Staff News
Redcliffe Hospital
Staff Update
Staff News
Redcliffe Hospital
Staff Update
December 2026
November 2026
October 2026
September 2026
August 2026
July 2026
June 2026
May 2026
April 2026
March 2026
February 2026
January 2026
December 2025
November 2025
October 2025
September 2025
August 2025
July 2025
June 2025
May 2025
April 2025
March 2025
- 21 March 2025|The fourth bi-annual Metro North Have Your Say Survey will open on 12 May. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and let us know what’s working well and where we can do better as an employer. Your feedback is important and leads to meaningful change. A few weeks ago, I shared actions that had been taken to make our workplaces safer and healthier following feedback from the 2023 survey. Today, I’m pleased to share the ‘advancing our staff’ initiatives which were introduced in response to your feedback and suggestions.
- 20 March 2025|You may be aware of some recent commentary about the Redcliffe Hospital Expansion Project.
- 14 March 2025|I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone in our hospital community for the way that they worked together to prepare for and respond to ex-TC Alfred.
February 2025
- 28 February 2025|You may be aware of some recent speculation about the Redcliffe Hosptial expansion project. I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure you that the Independent Review is ongoing and there has been no advice regarding changes to the project and no decision on the culturally significant scar tree.
- 21 February 2025|Earlier this week, Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson hosted the second strategic plan pop-up session at Redcliffe Hospital.
- 13 February 2025|Today marks 17-years since Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised on behalf of the nation for past laws, policies and practices that have impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly members of the Stolen Generations and their descendants.
- 14 February 2025|Yesterday, more than 80 staff from across Redcliffe Hospital came together for a workshop to plan our future workforce.
- 10 February 2025 |We made some temporary changes to orthopaedic services at Redcliffe Hospital last week. This means acute adult orthopaedic patients from Caboolture and Kilcoy hospitals will divert to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital until further notice.
- 5 February 2025|From 9am on Thursday 6 February, there will be some changes to orthopaedic services at Redcliffe Hospital due to workforce shortages. These changes are necessary to meet patient care needs and support patient safety.
January 2025
- 31 January 2025|Earlier this afternoon, Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and Acting Executive Director for Strategy and Planning, Fiona Brewin-Brown were onsite hearing from staff about the Metro North Strategic Plan 2024-28.
- 24 January 2025|As Australia’s largest health service, it takes considerable planning to ensure Metro North facilities achieve excellent patient outcomes and provide workplaces that support and nurture people to be their best.
- 17 January 2025|We may already be halfway through January, but as my first message for 2025 I’d like to wish you all Happy New Year! I hope those who had a break over the festive season enjoyed some rest and relaxation with loved ones.
December 2024
- 23 December 2024|This will be my final message of 2024. While I know many of our staff have already started leave and are enjoying time off with friends and family, I would like to say thank you to those who are working over the holiday period to care for the patients who are spending this Christmas in hospital. Your hard work and commitment are greatly appreciated.
- 19 December 2024|To celebrate the season, 15 wards and work areas participated in this year’s Christmas decorating competition.
- 13 December 2024|Yesterday, Dr Josh Hatton and Dr Amber Winter hosted the annual Redcliffe Hospital Medical Awards. There were 37 nominations across all categories this year, with each recognising excellence in patient care and leadership.
- 6 December 2024|This week, Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and her Senior Executive Team colleagues spent a few days at Redcliffe Hospital.
November 2024
- 29 November 2024 |Last Friday night, more than 600 staff from across Metro North came together for the Staff Excellence Awards at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
- 22 November 2024|Yesterday, staff from across Redcliffe Hospital came together for the 3rd Annual Nursing and Midwifery Research Spotlight.
- 15 November 2024 |Yesterday, we welcomed the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, The Honourable Tim Nicholls and Member of Parliament for Redcliffe, Kerri-Anne Dooley to Redcliffe Hospital, along with the Metro North Board Chair and Chief Executive.
- 8 November 2024|As you’d be aware, following the recent State Election and change of government, the Honourable Tim Nicholls MP has been appointed Minster for Health and Ambulance Services and Dr David Rosengren Director-General of Queensland Health. The Queensland Health team have released a video message from the Minister and Director-General where they talk about the new government’s Easier Access to Health Services Plan and their commitment to providing real-time health data for the community. You can watch the video here.
