Staff News
Executive Messages
Staff News
Executive Messages
December 2026
November 2026
October 2026
September 2026
August 2026
July 2026
June 2026
May 2026
April 2026
March 2026
February 2026
January 2026
December 2025
November 2025
October 2025
September 2025
August 2025
July 2025
June 2025
May 2025
April 2025
March 2025
- 28 March 2025|As Australia’s largest health service, Metro North supports apopulation of more than one million people, a number which isset to grow significantly over the next decade. When we look atthese numbers, we should remember that these representpeople in our community, and we have a responsibility toprovide safe, high-quality and responsive health services tothese people now and into the future.
- 28 March 2025|I am regularly impressed by the extraordinary breadth and impact of our clinical and non-clinical researchers across Metro North. One of my favourite events is the Jamieson Trauma Institute’s annual showcase.
- 21 March 2025|Today is National Close the Gap Day, a day where we reaffirm our commitment to achieving health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- 20 March 2025|Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Harmony Day) which recognises diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. As Australia’s largest and most diverse public hospital and health service, it’s important we celebrate the great diversity of our people and community.
- 14 March 2025|There are currently some vacancies across some of the Metro North SET functions, so it is timely that I ensure the leadership functions as they exist are fit to take Metro North forward at its best.
- 12 March 2025|We want to start by saying how proud we are of our Metro North workforce, who in spite of all odds, continued to work through ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred to care for those in need.
- 11 March 2025|Weather conditions across the Metro North catchment continue to improve and flood waters will subside over the next 48 hours. In our region we expect lingering light showers clearing toward the end of the week.
- 10 March 2025|Ex-tropical cyclone Alfred is now situated over southern Queensland. This weather event continues to bring heavy to locally intense rainfall across SEQ, with an ongoing chance of isolated severe thunderstorms with locally heavy rainfall and damaging winds.
- 9 March 2025|Ex-tropical cyclone Alfred is continuing to slowly move toward the interior of South East Queensland and is currently near Kingaroy. The system is expected to continue this path before tracking into New South Wales early tomorrow.
- 8 March 2025|Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred has now made landfall this morning. The system has weakened with heavy rainfall likely to continue into the weekend.
- 7 March 2025|Thank you to those who joined the TC Alfred Vidcast earlier today. It was a great opportunity to answer your questions and provide updated information. If you missed the session, you can watch the recording on the staff intranet.
- 6 March 2025|I have been asked to pass on to all Metro North Health staff a heartfelt and hearty thankyou from the Board Chair, Board Deputy Chair, the Board and the Metro North Senior Executive Team for your hard work and diligence in preparing our services for this rare cyclone event.
- 5 March 2025|The Bureau of Meteorology continues to predict very high tides, damaging wind gusts and heavy to intense rainfall which may lead to dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches and crosses the coast.
- 5 March 2025|As we prepare for Tropical Cyclone Alfred which is expected to cross the coast late tomorrow/early Friday, I would like to thank everyone for their work in continuing to provide essential care to our community.
- 4 March 2025|The Bureau of Meteorology predicts abnormally high tides, damaging wind gusts and heavy to locally intense rainfall which may lead to dangerous and life-threatening flash flooding as Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches and crosses the coast late Thursday/early Friday this week.
- 3 March 2025|Today we have activated STAND-UP of our Severe Weather Plan and our Metro North HEOC in preparation for Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
February 2025
- 28 February 2025|From accreditation at STARS this week through to last month’s Metro North and Queensland Health cyber disruption exercise, I saw first-hand the level of commitment and dedication staff have to improve the safety and quality of the care we deliver.
- 28 February 2025|Next week is the final week of consultation around the Metro North Strategic Plan 2024-28. I would like to extend my appreciation to those staff who took the time to attend these sessions and provide feedback over the last few weeks. Overall, we’ve had a good level of interest from staff from a range of streams and disciplines across the health service which was very positive. Pleasingly, we also obtained feedback from approximately 50 consumers.
- 21 February 2025|As Australia’s largest health service, our ability to effectively plan for the future is key to how we respond to the changing needs of our health care community.
- 14 February 2025 |It’s been great having the opportunity to speak with staff across the health service during our Strategic Plan staff pop up sessions in recent weeks. Staff have been very willing to share their ideas and feedback with myself and other members of the Senior Executive Team which we appreciate.
- 13 February 2025|Today marks the anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.
- 7 February 2025|We’ve commenced our consultation sessions with staff around the Metro North Strategic Plan 2024-28. This has given me the opportunity to speak with staff about what’s important to them and what they would like to see happening within Metro North moving forward.
January 2025
- 31 January 2025|It’s a new year and we are still a relatively new Board – to which you might be wondering, what do we do?
- 31 January 2025|With January almost gone, we are now all getting back into our usual busy pace of working in Metro North. I acknowledge that all services are ramping their activity back up with more patients and visitors returning to our facilities for care. As Australia’s largest health service, we have an obligation to consistently deliver the best possible care to our patients, and I thank everyone for their shared commitment to this objective.
- 31 January 2025|Thank you to our dedicated frontline staff for continuing to work over the Christmas period and provide essential care services to the community. This year our leadership team will focus on relationship building.
- 24 January 2025|Yesterday Metro North hosted its first pop-up consultation session at Herston for staff to provide feedback on the Metro North Strategic Plan 2024-2028. The Strategic Plan is the overarching guiding document for our current and future decision making. It outlines our five key strategic focus areas: Service excellence; A great place to work; Advance equity; System of care; and Innovation and research.
- 17 January 2025|With the start of the new year, I am pleased to welcome many new faces to Metro North, with over 400 new staff, including medical interns, nursing and allied health graduates, as well as non-clinical staff, having commenced so far, and more to start with us in the coming weeks and months.
- 17 January 2025|Over the past two weeks, we’ve seen a decline in both attendance and admissions for acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, reflecting state and national patterns. As a result, Metro North will transition to Tier 0 (business as usual).
- 10 January 2025|At Metro North, we acknowledge that people are our most valuable asset. We recognise that for staff to successfully perform the business of Metro North, which is to care for patients, we must first and foremost, take care of our staff.
- 3 January 2025|Happy new year! I hope you have had the opportunity in the last fortnight to spend some time with loved ones and recharge for 2025. For those sta who have worked through the festive season, thank you for your commitment and for supporting your colleagues to take time off.
December 2024
- 27 December 2024|It is with sadness that I advise that our Chief Finance and Corporate Ocer, Alister Whitta, will be departing Metro North Health on 6 February 2025. Alister has recently accepted an executive role in the higher education sector.
- 20 December 2024|This is our final message of the year and we wanted to sincerely thank you for all of your great work and commitment.
- 13 December 2025|With Christmas almost here, many of us are looking forward to taking a well-earned break to spend some quality time with family and friends. For most of us, the festive season is something we welcome as it represents relaxation and recreation with the people we care about most. For others however, the festive season is not necessarily a happy time as it can be a reminder of life’s pressures whether that be personal, domestic or financial.
