to find new and innovative ways to improve the patient and resident experience.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 March 2023I really enjoy sharing some of the great work that is going on across our directorate and taking the time to visit our facilities and talking to our staff as ...Read more >
February 2023
Message from the Executive Director
23 February 2023We continued our executive visits to Community and Oral Health facilities this week at Aspley Community Health Centre.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 February 2023On Monday, we recognised the 15-year anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations (by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd) at Brighton Health Campus.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 February 2023This week we officially welcomed Marianne Horne as the new Business Manager following similar roles at Redcliffe Hospital and in Metro South.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 February 2023As we move into February, I am very optimistic about and looking forward to the year ahead. Across our directorate there is a lot of work underway to look at ...Read more >
January 2023
Message from the Executive Director
27 January 2023I am always looking for new ways to improve the way we deliver care and at the same time build ways to compassionately support our patients and residents, their families, ...Read more >
December 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
23 December 2022As I reflect on another very significant and rewarding year, I want to thank everyone for their continued efforts and dedication.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
14 December 2022It was clearly a night of nights, a great celebration of our dedicated staff and teams across the health service.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
9 December 2022I want to send a shout out to Aus Hmud, Belinda Sawtell, Paul Drahm and Kerri Gane who all successfully completed the Metro North Health Executive Leadership Program this weekRead more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
2 December 2022I want to send a shout out to Aus Hmud, Belinda Sawtell, Paul Drahm and Kerri Gane who all successfully completed the Metro North Health Executive Leadership Program this weekRead more >
November 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
25 November 2022While our Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Award roadshow is now complete, it was great this week to see so many of our staff recognised as finalists in the ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
18 November 2022It has been another challenging week, but one mixed with some great highlights.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
15 November 2022The past month has seen some great activities and achievements across our directorate as we focus more on business as usual activity.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
11 November 2022We hosted another Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards event today and I joined the team at the Oral Health Centre to acknowledge some great staff.Read more >
October 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
27 October 2022At our executive this week we discussed a very important message – “It’s okay to be you!”Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
19 October 2022This week’s message is one of reflection. On Saturday as the Executive on Call, I had the opportunity to speak with a man whose father is in one of our ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
13 October 2022Around a hundred staff from across Community and Oral Health and Metro North participated in the Compassion Labs hosted by Mary Freer this week. It was great that we were ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
6 October 2022We definitely don’t want them to give up their day jobs as it is clear that COH’s Data and Reporting team are very good at what they do – capturing ...Read more >
September 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
30 September 2022It was a privilege to host the Metro North Health Board at Nundah this week and I am grateful to the Nundah staff for their hospitality and assistance.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
23 September 2022As I prepared the Community and Oral Healthy papers for the Metro North Board meeting to be hosted at Nundah on the 27 September 2022, I felt immensely proud of ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
14 September 2022Community and Oral Health was proud to host two enjoyable and significant events yesterday. I joined the Elders, executive and staff in the Brighton Auditorium for the Metro North Health ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
14 September 2022There has been a clear difference in the focus of the directorate over the past month as the pressure of COVID-19 subsides and we re-focus our efforts.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
9 September 2022I have mentioned in a previous message about Community and Oral Health being at the forefront of Green Metro North initiatives with the rollout of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems at ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
1 September 2022It is the first day of spring and we are thankfully seeing a reduction in pressure on our services due to a decrease in COVID-19 cases. This provides us with ...Read more >
August 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
26 August 2022As Metro North Health is starting to focus on getting back to business it is a good time to be mindful of what this means for Community and Oral Health. ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
24 August 2022I am thrilled to announce the nominees for the 2022 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
23 August 2022I am thrilled to announce the nominees for the 2022 Community and Oral Health Staff Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
18 August 2022It is encouraging to see that we are again back in Tier 2 of our COVID and Influenza Response Plan and experiencing a reduction in active cases and staff being ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
11 August 2022There are many teams and individuals across our service who are unsung heroes who don’t get the accolades that they deserve. As part of National Stroke Week, I want to ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
2 August 2022As we manage COVID-19 patients in our bedded services or move about the community when transmission rates remain high, its important that we remember to keep ourselves, our families and ...Read more >
July 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
26 July 2022Thank you for all your efforts over the past couple of weeks as we near the peak of the current COVID-19 wave. It feels like we are again in a ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
21 July 2022Our Metro North Oral Health Service has been under a lot of pressure recently and has experienced many challenges due to COVID-19 over the past few years.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
15 July 2022COH is a gift that keeps giving! Each day I get to work with amazing individuals and see tremendous cooperation in the interest of providing great services.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
5 July 2022It’s great to be back in COH after a brief break with family in the bush – there’s nothing quite like looking up to a blaze of stars across an ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
1 July 2022Thank you for your support as I acted in the Executive Director role over the past week. You will be pleased to know that Glynis Shultz will be back on ...Read more >
June 2022
Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
30 June 2022NAIDOC Week (3 – 10 July 2022) celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.Read more >Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
28 June 2022It has been a little while since the last Executive Director message and I would like to highlight a few important things. We are again in a very busy ...Read more >Executive Director Message
13 June 2022The enhancement of our Post Acute Care Service is an important milestone for the directorate and reflective of the demand for accessible and compassionate care that supports the needs of ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
