Staff News
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Staff Update
Staff News
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Staff Update
December 2026
November 2026
October 2026
September 2026
August 2026
July 2026
June 2026
May 2026
April 2026
March 2026
February 2026
January 2026
December 2025
November 2025
October 2025
September 2025
August 2025
July 2025
June 2025
May 2025
April 2025
March 2025
- 31 March 2025|Today (31 March 2025) is Trans Day of Visibility, an international celebration of trans pride and awareness, recognising transgender, gender-diverse and non-binary experiences/achievements. On this day we come together to celebrate the progress that has been made for LGBTQIA+ inclusivity, but reflect on the challenges that trans people face. RBWH is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all employees and consumers that identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
- 21 March 2025|This week the RBWH Executive Committee received an update from the RBWH Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) on their plans for 2025. The CAG is an invaluable asset to RBWH and are available to help inform our clinical innovations and research. The team are currently assessing their membership base and looking to fill any gaps to ensure their members cover all disciplines. They have also recently held a planning day to identify their key priorities for 2025. It was wonderful to hear from the group and we are grateful to our consumer representatives for sharing their lived experiences to help inform our clinical practice.
- 20 March 2025|Today is National Closing the Gap Day, a moment where we reaffirm our commitment to achieving better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- 13 March 2025|On Tuesday, Metro North and RBWH stood down our emergency operations centres in response to ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred. While the work to manage the impacts from the severe weather event are far from over, I would like to sincerely thank and acknowledge our staff who went above and beyond to ensure we can continue to provide kind and compassionate care for our community.
- 28 February 2025|Discussions and planning for the application to seek funding for an expansion of RBWH infrastructure continue
February 2025
- 13 February 2025|Last week RBWH carried out a planned site-wide power outage in order to test the emergency power supply.
January 2025
- 31 January 2025|We’ve received a substantial amount of positive feedback about Dr Liz Crowe’s presentation on Tuesday on mass critical incidents. There were hundreds of attendees in the Education Centre Auditorium and online on Teams.
- 24 January 2025|I would like to acknowledge our exceptional Neonatal staff who have been operating well over capacity for some weeks, at the same time other NICUs across South East Queensland have also been under immense pressure.
December 2024
- 19 December 2024|This will be my final message of 2024 and I would like to take the opportunity to say thank-you to all staff who are working over the Christmas period, ensuring our community continues to have access to vital healthcare
- 6 December 2024 |Construction of the new Queensland Cancer Centre (QCC) will commence next year, withdemolition of both the Centre for Clinical Nursing (Building 34) and the Hospital Alcohol and DrugService (Building 52) planned to commence in early 2025.
November 2024
- 29 November 2024|It’s hard to believe we are going into December next week, with Christmas and the New Year fast approaching. Thank you to all staff who are working over the Christmas period for ensuring our community continues to have access to vital healthcare.
- 15 November 2024|Over the last few weeks in this message we’ve been looking over some of the details of RBWH’s five-year Outlook Plan. The final pillar of that plan focuses on ‘Building capacity’. This is about what our future space will look like through master planning and expansions.
- 08 November 2024|Under the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s five-year Outlook Plan, which we’ve been going through in this message in recent weeks, another key goal is to reinforce our status as ‘Leaders in research and implementation’.
October 2024
- 25 October 2024|Continuing our review of the 2025-29 Outlook Plan pillars, this week we look at reaching our key goal to be a Workplace of choice. That means being an employer of choice through valuing and empowering our workforce and supporting their growth and progression. We really want to go beyond these being “buzz words” and review how we approach this work. The areas of focus in the 2024-25 Financial Year are:
- 18 October 2024 |As we continue to look at our five-year Outlook Plan, this week I’d like to focus on Innovative Models and Collaboration. The aim is that, through innovation and internal/external partnerships, enhanced models and pathways are developed to strengthen continuity and coordination of care.
- 11 October 2024|As I mentioned in the last message, over the next few weeks I will give you some more information on each of the pillars of our 2025-2029 Outlook Plan. The full overview of the Outlook Plan can be viewed online.
- 4 October 2024|The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital’s five-year Outlook Plan (2025-2029) was announced this week as part of the Staff Excellence Awards ceremony on Wednesday.
September 2024
- 27 September 2024 |For two days this week, 17 peer reviewers led by Grant Carey-Ide (ED Clinical Governance MN) worked through our organisation reviewing our alignment with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS).