- 12 December 2024|After just over 2 years serving as Chief Operating Officer of Metro North Hospital and Health Service, I have made the decision to resign effective 10 February 2025.
- 10 December 2024|As we near the end of 2024, I would like to acknowledge the achievements, hard work, and dedication displayed across Metro North Health throughout the year, working towards improved health outcomes and equity of health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- 06 December 2024|One of the highlights of this week was Metro North’s first-ever celebration of International Day of People with Disability. The event provided a great opportunity to reflect on diversity and inclusion in our organisation as well as network with community organisations and peak bodies from the across the disability sector.
November 2024
- 27 November 2024 |Your Board held its last board meeting of the year earlier this week at Brighton Health Campus in the Wellness Hub. It was wonderful talking to staff from several teams and also showing the Health Ombudsman, Dr Lynne Coulson Barr OAM, the exceptional healthcare delivered at Brighton.
- 25 November 2024|On Friday night we held our 10th annual Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. It was a great evening coming together and celebrating those staff and teams across our health service who have demonstrated excellence and an active commitment to the organisational values.
- 22 November 2024|Tonight we are hosting our annual Metro North Staff Excellence Awards at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. This is an opportunity to come together and recognise those staff members and teams across our health service who make a significant contribution and demonstrate a strong commitment to our values.
- 15 November 2024|Monday 11 November was Remembrance Day when we honour those who gave their lives in the line of service. This day holds great significance for us here at Metro North, as we have many staff who actively served and still serve in the protection of our country.
- 8 November 2024|With November here and the school holidays just around the corner, the board and I are excited about the progress we’re making across the organisation, as well as the opportunities on the road ahead. This time of year is often a chance for reflection and renewed focus and I’m keen to keep pushing forward as one team, one Metro North.
- 8 November 2024|This month we celebrate Movember. Movember aims to shine the light on important men’s health issues that are often overlooked – such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.
- 8 November 2024|I am pleased to share with you the list of finalists for our 10th annual Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. This year we received a record number of nominations, spanning all our facilities and many different roles. I was happy to read so many nominations about our staff achieving great things.
- 1 November 2024|Feeling valued and cared for makes a big difference in both your working day and our patient outcomes. When kindness is part of our work, everyone benefits. I’m pleased to announce we will soon be delivering a series of workshops and events to encourage kindness in action.
October 2024
- 25 October 2024|This week we celebrated the annual TPCH Charlie’s Week with a full program of events and activities. This year’s celebrations were extra special as we commemorated 70 years of healthcare excellence at The Prince Charles Hospital which originally opened in 1954 as Chermside Chest Clinic. While the hospital is largely known for its expertise in cardiac and thoracic medicine, in more recent years it has been making an essential contribution to the community in orthopaedics, allied health, dementia and geriatric care, to name only a few.
- 25 October 2024|Sunday is World Occupational Therapy Day, and while we know our valued network of OTs are celebrated by patients every day, I’d like to acknowledge their important role in our health service.
- 21 October 2024|It’s been a year since the 2023 Have Your Say survey results were released across Metro North Health, and as outlined in the Employee Engagement Action plan 2023-25, a lot of work is underway to address the areas where improvement is needed.
- 18 October 2024 |With so many talented staff working across our hospital and health service, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards nominations will close on Monday 21 October at 7:00pm.
- 11 October 2024|We are moving through the year so very quickly. For those that like Halloween it will be here soon, and then we will blink and Christmas time and all the busyness that surrounds that time of the year will be upon us.
- 11 October 2024|This week is Queensland Mental Health Week, highlighting individual and community mental health needs in our State. As one of the largest providers of public mental health services in Queensland, we are proud of our committed mental health workforce.
- 4 October 2024|Summer is approaching and that means it is almost disaster season, where we see an increase in bushfires, floods, heatwaves and smoky conditions from backburning.
- 4 October 2024|September has wrapped up and as we head into Spring, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in, especially during what’s been a pretty demanding winter for us.
- 4 October 2024|The Department of Health, via the System Planning Branch (SPB) are undertaking a project to develop a future Statewide Spinal service delivery model for Queensland.
- 3 October 2024|I would like to start off by thanking each and every one of you for your ongoing contribution to improving the health and wellbeing outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
September 2024
- 27 September 2024|Do you feel happy at work? I hope you do, but if you need some inspiration to find the extra bit of joy in each day, our Community and Oral Health Directorate might have the answer!
- 13 September 2024|A focus for our health equity efforts has been growing and retaining the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce. We heard from our community very clearly during our consultations for health equity that they want to see more mob in roles across Metro North Health.
- 13 September 2024|It’s no secret I am passionate about coaching and the impact the coaching approach can have on your own career and those you work with. It’s for this reason I am pleased to be able to continue to act as the Executive Sponsor for Metro North coaching.
- 12 September 2024|Today is R U OK? Day, a day to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them. The day follows World Suicide Prevention Day, held earlier this week. Both days encourage action to check in on those around you.
- 6 September 2024|This week has been a key week for our researchers across Metro North Health, where we have seen various events take place to showcase the work of our clinical academics, innovators and PHD students culminating in the Metro North Research Excellence Awards last night.
August 2024
- 30 August 2024|What defines excellence? Here at Metro North, we recognise excellence in all our clinical, nonclinical and operational staff across a range of categories each year as part of our Staff Excellence Awards. The awards celebrate our staff who make a significant contribution and demonstrate a strong commitment to our values, either as individuals or a team.
- 30 August 2024|As we reach the end of August, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the unwavering dedication and exceptional performance demonstrated by all staff across our organisation, especially during this winter period of heightened demand on our services. Your commitment to excellence and resilience in the face of challenges continue to drive delivery of the highest level of care to the consumers of MetroNorth Health.
- 23 August 2024|While the weather is warming up and we say goodbye to the last few days of winter, we still need to be mindful of respiratory illness in the community and the impact this has on our hospitals.
- 16 August 2024 |This week I’d like to recognise the work of all our staff who work in the mental health space and our Protective Services Officers.
- 9 August 2024|Did you know that in the 3.8 million instances of care provided in the last financial year, 416,000 of these patients spoke a language other than English?
- 8 August 2024|We are now well underway into the second half of 2024 and working towards the end of our first Metro NorthHealth Equity Strategy and Implementation Plan 2022 – 2025.
- 02 August 2024|What a pleasure it has been this past month to attend so many incredible events across our organisation.
- 02 August 2024|I am pleased to start my message this week with our finalists in the 2024 Research Excellence Awards.
July 2024
- 26 July 2024|Earlier this week we briefed Caboolture Hospital staff on the findings and recommendations of the independent review into paediatric services.
- 23 July 2024|Dr John Gerard, Chief Health Officer, has indicated widespread influenza outbreaks across significant areas of the state, notably in the southeast. Consequently, we need to prepare for a potential rise in associated illnesses.