- 1 November 2024|While the calendar has now ticked over toNovember, I’d like to reflect on October as BreastCancer Awareness Month. This is a disease thatclaims more than 3,300 Australian lives eachyear. Here at Redcliffe Hospital, we have a teamof breast care nurses who support patients at allstages of their journey, from prevention and earlydetection through to treatment and managingrecurring, residual and metastatic disease. Ourteam includes Ruby McGuire and Melanie Dunn(pictured), along with Craig Lewis and BronwynJones. Thank you to the team for all that you doto support patients through what is an incrediblychallenging time in their lives.
October 2024
- 25 October 2024|As the festive season and summer holidays approach, some of you may be planning to take a well-earned break to relax with loved ones. if this is you and you’re paying for car parking through salary sacrifice, remember to pause your payments before the cut-off dates provided by RemServ and Queensland Health payroll.
- 18 October 2024|The Queensland State Election is taking place on Saturday 26 October, with pre-poll voting now underway. Please refer to this week’s staff bulletin or visit the Electoral Commission of Queensland website for more information.
- 11 October 2024|Occupational Violence (OV) is one of the leading work-related incidents reported by Metro North staff, including here at Redcliffe Hospital. None of us should accept OV as ‘part of the job’, irrespective of the intent for harm.
- 4 October 2024|Next week is Queensland Mental Health Week, which encourages us all to think about mental health and wellbeing. As part of this, I’m pleased to announce that the Shatter the Stigma program will soon launch at Redcliffe Hospital.
September 2024
- 27 September 2024|As part of the Redcliffe Hospital Expansion, we are set to welcome around 3000 new colleagues to our workforce in the coming years.
- 20 September 2024|This week members of the Redcliffe Executive Leadership team and I had the opportunity to meet with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Executive Leadership Team to share our lessons learnt from the ieMR roll out at Redcliffe Hospital.
- 13 September 2024|Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to meet with members of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. This was a chance for me to affirm our commitment to health equity and announce that we would be creating a Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health position here at Redcliffe Hospital.
- 6 September 2024|Occupational Violence Prevention (OVP) is a Redcliffe Hospital and Metro North-wide key priority, committed to reducing the potential for physical injury and psychological harm.
August 2024
- 30 August 2024|I wanted to start with a heartfelt thank you for the hard work and support for colleagues during another busy week. I know it is greatly appreciated by our community.
- 23 August 2024 |The hospital remains on a sustained Tier 3 as we concentrate on responding to the continuing high level of patient demand.
- 9 August 2024 |Redcliffe Hospital progressed to Tier 3 internal capacity on Sunday 3 August. We remain on Tier 3 today. I wanted to share some statistics that highlight the hard work of our staff.
- 02 August 2024|As always, it’s been another busy week at Redcliffe Hospital. Your hard work does not go unnoticed, so thank you to everyone for your consistent efforts.
July 2024
- 26 July 2024|Not many weeks start like this. On Monday morning, we welcomed the Director-General of Queensland Health, Michael Walsh, to Redcliffe Hospital to inspect our facilities and meet with health workers and clinicians.
- 19 July 2024|Thank you to all who attended the Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards on Wednesday. This year, we received 67 nominations – in some cases, staff were nominated at least twice by their peers.
- 18 July 2024|I’m pleased to announce the winners for this year’s Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards.
- 12 July 2024|Redcliffe Hospital celebrated NAIDOC Week on Wednesday with yarning circles and cultural activities including seedpod painting, gumnut craft and dilly bag weaving. There were fried scones with golden syrup, damper, and curry to share.
- 11 July 2024 |I’m pleased to announce the nominees for this year’s Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards.
- 05 July 2024|This is a significant milestone for our hospital and sets the benchmark for the ieMR roll out across the rest of the Metro North hospitals. Congratulations for an incredibly successful roll out to all Redcliffe staff and to our Metro North Digital team.
- 1 July 2024|Whilst Metro North is at Acute Respiratory Illness Response Plan Tier 1 Redcliffe Hospital is currently experiencing increased admissions of patients with COVID & Influenza.
June 2024
- 28 June 2024|Redcliffe Hospital is well on its way to become digital!
- 25 June 2024|ieMR goes live at Redcliffe Hospital tomorrow. As a small thank you to everyone who has completed their ieMR training, and to those on the front line of our digital transition, we’re shouting hospital staff 3,000 free coffees.
