Staff News
Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford
Staff Update
Staff News
Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford
Staff Update
December 2026
November 2026
October 2026
September 2026
August 2026
July 2026
June 2026
May 2026
April 2026
March 2026
February 2026
January 2026
December 2025
November 2025
October 2025
September 2025
August 2025
July 2025
June 2025
May 2025
April 2025
March 2025
- 28 March 2025|It has been another high-pressure week, which led to us moving onto a Tier 3 capacity alert on Wednesday due to the heightened demand and increased pressure on our services.
- 21 March 2025|The last couple of weeks have been a ‘whirlwind’ and while the storm may have disrupted our daily routines, it has also brought us closer together, reinforcing our shared commitment to delivering exceptional healthcare to our patients.
- 14 March 2025|Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for your dedication to ensure we could continue to provide safe and compassionate care for our patients and community despite the challenges presented by ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred or “Alfie” as I call him.
February 2025
- 28 February 2025|It’s great to be back with you after a quick visit home to support a friend completing the Tarawera Ultra-Trail in New Zealand. Even though I too do these events, it never ceases to amaze me, the pure grit, determination and courage required to compete in events like this.
- 26 February 2025|As discussed in last week’s update, there are a number of integrated electronic Medical Record (ieMR) knowledge maintenance activities becoming available for staff to complete over the next several weeks.
- 19 February 2025|As we draw closer to go-live and continue progressing on our integrated electronic Medical Record (ieMR) learning and proficiency journey, there will be a number of knowledge maintenance opportunities available to complete.
- 14 February 2025|I had the pleasure of kicking off my week by welcoming a group of new staff during orientation at Caboolture Hospital and introducing them to our culture of kindness and friendliness, saying hello to everyone and treating people as you would guests in your own home.
- 12 February 2025|Congratulations to everyone who has attended a training session in our first full week of ieMR instructor-led training at Caboolture Hospital!
- 7 February 2025|On Monday, CKW Clinical Directorate entered Tier 3, where community demand for services was very high and our capacity to accommodate all the patient’s requiring care was challenged.
- 5 February 2025|We have reached a major milestone in our ieMR readiness journey this week, with the commencement of instructor-led classroom training at Caboolture Hospital.
January 2025
- 31 January 2025|Today as we welcome the last day of the month, I wanted to acknowledge that many of our team celebrated the Lunar New Year on Wednesday 29 January.
- 30 January 2025|The next step in our ieMR learning journey starts in just a few days, with ieMR instructor-led training for all applicable staff commencing from Monday, 3 February 2025.
- 24 January 2025|Queensland has such amazing weather effects, doesn’t it? This week we are experiencing heatwave conditions and are closely monitoring the impacts. It is crucial that we all prioritise our well-being in these severe temperatures and ensure our patients and visitors are safe!
- 23 January 2025|The countdown is on, with ieMR instructor-led training commencing for most staff in less than two weeks, from Monday 3 February 2025.
- 17 January 2025|As our weather temperatures and humidity rose this week, so did our demand for care through the emergency department and within our inpatient teams. This was, however, made only more challenging when we had air-conditioning issues in the Clinical Services Building on Wednesday night.
- 10 January 2025|Wow, 2025 already! To those of you who worked through the festive season – thank you. It has been a very busy time. To those of you who had some time off, welcome back.
December 2024
- 31 December 2024|As we say goodbye to 2024 and prepare to welcome in 2025, I wanted to wish you all a very happy and safe New Years Eve
- 24 December 2024|Well Santa’s sleigh is packed, the reindeer (or Basenji’s) are attached and ready to fly…. last minute shopping is in a flurry, carrots to feed the reindeer, and cookies for Santa are being assembled.
- 20 December 2024|Christmas is truly upon us now – decorations, Christmas food, and it seems that real Grinches are everywhere. This has not, however, stopped the community needing and wanting our services with it being an exceptionally busy and challenging past couple of weeks across all our CKW services.
- 13 December 2024|Christmas is “hotting” up, isn’t it? The humidity has seen high patient presentations this week, and a really unwell cohort of patients seeking our care. We have certainly been busy across all our facilities.
- 12 December 2024|Our ieMR Project colleagues have confirmed they will be building our downtime kits over theChristmas and New Years’ period. These kits will have everything you need in the event of asystem downtime – including paper forms and printed quick reference guides (QRGs) – once wehave gone live with the ieMR.