- 21 July 2024|The review of paediatric care at Caboolture Hospital is now complete and the external reviewers have provided their final report to Metro North.
- 19 July 2024|This week Bribie Island Satellite Hospital commenced operations. Great work by the team to get everything ready for the first day of operations. Metro North now has three Satellite Hospitals in our northern region, providing care 7 days a week.
- 18 July 2024|We’re observing a significant increase in individuals seeking treatment for acute respiratory illnesses, particularly influenza. Dr John Gerard, Chief Health Officer, has indicated widespread influenza outbreaks across significant areas of the state, notably in the southeast. Consequently, we need to prepare for a potential rise in associated illnesses, including a growing number of COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus cases. Based on our modelling, we anticipate heightened activity in Metro North starting from late July.
- 12 July 2024|On Monday we launched Focus on the First Quarter, our Metro North Year of Children, Adolescents and Young Adult. There were around 90 attendees with good representation from our directorates.
- 12 July 2024|I was very fortunate to join Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders at a special celebratory luncheon at North Lakes yesterday during this important week of celebration and commemoration. I also attended a NAIDOC celebration at Caboolture Hospital on Wednesday.
- 8 July 2024|Happy NAIDOC Week! I hope you have the opportunity to get out and about, connect with community and celebrate our rich and diverse culture.
- 8 July 2024|This week is NAIDOC Week (7- 14 July 2024), an important opportunity to celebrate and recognise the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- 5 July 2024|Every winter we see an increase in demand across all of our services. It’s a very busy time and I am very aware that many of you are working long days and nights to ensure every patient gets the right care in the right place.
- 2 July 2024|We are continuing to see an increase in patients and staff with acute respiratory illnesses, particularly COVID-19 and influenza A.
June 2024
- 28 June 2024|We are still seeing a sustained increase in demand. Thank you for everything you are doing to support timely patient care. We have activated some of our private hospital contracts and some lower acuity patients are in those beds.
- 21 June 2024|Each month, the Metro North Board meets at a different hospital across our catchment. Next Tuesday we are meeting at The Prince Charles Hospital. Normally, I would write a message to staff after this meeting sharing some of the key points of discussion and other priorities of the Board.
- 21 June 2024|It has been another very busy week across Metro North with continued strong demand. I want to thank you all for your work and for doing everything you can to keep patient flow moving.
- 7 June 2024|Last week we celebrated National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week with a lot of events across the healthservice. It was great to see all the facilities getting involved and coming together to honour these special occasions.
Message from the Chief Executive
14 June 2024This is my first week back from leave. Thank you to Jane Hancock for acting as Chief Executive while I was away, and to Glynis Schultz and Louise Oriti for ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Research
14 June 2024This is my first week back from leave. Thank you to Jane Hancock for acting as Chief Executive while I was away, and to Glynis Schultz and Louise Oriti for ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
7 June 2024Today will be my last Friday message as Acting Health Service Chief Executive as we will welcome Jackie Hanson back on Monday from leave. I will be taking a few ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
7 June 2024Last Friday I had the privilege of unveiling the new Bribie Island Satellite Hospital Traditional Aboriginal co-name ‘Yarun’ alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traditional Owners, Elders, Ali King MP, ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
7 June 2024Today is CrazySocks4Docs Day, when we wear our most fun socks to spark a conversation about the mental health of doctors and health professionals and spark positive change.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer | ARI Tier 1
5 June 2024Over the previous two weeks, we have seen an uptick in COVID 19 cases. This has been reflected in the associated emergency department presentations and hospitalisations for COVID-19 and is ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive and Executive Director | Mabo Day 2024
3 June 2024Today on Mabo Day we commemorate and celebrate Mer Island man the late Eddie Koiki Mabo whose actions played a significant role in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Australian ...Read more >
May 2024
Message from the Acting Chief Executive
31 May 2024We have had an excellent National Reconciliation Week across Metro North. Unfortunately, I am not yet able to be in two places at once, so I wasn’t able to attend ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
31 May 2024A reminder for medical staff if you haven’t yet to join a CPD home for 2024. Unless you are exempt (e.g. Interns in accredited intern training program), you are required ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
31 May 2024We spend so much of our treasured hours working and for that reason it is imperative that we make our work environments the best they can be and that includes ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director, Clinical Services
31 May 2024I am thrilled to share with you the success of HELIX Hub’s recent presentation at the Health Roundtable Innovation Showcase in May 2024.Read more >Message from the Board Chair
30 May 2024Metro North’s Senior Leadership team, led by our Chief Executive, are committed to continuously improving staff safety. This commitment is fully supported by the Metro North Board. Occupational violence, be ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive and Executive Director | National Reconciliation Week 2024
27 May 2024Today marks the start of National Reconciliation Week (27 May – 3 June). Every year National Reconciliation Week acts as a reminder that together we are stronger.Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive and Chief Medical Officer
24 May 2024This week we received the sad news that Dr Liana Tanda (Aitchison) has passed away following a battle with cancer.Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
24 May 2024This is a long CE message but it contains some really important information so I would encourage you to take some time to read it to the end and make ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive and Acting Executive Director , Research
24 May 2024Research is critical to advancing healthcare. A key goal in the Metro North Research Strategy is to find ways to support researchers to continue their work to find new ways ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
17 May 2024This is a long CE message but it contains some really important information so I would encourage you to take some time to read it to the end and make ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
17 May 2024This month we welcomed 24 participants in the inaugural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Program. The program has been developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to build ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
17 May 2024Yesterday, Jane Hancock, Acting CE, and I were fortunate enough to virtually award the recipients of the Metro North Nursing and Midwifery Awards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Clinical Governance
17 May 2024May 17 marks the anniversary of the World Health Organisation removing homosexuality from the classification of diseases in 1990 – only 34 years ago!Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director, Clinical Services
17 May 2024As mentioned in a previous message, I am delighted to share the details for our upcoming Metro North Innovation Showcase.Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
13 May 2024Clinical Assistant Leadership Award 2024, I would like to congratulate the seven clinical assistants who received a Metro North Clinical Assistant Leadership Award this year:Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
13 May 2024On Sunday 12 May 2024 we celebrate International Nurses Day. This year the theme of the International Congress of Nurses for this significant day is Our Nurses. Our future. ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
8 May 2024It was fitting that our first official gathering for myself as Chair and some of our new Board members was an introduction to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
3 May 2024Today we’re celebrating Administration Professionals Day. We have admin staff in every ward across the HHS, as the first person who greets people in outpatient clinics, and in a range ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer and Acting Chief Digital Health Officer