- 13 September 2024|This week, RBWH hosted a Multi-agency Trauma Training Simulation exercise in collaboration with QAS and the QPS Special Emergency Response Team (SERT), that was a first of its kind for Queensland and a first for the hospital.
- 6 September 2024|It’s hard to believe we are already in September. We are turning our thoughts to the upcoming Christmas period, which will be here before we know it.
August 2024
- 30 August 2024|There is currently an EOI now out for an RBWH priority project supporting Cognitive Impairment across all services at RBWH.
- 23 August 2024|The budget allocations for the new financial year have been finalised. Here are some key numbers worth noting.
- 22 August 2024 |Earlier today, in line with normal security processes, an unattended item was reported to security. Given the reported threats elsewhere, police attended and determined no further action was required.
- 16 August 2024|I would like to acknowledge the members of our security services at RBWH after an incident on campus on Tuesday. I cannot overstate the wonderful job our security services do in keeping our hospital safe for patients, staff and visitors.
- 9 August 2024|This week I have been involved in several meetings with staff across RBWH regarding patients with particularly complex needs. I have been so impressed by the high levels of cooperation within and across service lines and disciplines.
- 2 August 2024|On Saturday 27 July 2024 RBWH Nursing and Midwifery held their inaugural Careers Open Day. This day focused on showcasing what a nursing and midwifery career can offer at RBWH as well as using it as a proactive recruitment opportunity.
July 2024
- 19 July 2024|Chief Executive Officer of the RBWH Foundation Simone Garske attended the Executive Committee meeting this week to give us an update on Foundation activities.
- 12 July 2024|I’m very pleased to announce we have a successful candidate for the new role of Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. Roslyn Boland will be taking up this exciting role.
- 5 July 2024|Spanning from this Sunday 7 July to Sunday 14 July, 2024, NAIDOC Week will celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
June 2024
Message from the Executive Director
18 June 2024I would like to thank everyone at the Royal for your enthusiastic participation in the RBWH Foundation Giving Day last week. It is one of the highlights of our calendar ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
7 June 2024I’ve enjoyed my first week filling in for Louise Oriti as Executive Director while she acts in the Chief Operating Officer role with Metro North.Read more >
May 2024
Message from the Acting Executive Director
31 May 2024I’ve enjoyed my first week filling in for Louise Oriti as Executive Director while she acts in the Chief Operating Officer role with Metro North.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 May 2024I want to acknowledge the time and effort that Nursing and Midwifery have put into the implementation of the IWFM and TrendCare systems. New systems entail extensive training, alternate workflows ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 May 2024I am very pleased to announce the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital has been awarded three years’ accreditation by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS).Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 May 2024I would like to remind you again that flu vaccinations are now available for free for our staff on the Level 2 walkway between the Ned Hanlon Building and the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director and Director Administration Services | Happy Administration Professionals Day!
3 May 2024It is that time of year again! Today, 3 May, we celebrate Administration Professionals Day, but let it be said that every single day our administration teams support our hospital ...Read more >
April 2024
Message from the Executive Director
19 April 2024I have the opportunity to talk with a range of staff throughout the organisation. As I listen, I remain impressed by the problem solving, complex communication and decision making each ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 April 2024The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital remains committed to your wellbeing and is working on several levels to improve how we action this. To assist with personal wellbeing goals and ...Read more >
March 2024
Message from the Executive Director
28 March 2024In its most recent meetings, the Executive Committee has continued work on our Five-Year Outlook. We are keenly aware we must continue our forward momentum with planning, while moving towards ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 March 2024It gives me great pleasure to announce that Dr Julieanne Graham has been appointed as the new Director of Medical Services for The Prince Charles Hospital, effective 22 April 2024. ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 March 2024On Thursday we commenced Phase 2 of our Five-Year Outlook planning. Our first session was attended by MN Chief Executive Jackie Hanson, Deputy Director General, Health Capital Division Priscilla Radice ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
8 March 2024Today is International Women’s Day, a great opportunity to acknowledge the women who do so much amazing work at RBWH.Read more >
February 2024
Message from the Executive Director
23 February 2024This morning I had the opportunity to have a walk around the Burns Unit with Tu, Acting NUM and Naomi Daly A/ND. I was most interested in hearing about the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 February 2024Thank you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure our community receives the care it needs. Please know how appreciative I am of your work and commitment to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 February 2024With the wet weather earlier this week impacting our hospital and community, I would like to give a special thank you to the staff who went above and beyond.Read more >
January 2024
Message from the Executive Director
25 January 2024I hope you’ve all had a chance to reflect on our successful ACHS Short Notice Assessment last week and congratulate yourselves and each other. I know many teams have been ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 January 2024It has been a high energy week for us all with the ACHS Short Notice Assessment accreditors on site to assess our facility against the eight National Safety and Quality ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 January 2024Happy New Year and welcome back to all those who were able to take some leave over the holiday period. For those of you who worked through, thank you. Your ...Read more >
December 2023
Message from the Executive Director
21 December 2023The countdown is on to Christmas, with festivities in full swing. It has been wonderful seeing many teams getting in the spirit and giving back to our community, such as ...Read more >
November 2023
Message from the Executive Director