- 6 December 2024|The week began by attending the Metro North International Day of People with Disability (IWPwD) celebration.
November 2024
- 29 November 2024 |It was another fast-paced week for CKW. Throughout all the hustle and bustle, I stopped to have a quick chat to our resident water dragon ’Lizzy’, who lives in the courtyard beside the Chapel at Caboolture.
- 27 November 2024|I’m sure you all know who I am, but let me introduce to you, Grant Duffill, who is our Director of Health Information Services, and our lead for the ieMR rollout at Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford.
- 15 November 2024|In between being on Tier 3 for the start of the week, we have been on weather watch for storms (and had a code yellow on Tuesday with a loss of power and one bank of lifts due to these storms). We also held our first CKW community truth telling Yarning Circle and went through a Peer Review.
- 08 November 2024|It’s been another great week at CKW, with lots going on. It was great to attend our Consumer Advisory Group this week, where we spoke about our commitment to the equity agenda progression, and our focus on improving patient care.
- 1 November 2024|Today is the first day of November, which signifies the last month of spring, and for us in Queensland, it means warmer weather and higher spirits as people start to spend more time outside. I just love this time of year with the Jacarandas blooming, which is such a spectacular display, and the frangipanis starting to flower – we truly are so lucky!
October 2024
- 30 October 2024|Do you know of an outstanding Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff member, service orinitiative? Nominate them now for the ‘Deadly Awards’.
- 25 October 2024|It has been such a delightful week at CKW with a number of celebrations, that included food and, most importantly – seeing staff come together with smiles on their faces.
- 18 October 2024 |It was another bustling and exciting week for CKW which included much celebration, reflection and recognition. We had the Allied Health Awards, Research Symposium, traineeship graduation, plus so much more!
- 11 October 2024|It has been a very busy week celebrating our staff with Operational Services Recognition Week. Whilst also being a time to reflect on our own health with Breast Cancer Awareness month, Queensland Mental Health week and Perinatal Infant Loss Awareness month.
- 4 October 2024 |Well, it has been another great week at CKW. On Monday the CKW Executive Team and I went out to Kilcoy and had the opportunity to take some of our newer members for a tour around the site, and to speak to some of the team.
September 2024
- 27 September 2024|I’d once again like to start by acknowledging all the hard work and dedication from you all, as we end another week where we had high patient demand and need, with us being on Tier 3 for much of it.
- 20 September 2024|We have had a fantastic week celebrating our amazing team here at CKW, I sent a separate message yesterday outlining our highly commended and winners in our awards ceremony. This was a great event and even more impressive was the engagement from you all.
- 19 September 2024|We had such a fantastic turn out to the 2024 CKW Caring Together Staff Excellence Awards. This event gave us the opportunity to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our colleagues from across Caboolture, Kilcoy, Woodford, and Mental Health Red-Cab.
- 18 September 2024|As part of our commitment to Health Equity and Reconciliation, CKW is taking part in the Australian Reconciliation Barometer survey and we need your feedback THIS WEEK.
- 13 September 2024|This second week of September we note a number of important dates, the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, an event that traumatised and caused significant horror and grief to many across the world, and we observed World Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September, followed appropriately by “R U OK?” day yesterday.
- 10 September 2024|It is with deep sadness, that we share the news of the sudden passing of Alana Fellingham on 14 August, 2024.
- 10 September 2024|I am very pleased to announce the finalists for the 2024 CKW Caring Together Staff Excellence Awards. This year we had more than 160 nominations which was wonderful to see.
- 6 September 2024|A big thank you to Daniel Francis who covered me as the Executive Director during the last two weeks. On getting handover and reviewing the weeks, it is evident that we continue to see high demand from our community for our services and care.
August 2024
- 30 August 2024|My time at CKW is almost at an end, as I will be handing the reins back over to Karlene next Tuesday 3 September.
- 30 August 2024|There is continued pressure on all of our services as we concentrate on responding to the continuing high level of patient demand.
- 23 August 2024|You may be aware that Caboolture Hospital has recently been upgrading the main air-conditioner on Wards 2A and 3A and we have been using a temporary air conditioner.
- 23 August 2024|Thank you to everyone for being so welcoming and helpful during my first week as Acting Executive Director.