- 21 June 2024|ieMR will go live at Redcliffe Hospital next Wednesday.
- 14 June 2024|It’s been a big week at Redcliffe Hospital for a range of reasons. Things have definitely stepped up in tempo, as I’m sure everyone has noticed.
- 10 June 2024|As you may have seen, over the weekend, Redcliffe Hospital received some media coverage regarding our maternity service.
- 7 June 2024|Let me start this message by thanking everyone who got involved with our Reconciliation Week activities.
May 2024
Message from the Executive Director
31 May 2024Redcliffe Hospital has taken an important step in building trust and a stronger relationship with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community by becoming the first hospital within Metro North ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director | Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards
28 May 2024Celebrating success is an integral part of the Redcliffe Hospital’s People Plan, which is why I’m so pleased to announce that nominations are now open for this year’s Redcliffe Hospital ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
27 May 2024In my last message, I mentioned a new program to make hospital leaders more accountable, visible and accessible. It’s called the Visible Leaders Program, and it began this week.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 May 2024Right now, Redcliffe Hospital is making some big changes that will impact the way the hospital cares for patients for many years to come.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
20 May 2024The Redcliffe Hospital Expansion is one of our biggest priorities, and getting the planning right is one of our most important challenges.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 May 2024The Have Your Say Staff Survey showed us that we need to make hospital leaders more accessible – and it’s one of my top priorities for the year ahead.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 May 2024As I get to know Redcliffe better, I’ve been watching how different teams work together. Teamwork is one of our Metro North Health values.Read more >
April 2024
Message from the Executive Director
26 April 2024In my last message, I mentioned a new program to make hospital leaders more accountable, visible and accessible. It’s called the Visible Leaders Program, and it began this week.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 April 2024One of the things that I’m most proud of during my time as Acting Executive Director has been the launch of I am Redcliffe and our new Agreed Behaviours.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
5 April 2024One of the things that I’m most proud of during my time as Acting Executive Director has been the launch of I am Redcliffe and our new Agreed Behaviours.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
2 April 2024A little over four years ago, we launched #IamRedcliffe. A lot has happened since 2019, when those 12 original Agreed Behaviours were first written.Read more >
March 2024
Message from the Acting Executive Director
22 March 2024After the Easter long weekend, Redcliffe Hospital will welcome our new Executive Director, Cang Dang. Metro North Health’s Chief Operating Officer, Jane Hancock, announced the appointment earlier this month ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
18 March 2024There’s always a lot happening at Redcliffe Hospital, but next Monday will be bigger than usual.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 March 2024There’s always a lot happening at Redcliffe Hospital, but next Monday will be bigger than usual.Read more >
February 2024
Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 February 2024ieMR will go live at Redcliffe Hospital in May, and we will be ready. Thank you to everyone who has been working to make this transition a smoother one, and ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
19 February 2024As we move ahead toward the rollout of ieMR, it’s a good time for us to take a look at how we use and record patient information.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
9 February 2024Redcliffe Hospital and Metro North Health are committed to preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment. Last week, Chief Executive Jackie Hanson emailed everyone about our new Sexual Harassment Policy, ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
2 February 2024This week, we celebrated the career and contribution to Redcliffe Hospital of one of our most respected medical officers, Dr Catherine Yelland PSM.Read more >
January 2024
Message from the Acting Executive Director
25 January 2024After this week, I’ll step back to my usual role as Medical Director of Critical Care, Women’s and Children’s Service Line. I have an enhanced appreciation of the amazing work ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
19 January 2024It’s a pleasure to be acting as Executive Director of Redcliffe Hospital while Louise is in at Metro North. For those of you who don’t know me, I have been ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
12 January 2024I hope everyone had a lovely holiday period and, for those who were able to take some time off, I hope you’re starting the year recharged and relaxed. For those ...Read more >
December 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
22 December 2023Redcliffe Hospital and Metro North Health have stepped up to Tier 2 of our Acute Respiratory Illness Response Plan due to the increase in COVID-19 and other acute respiratory illnesses ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 December 2023Congratulations to this year’s successful applicants for Raise it for Redcliffe Wishlist Grants. This year, eight projects will share in a total funding pool of $22,500.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 December 2023The countdown is on to the end of the year, and in the ZEN Den, the Staff Wellness Working Group have launched their latest initiative, the staff wellness Advent calendar.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 December 2023The countdown is on to the end of the year, and in the ZEN Den, the Staff Wellness Working Group have launched their latest initiative, the staff wellness Advent calendar.Read more >
November 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