17 November 2023On Monday, I hosted the first of three staff forums, where we explored the RBWH Have Your Say survey results. Thank you to all who attended in person and online. ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 November 2023This Saturday is Remembrance Day, marking the anniversary of the end of World War I. We recognise and pay our respects to all those who have lost their lives serving ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 November 2023Last night we recognised and celebrated the immense contribution to health care by the people of Metro North at the Research Excellence Awards. There was a great deal of representation ...Read more >
October 2023
Message from the Executive Director
24 October 2023I wish to make a correction regarding my message on Friday.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
20 October 2023On Friday last week, I attended the second ever Southeast Queensland First Nations Health Equity in Action conference held by the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health. It was a great ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
13 October 2023I am back onboard this week after taking a few days leave last week. October is a very busy month with many occasions of recognition, such as Operational Services Recognition ...Read more >
September 2023
Message from the Executive Director
29 September 2023I wanted to update you on the next steps of the realignment of some services into different Service Lines through the RBWH Business Case for Change. These decisions have been ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 September 2023On Wednesday, we had our second Health Equity Planning Workshop, which brought together the Executive team and the Metro North Health Equity team to discuss building trust among Aboriginal and ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 September 2023Most of us will be impacted by mental health either directly or indirectly in our lifetime. That is why R U OK? Day is an important reminder that checking in ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
1 September 2023On Tuesday, the Metro North Board held their meeting at RBWH. I was invited, along with consumers who support us on a range of committees and provide advice. Among the ...Read more >
August 2023
Message from the Executive Director
25 August 2023I want to acknowledge all your work in delivering excellent care to our patients, and support to their families. Your continuous commitment to our patients and their families is what ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 August 2023Last Thursday I attended the Australian Defence Force Reserves’ Employer Support Awards, an event recognising the sustained support of employers of Australian Defence Force Reserves. RBWH has a long and ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 August 2023Monday was National Day of Recognition for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners. I would like to recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clinical staff ...Read more >
July 2023
Message from the Executive Director
21 July 2023Thank you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure our community receives the care they require. Please know how appreciative I am of your work and commitment to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
7 July 2023It appears we are seeing the impact of winter on the demand for our services. Your teamwork and high levels of multidisciplinary cooperation are evident throughout the organisation. Your work ...Read more >
June 2023
Message from the Executive Director
23 June 2023Communicating well with patients and their families and carers to ensure they are fully involved in decision making about their care, and that they clearly understand the information that is ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 June 2023It was such an exciting day on Wednesday as we celebrated the RBWH Foundation’s annual Giving Day.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 June 2023As we continue to manage the increase in patients that typically comes with the cooler months, I want to thank you for your ongoing dedication to RBWH.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 June 2023RBWH has now achieved a 21% response rate for the Have your Say survey.Read more >
May 2023
Message from the Executive Director
26 May 2023National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation WeekRead more >Message from the Executive Director
19 May 2023I continue to meet the managers and leaders of specialised services such as the NeoRESQ team. I am always struck by the complexities these services manage and the many ways ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 May 2023As we head into the colder months, it is important for us all to stay safe from the flu, not only for our own health but for the health of ...Read more >Message from the RBWH Executive Director and Director of Nursing and Midwifery
12 May 2023Today, Friday 12 May, is a day that is very close to the heart of our hospital as we celebrate International Nurses Day. Nursing professionals make up the majority of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 May 2023In addition to today being Administrative Professionals Day, it is also International Day of the Midwife. International Day of the Midwife is a day to recognise the important role of ...Read more >Message from the RBWH Executive Director and Director Administration Services
5 May 2023Today, 5 May, we celebrate National Administrative Professionals Day and thank all our wonderful AO staff members for their contribution to RBWH. Every day, our administration team displays expertise, flexibility ...Read more >
April 2023
Message from the Executive Director
21 April 2023I would like to start by recognising all staff for your ongoing contribution to supporting patient care. Your hard work is valued and appreciated by myself and the executive team.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 April 2023As we head towards the Easter long weekend, I would like to say a special thank you to all RBWH staff who are working during this time. I appreciate your ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
4 April 2023It is with great sadness that I inform you of the recent passing of Emeritus Professor Stuart Pegg AM at the age of 91.Read more >
March 2023
Message from the Executive Director
31 March 2023Welcome to the March edition of News at the Royal. It’s been a busy month at RBWH with International Women’s Day celebrations, Harmony Week and the announcement of the RBWH ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 March 2023Yesterday was Close the Gap Day, an important day for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Close the Gap is about ensuring life opportunities and outcomes for First Nations ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 March 2023My first few weeks in the Executive Director role have been insightful as I’ve made my way around to teams throughout the hospital. I’ve been impressed by how capable, competent ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director | Happy International Women’s Day!