- 16 August 2024|I want to start by recognising the significant pressure on all our team across CKW and thank you all for your hard work you do for our community, patients and our families.
- 09/08/2024|We have escalated back on to a Tier 3 given ongoing high patient demand. We also continue Tier 2 of our Acute Respiratory Index, which reflects a high number of patients with flu, COViD-19, RSV and other respiratory illness, as well as a high number of staff unwell.
- 5/08/2024|The Caboolture Satellite Hospital (Kabul) is celebrating its first birthday today! The facility opened on 3 August 2023. At the time it was Queensland’s first satellite hospital and it has since been strongly welcomed by the Caboolture community.
- 02 August 2024|As we head into the end of the week for much of the world, it is always a reminder to me of those of you working ‘after hours’ in our hospitals and care facilities. These 128 hours that sit outside a ‘normal’ office working week form 76 per cent of the week.
July 2024
- 26 July 2024|This has been an exciting week starting with the eagerly awaited commencement of Dr Ted Chamberlain as our new Director of Medical Services. Ted will bring stability to medical leadership in the CKW Executive and across our Directorate. A warm welcome Ted – it’s great to have you on board!
- 21 July 2024|The review of paediatric care at Caboolture Hospital is now complete and the external reviewers have provided their final report to Metro North.
- 19 July 2024|On Wednesday morning, we celebrated the opening of the Bribie Island Satellite Hospital which is co-named with the Aboriginal Traditional Owner name of Yarun. What a great day!
- 12 July 2024|WHAT A HUGE WEEK! We come towards the end of NAIDOC celebrations and a week which has been full of activity; celebration; community engagement; recognition; learning; commitment setting and ongoing clinical demand.
- 9/07/2024|Welcome to NAIDOC Week (7-14 July), which is dedicated to celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- 05 July 2024|It’s been an exciting and full week for us across the CKW Directorate. We continue to see significant demand from our community, and I would like to extend a huge thank you to you all for your ongoing commitment to providing great care to our community who needs our services. I know this is placing significant pressure on all of our teams across the hospital.
June 2024
- 28 June 2024|This week Michael Walsh, Director-General Department of Health, and Mel Carter, Deputy Director-General of Healthcare Purchasing and System Performance, came for a tour of the Caboolture Emergency Department.
- 21 June 2024|There is an old saying that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We all have individual roleswhich ensure the best possible care of our patients but when we all work together, we have greatersuccess and achieve better outcomes.
- 14 June 2024|I received an ‘Ask Karlene’ message last week asking why I start each Executive Director message withKia Ora and why I did not use the Kabi Kabi word for hello Nah-rah .
- 7 June 2024|Well the week started with Mabo Day (3 June), a very important day in our history as it was the day that the High Court of Australia recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had lived in Australia for thousands of years.
- 3 June 2024|Today, 3 June marks the 32nd anniversary of the significant legal case, which saw the Mabo Case have success in overturning the myth that at the time of settlement or colonisation, Australia was ‘terra nullius’ or land belonging to no one.