24 November 2023We kicked off our Christmas calendar of events at Redcliffe this week with our annual Volunteers Christmas Lunch. We’re fortunate at Redcliffe to be supported by a community of 85 ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
17 November 2023In response to the current levels of COVID-19 in our community, Redcliffe and Metro North have moved to Tier One of our Acute Respiratory Plan.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
10 November 2023We received some more encouraging results this week with the release of the AMA’s Resident Hospital Health Check. The AMA’s Resident Hospital Health Check surveys interns, junior, and senior house officers ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director | Wishlist Grants 2023
9 November 2023We’re pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2023 round of Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital’s Wishlist Grants.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
3 November 2023Redcliffe Hospital has launched its Reconciliation Action Plan with a celebration of community, stories, and dance that acknowledged the past, celebrated the present, and inspired the future.Read more >
October 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 October 2023I’m pleased to share the news that Redcliffe Hospital has been recommended for ongoing ACHS accreditation. This is a fantastic outcome for the hospital and a very proud moment for ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
20 October 2023Redcliffe Hospital welcomes short-notice accreditation and we’ll have ACHS assessors with us from 8am next Tuesday. Accreditation is not something we should feel anxious about.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
18 October 2023Thanks to the hard work of hospital staff and the generosity of our local community, Raise it for Redcliffe’s Giving Day last Thursday raised over $208,000. Giving Day is the ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
13 October 2023Throughout October, across all Metro North facilities, we’re celebrating the work of our Operational Services staff. Operational Services include our patient support officers, cleaners, porters, security, food services, gardeners and ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
6 October 2023As health workers and professionals, we’re all committed to providing safe and quality care every day. As part of that commitment, we all need to be following the Metro North ...Read more >
September 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
22 September 2023You may have seen some media reports this week concerning a nationwide cluster of Listeria. Our infection prevention and food services teams have worked closely with the Public Health Unit ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 September 2023At this month’s orientation, we welcomed new starters to the hospital team, including those who joined both nursing and operational teams.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 September 2023Last week, I was celebrating the arrival of spring. This week, with winter officially over, we’ve now also stepped down to Tier Zero in our Acute Respiratory Illness Response across ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 September 2023It’s the first day of spring – which means it’s just 16 weeks until Christmas. There’s still plenty of 2023 left though, and here are some of the events we’ve ...Read more >
August 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
29 August 2023We presented the 2023 Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards on Monday afternoon with the help of Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and Metro North Board Members Bonny Barry and ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
25 August 2023We had some great fun this week, thanks to our REDDY Fun & Fitness team, with our second Redcliffe Hospital ping pong tournament.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
18 August 2023More than 60 nominations were received for this year’s Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards. Thank you to everyone who took the time to submit nominations across the eight different award ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
11 August 2023We had the encouraging news this week that Metro North Health has now stood down to Tier 1 in our Acute Respiratory Illness Response Plan.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
4 August 2023In my last message, I talked about how crucial good hand hygiene is to providing safe and quality care. This week, I’d like us to focus on our patient identification ...Read more >
July 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
28 July 2023I am pleased to announce that we have recently appointed a new Director of Finance for Redcliffe Hospital, Akhil Kapoor, who will commence with us on 21 August 2023. ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 July 2023Our public health and infection prevention teams have been doing a great job this week in responding to that positive measles case in our local community.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
14 July 2023I had the opportunity recently to walk through the new Caboolture Satellite Hospital. When it opens in a few weeks, the satellite hospital will include a minor injury and illness ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
7 July 2023Today is the second last day of National NAIDOC Week, and I’ve enjoyed celebrating with the Redcliffe Hospital community.Read more >
June 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 June 2023The Queensland Premier, Health Minister and Attorney-General joined us on Wednesday to celebrate the opening of our new paediatric emergency department section.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
16 June 2023Our #IamRedcliffe Staff BBQ was a great way to start the week. Thanks again to our Facility Services and operational teams for arranging the BBQ – and to QSuper for ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
9 June 2023The emergency department upgrade and new paediatric section will become operational on Wednesday, 21 June.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
2 June 2023Redcliffe Hospital is now on tier one of our Acute Respiratory Illness response plan.Read more >