8 March 2023Today, Wednesday 8 March 2023 is International Women’s Day. It is a day where we celebrate the achievements of women in our workforce, raise awareness about discrimination and take action ...Read more >
February 2023
Message from the Executive Director
28 February 2023I am delighted to join RBWH as the Executive Director. While I am only a few days in, I have already had an opportunity to meet many of you and ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 February 2023As you know, Metro North has successfully recruited Louise Oriti as our new Executive Director for RBWH. Many of you will know Louise through her role as Executive Director at ...Read more >
January 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
20 January 2023Welcome to 2023. I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy some relaxing time with family and friends over the festive period and have returned to work feeling refreshed. ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
18 January 2023Our move today from AMBER TO GREEN in our COVID 19 Traffic Light System, is great news for our patients, staff and the community we serve.Read more >
December 2022
Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 December 2022As we head into the weekend and our Christmas celebrations I wanted to acknowledge and thank all staff for their ongoing efforts throughout 2022.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 December 2022As many of you will already know, the Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) legislation will come into effect in Queensland from 1 January 2023. As a healthcare worker, it is essential ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
14 December 2022Just like that, we’ve almost reached the end of 2022. I’d like to start with a heartfelt thank you to you, Team Royal, for your hard work, support and trust ...Read more >RBWH Staff Update | ieMR rollout
13 December 2022It is great to be back at RBWH again after my recent annual leave and I wish to thank Dr Glen Kennedy for steering the ship during this time.Read more >RBWH Staff Update | Mask wearing at RBWH
8 December 2022It is great to be back at RBWH again after my recent annual leave and I wish to thank Dr Glen Kennedy for steering the ship during this time.Read more >
November 2022
Message from the Acting Executive Director
29 November 2022It is great to be back at RBWH again after my recent annual leave and I wish to thank Dr Glen Kennedy for steering the ship during this time.Read more >
October 2022
RBWH Staff Update | Public access defibrillator repairs
21 October 2022Public access defibrillator repairsRead more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
14 October 2022Thank you for warmly welcoming me into the Acting Executive Director role over the past few weeks while Gillian Nasato enjoys a well-deserved break.Read more >
September 2022
Message from the Acting ED
28 September 2022This week we received the sad news that Emeritus Professor Lawrie Powell AC passed away peacefully on Friday, aged 87.Read more >Team Royal Comms
1 September 2022Today is the first day of Spring and I’m sure many of you are looking forward to some warmer weather ahead. We all acknowledge that the past number of months ...Read more >
August 2022
Team Royal Comms
16 August 2022A change again for all of us in the form of a drop back to Tier 2 -Covid Response as of Wednesday 17th at 7am. This includes an adjustment to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
5 August 2022The past month has been an incredibly busy time for RBWH. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing commitment to our patients and each other.Read more >
July 2022
Message from the Acting ED RBWH: Gillian Nasato
8 July 2022We have identified this week as possibly one of our most challenging weeks at RBWH which is not a good claim to make! In saying that, all efforts from each ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 July 2022The hospital came to life on Wednesday 15 June, with staff from all areas getting involved in fitness challenges, bake sales, and even some dancing on live television. Thank you ...Read more >Team Royal Comms
4 July 2022I acknowledge that a lot is happening at the moment with respect to COVID, Flu, Bed capacity and staffing so please see below for what I feel is most important ...Read more >
June 2022
RBWH Staff Update | Tier three for bed capacity
1 June 2022Tier three – bed capacityRead more >Team Royal Comms
1 June 2022As we have all come to experience things are changing all of the time and it is tricky to stay up to date with new directions. Our response to COVID, ...Read more >
May 2022