9 June 2022There is plenty to update you about following a week filled with changes and some great celebrations and announcements.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
3 June 2022Reflect about your EXCELLENT colleagues and nominate today!Read more >
May 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
31 May 2022You would have seen the message from the Metro North Health Incident Controller late yesterday which mentions the relaxation of some visitor restrictions.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
26 May 2022Next week, we celebrate National Reconciliation Week 2022 which is themed: “Be Brave. Make Change.”Read more >Executive Director Message
26 May 2022The month of April saw some significant developments with the final vaccine delivered as part of the directorate’s role in the COVID-19 response. Our teams have delivered more than 412,000 COVID-19 ...Read more >Community and Oral Health Special Broadcast
19 May 2022The Community and Oral Health Reconciliation Action Plan (COH RAP) Working Group pays our Acknowledgement and respect to the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we work.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
19 May 2022It is great to be back after a wonderful wedding celebration with my family. I want to thank Michelle Kane for her work looking after the directorate while I was ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
12 May 2022It is very important that we spend some time acknowledging our nurses for their inspirational work caring for our most vulnerable. At Community and Oral Health our diverse services are ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
11 May 2022To start, I want to thank everyone who has rolled up their sleeves to receive the flu jab. As you would know we have already started to move into a ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
6 May 2022Administrative Professional Day is celebrated worldwide to acknowledge our devoted administration staff and to simply say thank you.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
4 May 2022We have a lot to talk about this week and lot of great things coming up in the next few weeks and month worth highlighting.Read more >
April 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
28 April 2022Thanks to Michelle Stute for covering for me while I had a few days leave with my family. I also want to acknowledge the team on call with me ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health
21 April 2022Thank you for your support over the past week as I have acted in the Executive Director position while Glynis is taking some well-earned rest.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
14 April 2022As we approach the Easter break, I have reflected on the fact that although we may follow different faiths and spiritual paths, we are joined to together by a shared ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
13 April 2022We had some great candidates nominated for the April monthly Shining Star Awards last month. As you know all of our monthly winners will automatically be nominated for the annual Shining ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
8 April 2022There is so much happening at the moment, I just wanted to add a few more important acknowledgements this week. Every day, I am reminded by your efforts that I am ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
6 April 2022We are facing a lot of pressure at the moment collectively across our service, with staff unable to come to work due to COVID-19 or being close contacts, and our ...Read more >
March 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
28 March 2022To look back over the past few years and reflect on the achievements of staff during trying times, we can see how far we have come as a directorate.Read more >Updated message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director | March 23 (visitor info amendment)
23 March 2022As you have seen from yesterday’s message we have again moved to Tier 3 due to the increase in the number of staff who are away from the workplace due ...Read more >Community and Oral Health Special Broadcast
18 March 2022Next week is Harmony Week (21-27March 22), which celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
15 March 2022I always enjoy sharing some of the positive stories and innovations being delivered by our great teams and staff.Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director | Our work towards Health Equity
10 March 2022There is a lot of discussion, conversations and activity occurring around our work towards Health Equity. As a directorate, we are committed to providing equity of access to high quality ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
4 March 2022We have been planning for more severe weather over the next 24 hours which may have potential for impact on our home visiting and broader services due to potential road ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director – Smart Referrals Workflow Solution Go Live 21 March
2 March 2022Metro North Health is introducing a new electronic referrals system called Smart Referrals Workflow Solution (SRWS) which will go live on Monday 21 March 2022. This new system replaces CRU use ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
1 March 2022As I mentioned yesterday, it never surprises me that when we have to manage an emergency or issue, Community and Oral Health staff are ready to respond to whatever is ...Read more >
February 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
28 February 2022Many of you stood up remarkably over the last few days – Thank you!Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
23 February 2022There has been a lot of movement forward for the directorate over the past week. The BPA survey gave us a lot of meaningful actions and things to think about, ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
17 February 2022It was great to hear about the appointment of Jackie Hanson to the Metro North Health Chief Executive position. Jackie has always been a firm supporter of the important work we ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
11 February 2022Staff wellbeing and connection is crucial to our health and resilience at work at any time and it is more important during these challenging times. As we continue to work through ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
8 February 2022I am delighted to see so many staff being nominated each month for the Monthly Shining Star award. It is important that we take the time to reflect on how ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
3 February 2022I am delighted to see so many staff being nominated each month for the Monthly Shining Star award. It is important that we take the time to reflect on how ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
2 February 2022Last year we saw close to 2,400 years of service and 200 staff who have reached an important length of service milestone in their careers. Reaching the milestone of 10,15, ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
1 February 2022As we begin another week, a word that keeps coming to mind is ‘endurance’. This is a term we need to focus on as we head into the third ...Read more >
January 2022
Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
28 January 2022I always acknowledge credit when and where credit is due. This week I have a number of areas and staff I would like to thank given the current pressures and ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
25 January 2022As we head into the midweek I want to continue to thank everyone who is working hard across our services and through the public holiday. I hope that many of ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
24 January 2022When I reflect on the past few months there are too many people across our directorate who I could list here and acknowledge for their outstanding work and commitment. As ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
21 January 2022Today I would like to address the important topic of fit testing. Fit testing is an essential practice in keeping everyone safe so it is imperative that all staff are ...Read more >Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director
20 January 2022The past few weeks have been both challenging and extremely rewarding. Challenging because we adapted and responded to the changes in Tiers in the COVID-19 response plan and are now ...Read more >