3 May 2024In today’s healthcare landscape, technology plays a pivotal role in delivering efficient and effective care. Electronic health records, telemedicine, wearable devices, and health applications offer unprecedented opportunities for better patient ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director, Clinical Services
3 May 2024April has been a busy month in the HELIX Hub with the commencement of the Innovation Training Program. In partnership with New Zealand-based Innovation Specialists, CreativeHQ, 16 participants from ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
3 May 2024Yesterday, Jane Hancock, Acting CE, and I were fortunate enough to virtually award the recipients of the Metro North Nursing and Midwifery Awards.Read more >
April 2024
- 10 April 2024|Next Wednesday (April 17) we will host a Health Equity Community Event at Victoria Park to continue our co-designing healthcare services with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
25 April 2024Yesterday was a time of reflection and remembrance as we gave tribute and acknowledgement to our ANZAC heroes. They paid the ultimate sacrifice to provide us with the lives that ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive | Commemorating Anzac Day
25 April 2024Today we commemorate Anzac Day and remember those who served our country and acknowledge those who still serve.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
19 April 2024As Executive Sponsor for the Coaching program, I am pleased to share we are making some excellent progress towards building a coaching culture across Metro North Health.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
19 April 2024This week the Premier and Minister for Health launched free RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccinations for infants and young children, with Metro North one of the first health services to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Research
12 April 2024Metro North Research is committed to creating a supportive environment for research and maximising opportunities for our researchers. We are currently accepting applications for the Swift Grants 2024 and the ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
12 April 2024This week we have seen high demand across Metro North, particularly record presentations to our emergency departments and minor injury and illness clinics. We have managed this extremely well and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
5 April 2024I hope everyone had a lovely Easter weekend and was able to spend some time with loved ones.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
5 April 2024I have just returned from a period of leave, and I would like to thank Sherry Holzapfel who undertook the role of Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer while I was ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
2 April 2024I am pleased to be able to write to you for the first time as the newly appointed Chair of the Board of Metro North Hospital and Health Service.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
2 April 2024I wanted to provide a quick update on our Ethical Standards Unit. For the past 18 months Mat Harris has been the Acting Director of the Metro North Ethical Standards ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
2 April 2024The Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women the Honourable Shannon Fentiman has announced our new Metro North Health Board.Read more >
March 2024
- 8 March 2024|This month I will be acting in the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer role for three weeks from next Monday 11 March backfilling for Adj Prof Alanna Geary. I am really excited for the opportunity and look forward to expanding my knowledge and skillset while supporting the Nursing and Midwifery Professional stream.
Message from the Chief Executive | Recruitment and Repealed COVID Mandatory Vaccination
28 March 2024Metro North continues to seek suitable applicants for our vacancies and strives to ensure merit-based principles are applied to consequential selection processes.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
28 March 2024This week we farewelled Board Chair Jim McGowan AM, and five members of the Board. In my time as Chief Executive, I have valued Jim’s support of both me and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
28 March 2024I wanted to provide an update on the new Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director Mr Cang Dang.Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
28 March 2024I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the amazing work of our Clinical Assistants in helping to deliver great health outcomes to our care participants.Read more >Message from the Board Chair
27 March 2024On Tuesday 26 March 2024, the current Metro North Board met for the last time. Deputy Chair Dr Kim Forrester and Board members Bonny Barry, Professor Mary-Louise Fleming, Geoff Hardy, Neil ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and Acting Chief People and Culture Officer
26 March 2024The 2023 Have Your Say (HYS) survey results were circulated with you in August last year and since then, the People and Culture team have been working with Metro North ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Sustainable Assets and Infrastructure
22 March 2024Earth Hour Switch Off is happening this Saturday 23 March at 8.30pm. Earth Hour has grown to become much more than switching lights off, but that switch-off moment is an ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
22 March 2024This morning I had the pleasure of hosting our second Corporate Business Services Awards Ceremony at the TPCH Education Centre.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
22 March 2024This week I held a vidcast with Board Chair Jim McGowan AM. It was Jim’s last vidcast before he finishes his term as Chair next Sunday. I would like to ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and Acting Executive Director
21 March 2024Today is National Close the Gap Day, a day of action to pledge support for achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equity.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
15 March 2024This week we have been launching the Metro North Disability Services Action Plan across our clinical directorates. I couldn’t get to all the events, but I’ve heard it’s been a ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
15 March 2024It has been my pleasure to meet with many of you at the local launches of the Metro North Disability Services Action Plan (DSAP). My thanks to all who attended, ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
8 March 2024Metro North is launching our Disability Services Action Plan on Monday with a vidcast at 10am. Yesterday STARS staff received a preview and there will be local events over the ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director, Clinical Services
8 March 2024This week, Healthcare Excellence and Innovation held the first HELIX Academy for 2024. With over 30 individuals across disciplines and facilities dissecting problems, sharing ideas and building professional networks in ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
8 March 2024Metro North is establishing an exciting initiative to transition long stay mental health consumers to their homes sooner.Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
8 March 2024The Corporate Business Services Awards 2024 Ceremony is fast approaching. Our finalists for the Corporate Business Services Awards 2024 are:Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
8 March 2024After an extensive recruitment process, I am pleased to announce Mr Cang Dang has been appointed as Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital and will commence in the role on Tuesday 2 ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
5 March 2024We are seeing a decrease in the numbers of people attending and being admitted to our services with acute respiratory illnesses, especially COVID-19.Read more >Message from the Board Chair
4 March 2024The Board met at Redcliffe Hospital on Tuesday 27 February. It is pleasing to see that work has now commenced on the Redcliffe Hospital Redevelopment.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
1 March 2024This week we had the busiest day across our health service, and throughout Queensland. Metro North saw 512 ambulance presentations on a single day, around 120 more than usual. Of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Clinical Governance
1 March 2024This week the Board approved the Metro North Quality of Care Report. The report will be published online in the next week.Read more >Message from the Executive Director Research
1 March 2024We are excited to share our latest newsletter Research Matters. In this edition we profile Researcher of the Year 2023, Professor John F Fraser, and showcase the Graduate Certificate Health Services ...Read more >
February 2024
- 9 February 2024|Welcome to our first edition of the Better Together Yarns ebulletin for 2024! I hope you all had wonderful Christmas and New Years. Thank you again to all staff who worked over theholiday period.