May 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
26 May 2023The Have Your Say Staff Survey opened last Friday. Thank you to the more than 375 Redcliffe staff who have already had their say.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
19 May 2023Wet and cold weather this week did nothing to dampen the goodwill and spirit of our Health Equity Workshop. Initially planned for the Scarborough foreshore, hospital and community representatives met ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
12 May 2023Today’s award ceremony in the Education Centre was the highlight of our celebrations for International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
5 May 2023Our staff flu vaccination campaign is going well, with nearly 40% of the hospital workforce vaccinated so far. Thanks to everyone who has rolled up their sleeves to protect themselves, ...Read more >
April 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
28 April 2023Our staff flu vaccination campaign is off to a great start. In just the first few days, more than 400 hospital staff have rolled up their sleeves for their free ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 April 2023After weeks of planning, the Deadly Feet program has been officially launched at Redcliffe Hospital. The program is a specialist outreach service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
6 April 2023Earlier this week, our Metro North Facebook page featured a great patient story about Aunty Linda in our Rehabilitation Unit.Read more >Message from the A/Executive Director and Clinical Council Chair
6 April 2023For many hospital staff, these last few days have been particularly difficult. Many teams were involved in responding to a challenging clinical event, while others are dealing with sad news ...Read more >
March 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
31 March 2023We’ve got some staff changes to talk about this week. I’m pleased to announce that, following an EOI process, Arlene Wagner will be the new Director of Ambulatory Care for ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
24 March 2023At Redcliffe, we’re always interested in feedback from our patients and consumers. This week, we received this message about a patient’s experience in our Emergency Department:Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
17 March 2023Redcliffe Hospital is committed to health equity and to closing the gap. As part of that commitment, our Cultural Capability Officer, Elwyn Henaway, led an online Yarning Circle this week ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
10 March 2023The Redcliffe Hospital Expansion was announced in the State Budget last year, and I know how eager everyone is to know more about how it will work and what it ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
3 March 2023Tuesday was a big day for Redcliffe Hospital. Along with hosting the Metro North Board, we held our first Health Equity workshop.Read more >
February 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 February 2023Few examples capture the #IamRedcliffe spirit better than the special effort of so many people at Redcliffe last weekend to support our ICU patient, Melissa.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 February 2023After nearly seven years, this will be my last message to you all as the Executive Director of Redcliffe Hospital. It has been a busy seven years, and I leave ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 February 2023Each year, Redcliffe Hospital welcomes dozens of junior doctors and graduate nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals to begin their careers in health care here with us.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 February 2023As many of you will have heard by now, I’ll be leaving Redcliffe Hospital later this month and starting a new role as the Executive Director of the Royal Brisbane ...Read more >
January 2023
Message from the Executive Director
19 January 2023I hope you’re having a good start to the new year. There are big things happening at Redcliffe Hospital this year and I wanted to let you know what some ...Read more >
December 2022
Message from the Acting Executive Director – Voluntary Assisted Dying
27 December 2022Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) legislation comes into effect this Sunday. Whatever your role here at Redcliffe Hospital, you must know your obligations under the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 December 2022We’ve had some very busy days this week, and throughout, I’ve seen some great examples of teams coming together to support each other.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 December 2022As we get closer to the end of the year, it’s certainly feeling a lot like Christmas at Redcliffe Hospital.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
13 December 2022Great news last Friday night, with all three of our Redcliffe Hospital finalists at the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards coming home as Highly Commended in their award categories.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 December 2022Nowadays, with everyone on social media, it’s not unusual for our hospital to be mentioned on local community groups and pages.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 December 2022It’s great when a plan comes together, and last Saturday in the ICU, we saw exactly that.Read more >
November 2022
Message from the Executive Director
25 November 2022We had some exciting news this week, with three Redcliffe Hospital finalists announced in this year’s Metro North Staff Excellence Awards. The finalists were announced on Tuesday by the Metro ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 November 2022We’ve done a good job this week in adjusting to this latest wave of COVID-19 infections in our community.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 November 2022Once again, we’ve adapted quickly and without fuss to the latest COVID-related changes. The changes that began this morning can best be described as business as usual, with masks.Read more >Message from the Executive Director | COVID-19 response update
10 November 2022As you’ve probably heard, Queensland has entered its fourth wave of COVID-19 infections. In response to this latest wave, all Metro North hospitals and facilities will be making some changes ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director | Raise it for Redcliffe Wishlist Grants