RBWH Staff Update | Business Case for Change
19 May 2022Business Case for ChangeRead more >Team Royal Comms
12 May 2022Today is International Nurses and Midwives Day where we acknowledge and thank all of our Nurses and Midwives for their tireless contribution to the great care we deliver.Read more >Message from the Acting ED
4 May 2022We have now released the Final Decision on the proposed Business Case for Significant Change RBWH26 Realignment Program. Thank you to all staff who assisted us in reaching this important ...Read more >
April 2022
Message from the Acting ED
8 April 2022As we head into the weekend I wanted to acknowledge and call out the tremendous support so generously offered by our staff at RBWH across all streams and service lines. ...Read more >Message from the Acting ED
1 April 2022Please join me today as we formally acknowledge and welcome our colleagues from Patient Services and Medical Imaging back under RBWH governance.Read more >
March 2022
Message from the Acting ED
11 March 2022As we emerge from the devastating impact of the recent Brisbane flooding and continue to transition towards living with COVID, I would like to thank you all for your tireless ...Read more >Team Royal
4 March 2022As we head into the weekend, RBWH has moved to a Code Brown Alert for the predicted weather event.Read more >RBWH Staff Update | Herston Quarter infrastructure
4 March 2022RBWH infrastructure updateRead more >RBWH Staff Update
3 March 2022Please note that Bowen Bridge Road is now open to motorists. Butterfield Street is still restricted until further notice.Read more >RBWH Staff Update
2 March 2022Please note that Bowen Bridge Road is now open to motorists. Butterfield Street is still restricted until further notice.Read more >RBWH Staff Update | Fit testing
1 March 2022RBWH Fit TestingRead more >Team Royal Comms
1 March 2022My sincere thanks to all staff for their response and support over the last few days and in particular those who worked the weekend. In true form everyone was simply ...Read more >
February 2022
Travelling safely to RBWH – Access
27 February 2022Safely travelling to work and recommended accessRead more >All staff message – 2 access point to RBWH
27 February 2022The severe weather and flooding in Brisbane is having significant impacts to a number of areas across RBWH.Read more >All staff comms – RBWH Update
27 February 2022The severe weather and flooding in Brisbane is having significant impacts to a number of areas across RBWH.Read more >RBWH staff update – carpark flooding due to intense rainfall
25 February 2022Carpark flooding due to intense rainfallRead more >RBWH staff update – carpark flooding due to intense rainfall
25 February 2022Carpark flooding due to intense rainfallRead more >All staff comms – RBWH Update
25 February 2022Have you booked your fit testing appointment yet? There are many fit testing appointments available at RBWH. The flow chart below will help you ascertain if you need to be ...Read more >RBWH Staff Update | Preventing mould in the workplace
24 February 2022Preventing mould in the workplaceRead more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH | Fit testing update
18 February 2022Fit Testing changes at RBWHRead more >
January 2022
Important COVID-19 update | RBWH | Fit testing update
25 January 2022We have made it to Friday. Not normally an outstanding achievement to celebrate but as we approach an anticipated surge of COVID impact across the community, you all should be ...Read more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH
21 January 2022We have made it to Friday. Not normally an outstanding achievement to celebrate but as we approach an anticipated surge of COVID impact across the community, you all should be ...Read more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH
18 January 2022National and International evidence strongly supports the importance of a vaccine booster to maintain COVID protection for yourself, your family and friends, your colleagues and our patients. With the anticipated ...Read more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH
14 January 2022New COVID case numbers seem to be following the trajectories that have been modelled and are consistent with the trends we have seen in NSW and Victoria. The Omicron variant ...Read more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH
12 January 2022Today our RBWH COVID vaccination service administered their 90,000th dose of vaccineRead more >Important COVID-19 update | RBWH
11 January 2022With more than 20,000 new COVID cases reported in Queensland today, we find ourselves in the thick of the pandemic response we have been planning for. Thanks for the calm ...Read more >