Message from the Chief Executive
29 February 2024On 1 February 2024 Metro North Health adopted a new policy to raise our standards when it comes to preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
23 February 2024It was good to meet with staff at Brighton Health Campus on Monday for a Listening Post. I always enjoy sitting under the sails chatting with everyone.Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
16 February 2024Every February the Department of Health recognises Fraud Awareness Month (FAM), a time to think about spotting and preventing fraudulent activities. This year’s theme is ‘Fraud under the spotlight’.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
16 February 2024It has been a busy couple of weeks in Metro North for Nursing & Midwifery Services. I have spoken of a couple of highlights here but please know if there ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
16 February 2024I hope everyone is staying safe and dry today – there’s a lot of water on the roads so if you’re driving, please be mindful of the conditions and talk ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Clinical Governance
16 February 2024I had a very interesting start to the week with a visit to the Clinical Skills Development Service (CSDS). CSDS hosted a morning tea to mark the official opening of ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
16 February 2024Today’s heavy rainfall is likely to continue through the day and is expected to significantly ease overnight. We are seeing some localised flash flooding, with some pockets of road closures ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and Executive Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
13 February 2024Today marks 16 years since Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a formal apology to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the trauma caused by past government policies of forced ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
9 February 2024We are finalising a Metro North wide action plan for last year’s Have Your Say staff survey which we will launch in the coming months.Read more >Message from the Board Chair
5 February 2024The first meeting of the Board this year was held last Tuesday, 30 January, at STARS. Board members reflected positively on the outcomes of what was again a challenging year.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
2 February 2024Fortunately, the week hasn’t finished the way it started, with a lot of rain and localised flooding. I want to thank you all for your efforts in maintaining patient flow ...Read more >
January 2024
Message from the Chief Operating Officer
31 January 2024Last night Caboolture Hospital stepped down to lean forward and then stood down to normal operations this morning. Similarly, Metro North has stood down from our response this morning.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
31 January 2024I would like to let the team at TPCH know that Melanie Dubbelde will be the Acting Executive Director (ED) TPCH until Friday, 9 February 2024 due to Tami Photinos ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
30 January 2024As the rain is easing this afternoon, Metro North has moved to alert. Caboolture Hospital remains on a Code Brown due to the impact of localised flooding. We will continue ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
29 January 2024Today Metro North Health and Hospital Service (Metro North Health) adopts a new policy to raise our standards when it comes to preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment. ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
25 January 2024With a cyclone in the north and heatwave conditions continuing across a lot of the state, it’s a good time ahead of the long weekend to make sure we’re prepared. ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Sustainable Assets and Infrastructure
25 January 2024The health sector is the largest generator of carbon emission in the Government portfolio and as Queensland’s largest hospital and health service we realise the importance for the health sector ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
23 January 2024We are seeing a decrease in the numbers of people attending and being admitted to our services with acute respiratory illnesses, especially COVID-19.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
19 January 2024This week we welcomed 180 new medical interns across Metro North. We will also see 280 graduate nurses and 21 graduate midwives, 50 allied health cadets, 34 new Aboriginal and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
19 January 2024Happy New Year! I have now resumed my position as Chief Nursing & Midwifery Officer Metro North after a few weeks leave and spending a wonderful 6 months or so ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Medical Officer
19 January 2024Consultation will be open for the proposed Visiting Medical Officers’ Employees (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No. 1) 2023 (VMO1) from 22 January 2024 to 6 February 2024. Metro North Health ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
19 January 2024I am excited to announce the launch of the Corporate Business Services (CBS) Awards 2024, an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the incredible talent and dedication within Corporate Business Services ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
12 January 2024I hope you’re all starting to get into the swing of the New Year. We have a lot of exciting things on the horizon at Metro North Health for 2024 ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
5 January 2024I would like to wish all our Metro North Team a Happy New Year for 2024. I hope those of you who had time off managed to have a well-earned ...Read more >
December 2023
Message from the Acting Chief Executive
29 December 2023I hope everyone was able to find some time over Christmas to catch up with their family and friends and have some rest and relaxation. I also hope that you ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
22 December 2023With the festive season upon us, I would like to take the opportunity to wish all nurses and midwives, and of course all of our colleagues in the other health ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
22 December 2023Christmas is only a few days away and I’ve been reflecting on the year. For many, 2023 has been busy and at times less than joyful. I am definitely looking ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
19 December 2023We are continuing to see increasing numbers of people attending and being admitted to our services with acute respiratory illnesses, especially COVID-19.Read more >Message from the Chair and Acting CE | Staff Excellence Awards winners
18 December 2023On Friday night we held the ninth annual Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. It was a lovely evening celebrating the achievements of staff from across the organisation and recognise people ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
15 December 2023Tonight is the ninth Metro North Staff Excellence Awards, celebrating the achievements of individuals and teams from across Metro North. I am looking forward to seeing all the finalists tonight. ...Read more >Message from the Chief Digital Health Officer
15 December 2023Each year, cybercrime continues to increase in frequency, cost, and severity. In the 2022 – 2023 financial year, the Australian Cyber Security Centre blocked the creation of over 67 million ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Sustainable Assets and Infrastructure
15 December 2023We are halfway through our five-year Green Metro North Sustainability Strategy 2021-2026 and on our way to achieve our net-zero targets.Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
8 December 2023We’ll achieve health equity when all people within our communities have the opportunity to be as healthy as possible. There are still many longstanding systemic health and social inequities that ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Clinical Governance
8 December 2023I’m really pleased to give you some exciting news about real time medication safety data.Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
8 December 2023The Metro North Acute Respiratory Illness (ARI) Response transitioned from BAU to Tier 1 on 14 November 2023 and whilst there remains consistent numbers of COVID-19 inpatients there is also a ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
6 December 2023The Metro North Board held its last meeting for 2023 at The Prince Charles Hospital on 28 November. The chairs of the Clinical/Staff Councils met with the Board and outlined ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive
4 December 2023The Metro North Staff Excellence Awards are our annual opportunity to showcase the amazing work happening across our health service. The awards recognise teams and individuals who go above and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
1 December 2023It’s the first day of December and the festive season and summer are both already making themselves known. Parents of school aged children will be very aware that schools are ...Read more >
November 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
24 November 2023The move into the new Caboolture Hospital Clinical Services Building started this week. The first patients were moved into the new Palliative Care Unit and Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit. ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
17 November 2023Today I’ve visited staff at The Prince Charles Hospital and attended the accreditation summation. Congratulations on a successful assessment and thank you for all your hard work.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
17 November 2023Metro North COO, Jane Hancock, provides an update on Kallangur Satellite HospitalRead more >Message from the Executive Director Research
17 November 2023Metro North Research is committed to creating a supportive environment for research impact through the creation of, and rapid translation of knowledge. The Metro North Health SWIFT (Supporting Wonderful Ideas ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
13 November 2023Over the previous two weeks, we have seen an uptick in COVID 19 cases. This has been reflected in the associated emergency department presentations and hospitalisations for COVID-19 and is ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
10 November 2023Monday is International Kindness Day. While kindness isn’t technically one of our Metro North values, I think the sentiment underpins our other values. Being kind, whether it’s doing an act ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