7 November 2022We’re pleased to announce that applications are now open for the latest round of Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital’s Wishlist Grants.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 November 2022As part of our business as usual approach to COVID-19, there have been some more changes this week that everyone needs to be aware of. These changes are explained fully ...Read more >
October 2022
Applications to Private Practice Trust Fund Advisory Committee (for next round of Research / Education grants) close 4 November 2022
31 October 2022The Redcliffe Hospital Private Practice Trust Fund Advisory Committee meets quarterly (February, May, August and November) and offers grants of up to $10,000 for projects with a research or education ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
28 October 2022I know it’s only the end of October, but planning and preparation are well underway for the happiest time of the year at Redcliffe Hospital. Returning to business as usual ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED, Redcliffe Hospital
21 October 2022I’m pleased to say that Redcliffe Hospital Giving Day was a huge success again this year.Read more >Message from the Acting ED, Redcliffe Hospital
13 October 2022Earlier this week, I was pleased to join our maternity team as we thanked the donors and contributors who have made our new Jacaranda Suite possible. The Jacaranda Suite is ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED, Redcliffe Hospital
7 October 2022Earlier this week, I was pleased to join our maternity team as we thanked the donors and contributors who have made our new Jacaranda Suite possible. The Jacaranda Suite is ...Read more >
September 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
30 September 2022We began the week with mentions in the media about the AMA’s Queensland Resident Hospital Health Check. The Health Check is an annual survey undertaken of 12 hospitals (including RBWH, ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital | Staff Excellence Awards
29 September 2022Earlier this week, we presented this year’s Redcliffe Hospital’s Staff Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
23 September 2022We marked two big milestones this week in our progression back to business as usual. After more than two years of activation, the hospital’s Emergency Operations Centre stood down this ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
15 September 2022We’ve heard a lot recently about how we’re all heading back to business as usual (BAU) after stepping back from our COVID and Influenza response. Speaking at our Managers Forum ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
2 September 2022Redcliffe Hospital has always enjoyed a strong connection with our local community. That connection is something we’re working hard to protect and maintain.Read more >
August 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
26 August 2022We’re now through the worst of the winter months. The number of COVID-positive patients we’re caring for has fallen, and they’re now being cared for in our single negative flow ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
19 August 2022We had some good news this week. After working our way through another COVID peak and flu season, we’ve now been able to move back to Tier 2 of our ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director and Clinical Council Chair
15 August 2022Redcliffe Hospital’s Clinical Council continues to play an essential and influential role in our hospital’s leadership. At this month’s meeting, there were several important changes that we’d like to share ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
12 August 2022We’re now well into the third year of our COVID-19 response and it continues to demand agility and flexibility from us all. It’s been a marathon effort, and we’re still ...Read more >
July 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
29 July 2022As you may have seen on the coffee cups at Zouki or from the cupcakes Barb Williams has been handing out – it’s DonateLife Week.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
22 July 2022Metro North Health and Redcliffe Hospital introduced some changes this week to further strengthen our Tier 3 COVID-19 and influenza response. As part of this, we’ll be postponing non-urgent planned ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
15 July 2022Today I attended a Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) presentation around emergency surgery. This presentation compared Redcliffe Hospital with others in Queensland Health. I was again struck by how ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
11 July 2022I’m pleased to announce that nominations are now open for this year’s Redcliffe Hospital Staff Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the ED Redcliffe Hospital | COVID-19 and Influenza Response Update
4 July 2022This afternoon Metro North and Redcliffe Hospital stood back up to a Tier 3 of our COVID-19 and Influenza Response Plan 2022. I encourage everyone to read this afternoon’s Health ...Read more >Message from the ED Redcliffe Hospital
1 July 2022Thank you to everyone who received their free flu vaccination and played their part in protecting themselves, each other, and our patients this winter.Read more >
June 2022
Message from the ED Redcliffe Hospital
24 June 2022We continue to work our way through a very busy period. Thank you to everyone working together to care for our patients and support each other.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
23 June 2022We’ve had some amazing news this week. The Queensland State Budget was delivered on Tuesday, and it included a considerable investment in hospitals and healthcare across Queensland.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
10 June 2022This week, we’re making another big and positive change around our COVID-19 response.Read more >Message from the Executive Director and Director of Nursing and Midwifery Services | Remembering Andrew Standfast
9 June 2022Many of you will have heard the sad news that our colleague, Andrew Standfast, passed away recently after a short and courageous health battle.Read more >Emergency Department building site – access changes