May 2024
Message from the Executive Director
31 May 2024We started the week with an event for National Reconciliation Week, recognising the importance of health equity and reconciliation. As a New Zealander, I am very honoured to spend my ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 May 2024In my role I speak to a lot of people. This week, as it is National Volunteers Week, I had the privilege to engage on a personal level and thank ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 May 2024We have had a week of celebration this week at CKW as we showed gratitude and respect to the largest groups of our health professionals – our midwives and nurses.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 May 2024On Friday, we started three weeks of celebrations for CKW staff, starting with our administration superheroes gathering to celebrate the annual Administrative Professionals Day.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
8 May 2024On Friday, we started three weeks of celebrations for CKW staff, starting with our administration superheroes gathering to celebrate the annual Administrative Professionals Day.Read more >Message from the Executive Director | International Day of the Midwife
5 May 2024Today I want to wish all our amazing Midwives a happy International Day of the Midwife and thank them for the focused, professional and women and families-centred care they provide.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 May 2024Firstly, Happy Administrative Professionals Day! Our administration professionals range broadly from our complaints team, to our ESOs, to our reception staff, to our Health Information team, community and consumer engagement ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 May 2024Happy Administrative Professionals Day, to all our absolutely amazing administration professionals that work with us across the CKW Directorate!Read more >
April 2024
Message from the Executive Director
26 April 2024I hope you all had time yesterday – ANZAC day – to reflect. ANZAC day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australia and New ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director | Anzac Day
25 April 2024Anzac Day is a very special day on the Australian and New Zealand calendar, where we celebrate the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and a very important day for ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 April 2024Important works to replace the circuit breaker in the Caboolture Hospital Clinical Services Building have been temporarily delayed due to acute patient management. These works will still go ahead this afternoon ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 April 2024Just before 9am today, the new clinical services building at Caboolture Hospital lost power for about 20 minutes. We called a Code Yellow at the time and that remain in ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 April 2024Well, as our local landmarks across Brisbane shine white to share light with Sydney following the terrible events in Bondi Junction last weekend, I want to send my personal thoughts ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 April 2024Wow, what a week. We have continued to experience very high community demand resulting in us being on a Tier 3 capacity alert for an extended period. As of this ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 April 2024Following on from Easter it has been another exciting week at CKW. We have seen extreme demand for our services across the state, network, and our services at CKW, ...Read more >
March 2024
Message from the Executive Director
28 March 2024As we head rapidly into the Easter weekend, we have had a huge week at CKW and across MNHHS.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
28 March 2024Today, we celebrate International Doctors’ Day.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 March 2024Well, it has been another exciting week here at CKW. I have had the opportunity to catch up with some amazing stars of CKW which I will share with you ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director – Harmony Day
21 March 2024Did you know that Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world? We come from more than 200 countries and speak 300 languages, as well as ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 March 2024We have had another great week here in the Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford Directorate with celebrations, events and recognition days.Read more >Message from the Executive Director – World Delirium Day
13 March 2024Today is World Delirium Day, where we raise awareness about this common yet often overlooked condition that affects millions of people worldwide.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
8 March 2024I want to wish all our female team members a Happy International Women’s Day! We in health are truly lucky to have so many exemplary female leaders, in so many ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
1 March 2024For some of us, Friday signals the end of a very busy week; for others you are mid-week and thinking about the next few days and how they are going ...Read more >
February 2024
Message from the Executive Director
23 February 2024Well, following a few days of leave, it has been another busy week as we started the week with the Paediatric Review team on site Monday to Wednesday.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
14 February 2024Late last year, Australian Council of Health Care Standards (ACHS) accreditors visited CKW to assess our work against the eight National Safety and Quality Health Care Standards (NSQHS). It was ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 February 2024I wanted to start this week’s message by saying a simple but very heartfelt thank you for continuing to deliver high-quality and patient-centred care to our patients and the community.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 February 2024Well, it certainly has been a busy and challenging week which peaked with the terrible Tuesday weather and surrounding flooding. As a result, we engaged a Code Brown which most ...Read more >
January 2024
Message from the Executive Director
30 January 2024The wet weather certainly created challenges for our community today, and as a result a Code Brown was put in place. Thank you to all the teams who worked together ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
25 January 2024For many of us, this week is a short week with Friday being a public holiday. This day is significant to people for different reasons and brings a mixture of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 January 2024Firstly, I wanted to say thank you. We have have been operating at Tier 3 for the majority of this week so, thank you for all the hard work happening ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 January 2024Every day as I drive to work, I reflect on how privileged I am to work in healthcare. My work life has been a rich experience where I have been ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 January 2024Welcome back everyone and happy New Year!Read more >
December 2023
Message from the Executive Director