10 November 2023Metro North will soon open the second of our three satellite hospitals. Kallangur Satellite Hospital will begin accepting patients from 11 December.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and Chief People and Culture Officer
10 November 2023As you were aware we were targeting go-live of the IWFM electronic rostering solution for our nursing and midwifery cohort at our health service on Monday 13 November, following approval ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director Research
10 November 2023Metro North Research is committed to developing integrated research career pathways that will allow us to retain, train and attract a world class research active workforce. As part of this ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Clinical Governance
10 November 2023The Metro North Health Clinical Governance Framework was endorsed by the Board in September 2023. Clinical Governance aims to ensure that all staff within Metro North Health are accountable for ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Sustainable Assets and Infrastructure
10 November 2023In celebration of National Recycling Week 2023 (13-19 November), the Metro North Environment and Waste team is launching a user-friendly app to support Metro North’s Sustainability Strategy as a way ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
6 November 2023The Board met at Caboolture Hospital on 31 October. The Board meeting coincided with the final day of the hospital’s 30th birthday celebrations. The cutting of the birthday cakes was ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
3 November 2023Last night we celebrated the Metro North Research Excellence Awards. Congratulations to the winners and highly commended researchers.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
3 November 2023After a robust recruitment process, I am pleased to let you know that Karlene Willcocks has been appointed as Executive Director of Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health ...Read more >
October 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
27 October 2023This week I had the pleasure of visiting Brighton Health Campus on Monday for a Listening Post. Thank you for all the staff who came to have a chat, it ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
27 October 2023I’m pleased to let you know that Dale Dally-Watkins has been recruited to the Executive Director Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS).Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
27 October 2023From 1 January 2024 all Australian doctors (except interns and PGY2 doctors who are participating in a structured program) are required to comply with the new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) registration standard. ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer | Workforce Reform Roadshows
27 October 2023You may have seen last week an announcement about paid discretionary special leave for employees requiring additional support after the referendum. Queensland Health has now provided details on how to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
27 October 2023I would like to take the opportunity in this update to introduce several new members of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office team and update you all on the work ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Strategy, Planning, Assets and Infrastructure, and Strategic Developments
27 October 2023October 2023 provides an opportunity for all of us to recognise the contribution of all our Operational Services staff. I want to shout out to the entire BEMS team across ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
20 October 2023Nominations are now open for the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. The awards gala dinner will be held on Friday 15 December. Metro North Health has thousands of dedicated, determined ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
13 October 2023Tomorrow Australia will vote in the referendum about whether to establish an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Regardless of how you choose to vote, I encourage you ...Read more >Message from the A/Chief Allied Health Practitioner
13 October 2023Do you have an idea for multicultural health initiative, or know of one already underway in your area? If so, we want to hear about it.Read more >Message from the Chief Digital Health Officer
13 October 2023Generative artificial intelligence (AI) emerged this year as the most rapidly adopted technology in history. Tools like ChatGTP and Google Bard are publicly available systems that process large amounts of ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive | 2023 Research Excellence Awards – Finalists
11 October 2023Metro North Health is home to hundreds of dedicated and determined world-class researchers who are working hard to improve patient outcomes, combat disease and advance clinical practice. For this year’s ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
6 October 2023This morning I had the pleasure of opening the Statewide Food Services Workshop at Herston. This annual event was an opportunity for delegates from both public and private sectors across ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
6 October 2023This morning I had the pleasure of opening the Statewide Food Services Workshop at Herston. This annual event was an opportunity for delegates from both public and private sectors across ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer | Workforce Reform Roadshows
5 October 2023Today we start hosting Workforce Reform Roadshows across the health service for staff to hear about how our health service plans to address workload demands and global shortages of healthcare ...Read more >Message from the CE and ED A&TSIH | The Voice Referendum
4 October 2023On Saturday, 14 October 2023, Australians will have their say in a referendum about whether to change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing a body ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
3 October 2023The Metro North Hospital and Health Board met at the Nundah Community Health Centre on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The Metro North Clinical Governance Framework was endorsed.Read more >
September 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
29 September 2023It is with great sadness that I share that Greg College, the General Manager of our Business Advisory and Commercial Services recently passed away. Greg was a long standing and loyal ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
22 September 2023In the Messages in a Bottle received through the survey, there have been a number of comments showing improvements in how we respond to flexible working arrangement requests.Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
22 September 2023National Safe Work Month (October) is here an opportunity to celebrate all things Health and Safety with this year’s activities supported by Metro North and Queensland Health.Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
15 September 2023As you know yesterday was R U OK? Day. This year’s theme “Here to Hear” reminded us to observe and really listen to what the people are saying, doing and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
14 September 2023Today is R U OK? Day and this year the theme is “I’m Here to Hear”. R U OK? Day is a wonderful initiative, creating an opportunity and environment to ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
13 September 2023Following on from this week’s earlier email from the Department of Health’s Chief Human Resources Officer, I would like to remind staff that consultation is currently open around the COVID-19 ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
8 September 2023Yesterday the Metro North senior executive team (SET) held our monthly meeting at TPCH and took the opportunity to meet with staff and listen to your thoughts and ideas. Thank ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
8 September 2023This week we recognise national ‘R U OK DAY?’ on Thursday September 14. This year’s theme “Here to Hear” reminds us to observe and really listen to what the people ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
8 September 2023August was Multicultural Month. Thank you to all who made an effort to recognise diversity throughout our service. Focused months, like August, remind us to consider the diversity of our ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
6 September 2023The Board met on 29 August 2023 with a major focus being the Have Your Say staff engagement survey. The Board was provided with a report of the major themes ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
1 September 2023This week the Prime Minister announced that the Voice to Parliament referendum will be held on Saturday 14 October. No matter what your view is, it is important to be ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
1 September 2023R U Ok? Day falls on Thursday 14 September this year and will be recognised across Metro North in several ways, including morning tea events. This is a national day ...Read more >
August 2023
Message from the Executive Director Research
29 August 2023The Metro North Research Excellence Awards are our annual opportunity to celebrate the achievements of researchers across our health service.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
25 August 2023On Wednesday, I was thrilled to visit the Caboolture Satellite Hospital. The wonderful staff provided a tour of the facility, and it was fantastic to see many years of strategic ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
18 August 2023Thanks to Jane Hancock and Tami Photinos for their leadership over the past five weeks while I have been on leave. As Jane mentioned recently, the Have Your Say staff ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
18 August 2023Metro North has recently launched a new Medical Leadership Intensive Program, to enhance the leadership skills of senior medical staff across the organisation.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
17 August 2023Over the past 8 weeks, the Department of Health has been working with both Metro North Health and Metro South Health on an impact assessment considering the temporary location options ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
11 August 2023This is my last message as Acting Health Service Chief Executive – Jackie will return to work after her break next Thursday 17 August. I would like to acknowledge and ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
11 August 2023Metro North Health People & Culture (P&C) team is seeking expressions of interest from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and allies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
11 August 2023I would like to thank all those who presented and participated at the combined Metro North/ Metro South Allied Health Research Symposium last Wednesday. It was the second year of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Research