6 June 2022Emergency Department building siteRead more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
3 June 2022We’ve had some more big changes this week to our COVID-19 response.Read more >
May 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital | Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital
31 May 2022Since we established our philanthropic partnership with the RBWH Foundation, Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital has continued to grow in its fundraising success and in bringing our hospital and community ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
27 May 2022Be brave. Make change. That’s the theme for National Reconciliation Week this year.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
26 May 2022This afternoon there have been some changes to the rules around masks for staff.Read more >Message from the A/Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
20 May 2022As many of you may know, Louise Oriti has been away on leave this week, and I’ve been the Acting Executive Director while she’s away. Louise will be back on ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
13 May 2022Our midwives and nurses are truly wonderful people and belong to two great and proud professions. We celebrated them all this week for International Day of the Midwife and International ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
6 May 2022Thank you to everyone who has been supporting clinical care and patient flow. Community need and demand for our services are high. I am seeing impressive levels of synergy between ...Read more >
April 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
29 April 2022This year’s staff flu vaccination campaign is off to a flying start. On the first day of this year’s campaign, around a quarter of Redcliffe Hospital staff rolled up their ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
22 April 2022For two years or more now, we’ve all played important roles in how our hospital and health service has responded to COVID-19. As we move into this new era of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
14 April 2022Like all hospitals in Metro North, we started the week in a challenging position. For many clinical areas, it’s been a long and busy week. As we head into the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
8 April 2022The first few days of this week were very busy with a high volume of patients presenting to the Emergency Department. Throughout the week, I’ve seen exceptional teamwork at all ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
5 April 2022You may not have noticed it, but there was a big change at Redcliffe Hospital over the weekend. The leadership, management, and governance of Patient Support Services, Medical Imaging, Security, ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
1 April 2022With COVID-19 now widespread throughout our community, it should not surprise anyone that we continue to see positive cases among our patients and staff.Read more >
March 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
24 March 2022As expected, our COVID-19 response has continued to evolve and change. On Wednesday morning, Redcliffe Hospital and Metro North Health stepped up to tier three of our COVID-19 response planRead more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
18 March 2022It’s been another busy week for Redcliffe Hospital, with the Emergency Department and many wards and services under pressure. Thank you to everyone who has worked together to meet this ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
11 March 2022I’m pleased to say that things are looking a lot more positive than they were at this time last week.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
4 March 2022A lot has been going on this week, and throughout, we’ve remained focused on the safety of our patients, staff, and community.Read more >Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital | Have Your Say Staff Survey Update
2 March 2022Last year, 45% of Redcliffe Hospital staff participated in the Have Your Say Staff Survey. The way that so many people engaged with the survey process said a lot about ...Read more >Senior Workforce Changes at Redcliffe Hospital
1 March 2022Please see below the following changes occurring in relation to Senior Workforce changes at Redcliffe Hospital.Read more >
February 2022
Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital
28 February 2022The weekend has been a dramatic and stressful one for our entire community. Many of our hospital team have also been personally impacted by the severe weather over the weekend. ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital – severe weather update
27 February 2022Heavy rain is expected to continue through today and possibly into tomorrow. This is causing flooding in our area, including around access roads to Redcliffe Hospital.Read more >CCWC service line leadership update
21 February 2022All staff are advised of a change in the Critical Care, Women’s and Children’s (CCWC) service line leadership at Redcliffe Hospital. Please join me in welcoming Dr Kim Hansen to ...Read more >Message from Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director
21 February 2022Our emergency department is one of the busiest in Queensland, currently providing our community with a combined adult and paediatric service. In the next couple of weeks, work will start on ...Read more >Message from Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director
18 February 2022I’ve had the opportunity to really consider what constitutes good care and great care over the past few weeks. You may know that my father has had dementia. Caring for him ...Read more >
January 2022
Message from Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director
28 January 2022Thank you all for your hard work and support of our health services at this time. Yesterday, our Minister for Health and Queensland’s Chief Health Officer presented their daily ...Read more >Message from Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director
18 January 2022Thank you for all your hard work at this time. Louise has asked me to provide you with a brief update. As with all hospitals in our health service ...Read more >