29 December 2023Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you have found some time for joy, happiness, family and/or friends during the festive period. For those of you, like me, who ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 December 2023Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, on behalf of the CKW Executive team and myself, I would like to wish you a joyous and recuperative time filled with love, happiness ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 December 2023I want to let you in on a little secret…. I’m a bit of a Christmas Grinch, though at the moment (with all the CKW festivities around me) I am ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 December 2023At the end of my first week, I certainly have much to reflect on. As a team CKW has achieved so much, and to begin the week with news of ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
11 December 2023Well Team Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, today is the day that I say so long as the Acting Executive Director.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 December 2023I’m very excited to share the news that Caboolture Hospital, Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health has received a positive recommendation from the Australian Council on Health Care Standards (ACHS) ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
4 December 2023Thank you to everyone who joined the special short-notice accreditation CKW All Staff Forum earlier today. As I said to everyone at that event, accreditation is nothing to be worried ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 December 2023It’s our turn! Caboolture Hospital, Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health welcomes short notice accreditation and we’ll have Australian Council on Health Care Standards (ACHS) assessors with us from 8am ...Read more >
November 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director | CSB Go Live Update 2
28 November 2023It’s been a busy start to the week for CKW! Yesterday the Deputy Premier Steven Miles, Minister for Health Shannon Fentiman, and Minister Mark Ryan, local member for Morayfield, officially ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
24 November 2023The Health Minister has issued a Ministerial Direction that requires sexual assault victims presenting at Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department (and others across Queensland that are listed in the Direction) to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director | CSB Go Live
22 November 2023Today we welcomed our first patients into the Clinical Services Building! Ward 3C opened its doors with our new Palliative Care Unit and Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
20 November 2023Today is a momentous day for Caboolture Hospital. We opened our new Clinical Services Building (CSB) to the public, with Central Admissions and Level 1 public areas now open to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
10 November 2023Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Living our Values staff consultation sessions so far.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
3 November 2023We had a fantastic night at the 2023 Metro North Research Awards, which was CKW’s most successful Research Awards yet!Read more >
October 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 October 2023I’m excited to start consultation sessions for staff to talk about our Caring Together: Living our Values project.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
20 October 2023As CKW continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to define what we want our culture to look like. That’s why I’m excited to share that we recently started the ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
17 October 2023CKW continues to grow a strong research culture. That’s why I’m so proud to showcase the program for today’s CKW Research Symposium. The event starts at 9am (Tuesday 17 October). ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
13 October 2023I am excited to announce that the Caboolture Hospital multi-storey car park is set to open at 6am on Monday 16 October 2023. There will be a two-week free parking ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
6 October 2023I am excited to announce that the Caboolture Hospital multi-storey car park is set to open at 6am on Monday 16 October 2023. There will be a two-week free parking ...Read more >
September 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
29 September 2023Happy Birthday Caboolture Hospital! Caboolture Hospital turns 30 next month and we’ve organised a whole month of fun to celebrate our journey, our people and our community.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
22 September 2023I am always keen to hear directly about your successes and your challenges while working at CKW.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director | CHRP program update
20 September 2023Following on from the successful completion and opening of the new BEMS building, I am pleased to announce that practical completion for the multi-storey car park is forecast for this ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 September 2023Did you know Caboolture Hospital turns 30 next month? 30 years of caring for a community that has grown and changed as much as we have.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 September 2023A reminder about our special All Staff Forum with Chief Executive Jackie Hanson on Monday (11 September). Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and I will present some of our ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director | Special All Staff Forum
7 September 2023I would like to invite you to a special All Staff Forum with Chief Executive Jackie Hanson on Monday (11 September).Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 September 2023Community awareness of the Caboolture Satellite Hospital Minor Injury and Illness Clinic continues to grow as the number of patient admissions reaches 40 to 50 per day, with some days ...Read more >
August 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
28 August 2023The review into the care of baby Weston has now been released publicly. The review was conducted by senior medical officers external to Metro North Health and will be available ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
25 August 2023Is it really winter…I know officially we are moving into spring but what glorious weather we are having. I am really enjoying my time at Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
18 August 2023We have been working hard towards building a bigger and better hospital for the Caboolture community, with lots of exciting work happening behind the scenes to get the buildings ready ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director | Caboolture Update
17 August 2023The Terms of Reference for an independent review into Paediatric care at Caboolture Hospital have now been finalised.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 August 2023What a busy few weeks we have had. There is so much going on and I wonder where the weeks are going. It is certainly full on!Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