11 August 2023Metro North Research is committed to developing integrated research career pathways that will allow us to retain, train and attract a world class research active workforce. As part of this ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
9 August 2023Over the previous four weeks, we have seen a decreasing number of people attending and being admitted to our services with acute respiratory illnesses, especially influenza.Read more >Message from the Board Chair and Acting Chief Executive
9 August 2023Research breakthroughs are driving innovation and improving healthcare across our health service every day. Metro North is home to hundreds of dedicated and determined world-class researchers who are working hard ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
4 August 2023This morning I represented Metro North at the Parliamentary Estimates hearing for the Health and Environment Committee. I had the opportunity to acknowledge the commitment of Metro North staff to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Sustainable Assets and Infrastructure
4 August 2023We are committed to making our health service greener for our staff, our patients, and our communities by making positive change to help us meet the Queensland Government’s emissions reduction ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
2 August 2023On 31 July, with Jane Hancock, Acting Chief Executive, I had the privilege of attending the opening of the Queensland’s first Satellite Hospital at Caboolture. The Premier, the Honourable Annastacia ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Operating Officer
1 August 2023Thank you again to everyone who participated in the staff engagement sessions as part of the spinal impact analysis. The project team collated all the feedback into a draft report ...Read more >
July 2023
Message from the Acting Chief Executive
28 July 2023Last week I talked about how the cycling teams in the Tour de France work together to achieve the daily and overall goals and the work that we do requires ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Operating Officer
28 July 2023Thank you to everyone who has warmly welcomed me into the Acting Chief Operating Officer role while Jane Hancock is Acting Chief Executive. It is always a great opportunity to ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
28 July 2023As you would be aware, salary packaging was implemented in 2001 across all Queensland Government agencies on the basis of a number of Government endorsed salary packaging principles. These principles ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
25 July 2023Over the past few weeks, we have been facilitating an impact analysis, focused on identifying the impacts of a temporary relocation of the Queensland Spinal Cord Injuries Service (QSCIS) to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Chief Executive
21 July 2023I am so pleased Jackie has been able to take some well-deserved time out and I am privileged to be acting as the Health Service Chief Executive over the coming ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
14 July 2023I am heading off on leave next week for a month while my family celebrates some important milestones. Jane Hancock will be the Acting Chief Executive while I’m away and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
14 July 2023Corporate Crew is a social identity lead by staff, for staff who work within Metro North’s Corporate Business Units. Our events put Metro North values into action and support a ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
10 July 2023We have come to the end of the first week of staff engagement sessions at STARS as part of the impact analysis of the potential temporary relocation of Queensland Spinal ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
7 July 2023We have ended the 22/23 financial year with a very strong performance on many levels which is a testament to our staff who have remained focused on ensuring our people ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
7 July 2023In a year the portal has received more than 1,000 submissions acknowledging and thanking colleagues and teams who embody our organisational values – colleagues who are a positive influence, who ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and ED, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health
3 July 2023Happy NAIDOC Week 2023 (2-9 July)! National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year (Sunday to Sunday), to celebrate and recognise the ...Read more >
June 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
30 June 2023Tomorrow is 1 July, which means it’s the first day we could receive our 24 hour notification for short notice accreditation assessment.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
30 June 2023Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health (ED CKW) has advised me that she will be leaving Metro North Health for another opportunity from 2 ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
30 June 2023As part of Queensland Health’s commitment to providing safe, clinically appropriate patient centred care for spinal cord injuries, a review is underway of the current infrastructure, patient care and capacity ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
28 June 2023We are continuing to see increasing numbers of people attending and being admitted to our services with acute respiratory illnesses, especially influenza.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
23 June 2023The Chief Health Officer has announced the Queensland Health COVID traffic light system will end today. COVID will now be monitored like other diseases.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and Executive Director Research
23 June 2023The inaugural Clinician Researcher Training Pathway (CRTP) brings together The University of Queensland and Metro North Health to strengthen Australian clinical research through the identification, training, and support of our ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
16 June 2023The Have Your Say survey is coming to a close. If you haven’t completed the survey but would like to share your thoughts, please take 15 or so minutes in ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
16 June 2023On Wednesday 14 June, I finally had the wonderful opportunity to announce the winners of this year’s Nursing and Midwifery Awards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director Research
16 June 2023I am thrilled to present to you the 2022 Metro North Health Research Snapshot Report.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
12 June 2023Caboolture Satellite HospitalRead more >Message from the Chief Executive
9 June 2023Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete the Have Your Say staff survey. We have had almost 8700 staff participate so far.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
2 June 2023I have enjoyed participating in events across Metro North this week to celebrate National Reconciliation Week.Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
2 June 2023Are you wearing crazy socks today? This morning I put on my superhero socks for Crazy Socks 4 Docs Day. It’s an annual event raising awareness about mental health of ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director, Clinical Services
2 June 2023The Metro North Medicine Stream, in partnership with the Health Service Strategy and Planning unit, is developing a new Palliative Care Service Line Plan 2023-2028.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
2 June 2023Winter is well and truly upon us! Please ensure that you look after yourselves first and foremost as a healthy workforce is the only way we are going to be ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
2 June 2023If you haven’t already completed the Have Your Say (BPA) Survey, I would encourage you to do so. It is important that we get the highest possible response so that ...Read more >
May 2023
Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer | Acute respiratory illness response
30 May 2023We are seeing an increase in people presenting to our emergency departments or being admitted to our hospitals or virtual ward with influenza, COVID-19, RSV and other acute respiratory illnesses. ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
26 May 2023Today is Sorry Day, acknowledging the trauma, resilience and strength of Stolen Generation Survivors and their families. It is a day of reflection and sadness.Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
26 May 20232022-23 end-of-financial-year payroll informationRead more >Message from the Chief Executive
19 May 2023Today you will receive an email inviting you to participate in the 2023 Have your Say staff survey.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
15 May 2023We are seeing an increase in people presenting to our emergency departments or being admitted to our hospitals or virtual ward with influenza, COVID-19, RSV and other acute respiratory illnesses.Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
15 May 2023One of the responsibilities I have in my very diverse and enjoyable portfolio as the Chief Operating Officer is the Satellite Hospitals Project.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
12 May 2023Today we celebrate International Nurses Day, which recognises the critical role nurses play in delivering high quality compassionate care every day. Nurses make up nearly half of our workforce and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
12 May 2023Today we celebrate International Nurses Day, which recognises the critical role nurses play in delivering high quality compassionate care every day. Nurses make up nearly half of our workforce and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
5 May 2023Today we celebrate both Administrative Professionals Day and International Day of the Midwife. Across Metro North there are various celebrations and recognition activities happening to acknowledge the integral work of ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
5 May 2023Happy International Day of the Midwife! 35 years ago this month I finished my midwifery training at the Royal Women’s Hospital! It is hard to believe it was so ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
5 May 2023I’d like to provide you with an update on the status of Queensland Health’s enterprise bargaining agreements.Read more >Message from the Board Chair
2 May 2023One of the highlights of the last couple of years has been the development and finalisation of the Metro North Health Equity Strategy, based upon the principle that we need ...Read more >
April 2023
Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer and Acting Chief Digital Health Officer
28 April 2023Working in the Queensland public sector, we all have a responsibility to uphold privacy rights, and protect and respect personal information. Rapidly changing technology has an impact on people’s personal ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
28 April 2023Metro North Health is developing our first Disability Service Plan 2024 – 2029.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
21 April 2023We have already seen quite a few cases of influenza in our region this year. Next week our free staff flu vaccination program will start and I strongly encourage you ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
21 April 2023It has been a while since I did a communications piece by way of a Nursing & Midwifery Executive update. It has been a busy time for all of us ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
14 April 2023You might have seen the Director-General’s message last week about how Queensland Health performs compared to other states, according to data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
14 April 2023Consultation is now open for the proposed Medical Officers’ (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No 6) 2022 (MOCA6).Read more >Message from the Executive Director Clinical Governance, Safety, Quality and Risk
14 April 2023Thank you to everyone who tuned in to the vidcasts that Jackie Hanson and I presented on Thursday 30 March and today.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
6 April 2023Last week’s Listening Post at Sandgate Dental Clinic was a great opportunity to chat with Oral Health staff and hear your ideas, challenges and feedback. Thank you to those who ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
6 April 2023Clinical Assistants play an important role in the lives of patients at Metro North by supporting the day to day clinical care they receive from Allied Health practitioners.Read more >
March 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
31 March 2023Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This is an annual day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of transgender and gender-expansive people and taking a stand against the discrimination and ...Read more >Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner
31 March 2023Over the last five years I have had the privilege to oversee (with a lot of help from many of you) the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
30 March 2023On Tuesday 28 March, Chief People and Culture Officer Kristal Lowe and John Bartholomew, Senior Director Health and Safety, presented to the Board on the framework and action plan to ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
24 March 2023A big shout out to Corporate Business Services staff across Metro North. The first Corporate Business Services awards were held this week. While our core business is to deliver care ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
24 March 2023Yesterday I had the pleasure of hosting the inaugural Corporate Business Services Awards ceremony. Approximately 100 CBS Staff attended, along with Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and Chief Medical Officer ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Clinical Governance, Safety, Quality and Risk
24 March 2023A reminder that it is only 99 days until July 1, the date that Metro North is moving to the new short notice accreditation assessment model.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
17 March 2023It was great to attend Caboolture Hospital this week with our Chief Operating Officer Jane Hancock and hear about the interactive commissioning plans for the new buildings. I’d like to ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
17 March 2023Do you remember the 2021 Have Your Say staff survey? The 2nd cycle of Have Your Say was held in 2021 and we need to tell you about some of ...Read more >Message from the CE, ED A&TSIH and CNMO – National Close the Gap Day
16 March 2023Today is National Close the Gap Day, an important opportunity to reflect on our role in closing the health gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
10 March 2023One of the things we’ve tried to instil as part of Values in Action is that everyone should feel safe to bring their whole selves to work and be treated ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
10 March 2023I’d like to announce the finalists for the Corporate Business Services Awards 2023.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive – International Women’s Day
8 March 2023Today Metro North Health celebrates International Women’s Day. Every year on 8 March, we take some time to reflect on how far we’ve come towards gender equality and also how ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
3 March 2023With global travel back on track, we are seeing more researchers able to travel to participate in clinical trials research. Metro North has an excellent track record of clinical trials ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Clinical Governance, Safety, Quality and Risk
3 March 2023As many of you will be already aware, from 1 July this year, Metro North is moving to the new short notice assessment model which is being implemented across all ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
3 March 2023The Metro North Hospital and Health Service Board met at Redcliffe Hospital on 28 February. As is now customary, Board members and Jackie Hanson and Jane Hancock welcomed some consumers ...Read more >
February 2023
Message from the Chief Executive
24 February 2023This week the Director-General Shaun Drummond and I visited the Herston Imaging Research Facility (HIRF) to see some of the research and new equipment in action. HIRF is a highly ...Read more >Message from the A/Chief Digital Health Officer
24 February 2023In the past six months you may have noticed cyber attacks have been on the rise. Queensland Health and Metro North are targets for cyber threats with cyber criminals ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
17 February 2023This year I want to recognise the contribution Corporate Business Services makes to Metro North. We will be having our inaugural CBS Awards in March and I ask you ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
17 February 2023We started the week marking the 15th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations. I was honoured to participate in a ceremony at Caboolture Hospital where Uncle Alan ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and ED Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health
13 February 2023Today, February 13, we recognise the 15-year anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
10 February 2023Today I visited the site of the future Bribie Island satellite hospital to mark the start of construction. Metro North will manage three of the state’s seven satellite hospitals, with ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
3 February 2023Metro North is a leader in many aspects of healthcare including our innovation and research. I thoroughly enjoyed attending this week’s showcase of innovative custom made medical devices with BellaSeno ...Read more >Message from the Chief Operating Officer
3 February 2023As you’re aware, we will soon begin the recruitment process for the Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital. I have asked Louise O’Riordan to act in the position for the next few ...Read more >Message from the Board Chair
3 February 2023Welcome to 2023. A new year heralds new opportunities!Read more >
January 2023
Message from the Chief Operating Officer – Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
27 January 2023We have completed recruitment for the Executive Director Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and I’m pleased to announce Louise Oriti has been successful in the role.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive and ED Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health
25 January 2023Metro North pays its respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Traditional Custodians of this country. We acknowledge spiritual connection to Country and pay our respect to elders past ...Read more >Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer
20 January 2023After the festive season and with the cost of living increases, I wanted to let people know about support for people with financial concerns. Financial stress can have a big ...Read more >Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer
20 January 2023The inaugural Corporate Business Service Awards (CBS Awards) will be held on Thursday 23 March.Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
20 January 2023This week I spent some time working in the food services department at TPCH. Despite how busy the work environment is, the staff were very engaged and helpful.Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
18 January 2023Following today’s announcement that Queensland is moving to GREEN (baseline) in the COVID-19 traffic light system, Metro North’s Acute Respiratory Plan has been stood down to Tier 0 (BAU). ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
18 January 2023We have received notification of a shift from AMBER to GREEN in the COVID-19 traffic light system in Queensland, due to decreasing community transmission and hospitalisations for COVID-19. This will ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
13 January 2023Did you know RBWH produces the equivalent amount of waste as a small town? I had no appreciation for the amount of waste our RBWH waste management team deals with ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
13 January 2023The current COVID-19 wave is just starting to decline with the number of presentations to our Virtual Ward and Emergency Departments and requiring our care beginning to settle. There ...Read more >Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer
13 January 2023Happy New Year! I trust that everyone had a happy festive season and had an opportunity to spend time with family and loved ones. To those of you who worked, ...Read more >Message from the Chief Executive
6 January 2023The next two weeks are likely to be very busy as people’s usual community healthcare services might be closed. To help manage demand, next week we’re launching a 12 days ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
3 January 2023Metro North Health is committing to improve gender equality in medical professions. We want every medical professional to have the support and opportunities to achieve greatness, regardless of their gender. ...Read more >Message from the Chief Medical Officer
1 January 2023Today the Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 comes into effect. This means from today patients may ask questions about or initiate a request for voluntary assisted dying (VAD).Read more >