4 August 2023Wow, what an amazing week for Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford Directorate. We opened and celebrated the opening of the Caboolture Satellite Hospital with a Community Open Day on Monday, and, ...Read more >
July 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
28 July 2023Well, we are nearly there! The Caboolture Satellite Hospital will open on Thursday (3 August). It will offer a range of outpatient-based services, the new Minor Injury and Illness Clinic ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
21 July 2023Happy Friday. The mornings are chilly but aren’t the days glorious. We are so blessed to live and work in such a beautiful part of the world.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
14 July 2023Thank you for making me feel so welcome over the last couple of weeks. I’ve enjoyed meeting so many staff and spending time with you all.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
7 July 2023I really enjoyed the Coming of the Light ceremony this week in the Caboolture Hospital Chapel. The local Torres Strait Islander dance troupe sang a hymn in the Chapel, much ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
4 July 2023I started yesterday as Acting Executive Director of Caboolture Hospital, Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health while recruitment for a new Executive Director is underway.Read more >
June 2023
Message from the Executive Director
29 June 2023I am writing today to recognise the impacts of the increased demand for our services coupled with the focus of Caboolture in the public arena.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 June 2023This week has brought many challenges. I want to acknowledge the hurt and distress of the families and our staff.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 June 2023I wanted to remind you of an important part of the snap accreditation process that may not have been front of mind but still needs to be ready for the ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 June 2023This week members of the CKW leadership team met to continue the important work of developing the 2023-2024 CKW Strategic Plan.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 June 2023As you know, we must be ready for snap accreditation assessment any time from 1 July this year.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
1 June 2023Crazysocks4docs Day will be held across Australia tomorrow (Friday 2 June).Read more >
May 2023
Message from the Executive Director
26 May 2023Today is National Sorry Day. It is an occasion that allows us to reflect upon the painful chapters of our history and acknowledge the injustices and hardships faced by our ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 May 2023For the last few months, we have all been working hard towards the opening of the Clinical Services Building (CSB) and the multi-storey car park.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 May 2023Today we celebrate the wonderful team of nurses that we are blessed to have support our community’s needs at Caboolture Hospital, Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 May 2023We have two reasons to celebrate today! It’s Administration Professionals Day today and National Day of the Midwife.Read more >
April 2023
Message from the Executive Director
28 April 2023I wanted to start with a heartfelt thank you for the hard work and support for colleagues during another busy week. I know it is greatly appreciated by our growing ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 April 2023It’s wonderful that we can get back out into the community again. Advance Care Planner Desre Arnold and Manager Culture and Engagement Parker Michaels recently had a great day at ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 April 2023Patients at Caboolture Hospital will be able to order all-day hot breakfasts, burgers, stir fries or even pancakes on demand under our new room service model, which starts tomorrow (18 ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
14 April 2023I hope everyone enjoyed the Easter break and managed to relax where possible. Not all of our team had a break, and the long weekend was certainly a very busy ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
12 April 2023Following on from Angie’s Easter sentiments, I also want to wish all staff and their families an enjoyable and restful time Easter holidayRead more >
March 2023
Message from the Executive Director
31 March 2023With the Easter period fast approaching, I wanted to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication in delivering care to our community across CKW.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
24 March 2023I want to begin this message by reflecting on the success of our recent staff events. There was a tremendous effort by the organising teams involved, and the staff engagement ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 March 2023To support planning for transition to new facilities, workforce onboarding and service readiness for the Clinical Services Building and multi-storey car park, a target date has been set.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 March 2023Have you seen the next piece of artwork has been installed on the Clinical Services building.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
7 March 2023This is an exciting year for Caboolture Hospital. Together, we will deliver new buildings and new services to improve the health of our community, with the new clinical services building ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 March 2023Is your workplace ready for short-notice accreditation starting in July? The National Safety Quality Health Standards (NSQHS) accreditation handbook is a great opportunity to improve your knowledge of accreditation standards ...Read more >
February 2023
Message from the Executive Director
24 February 2023We can do great things when we work together. Caboolture Hospital has seen great success recently with our post-fall huddle initiative, lead by a multi-disciplinary team including medical, nursing, allied ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
17 February 2023Metro North Health will be moving to short notice accreditation from June this year. We need to ensure we are prepared and ready for this major change to how our ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
10 February 2023I wanted to share a lovely story with you. It still makes me a bit misty eyed thinking about it.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 February 2023I’m always excited to see the new clinical services building and multi-storey car park quickly taking shape.Read more >
January 2023
Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 January 2023The Redcliffe-Caboolture Mental Health Service officially launched the evidence-based ‘Safewards’ program recently.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
20 January 2023This time of year is always exciting – new resolutions, new goals, new beginnings, new things to look forward to. CKW Directorate certainly has many things to look forward to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 January 2023We have some good news, effective from 7am this morning, Queensland has shifted to GREEN in the COVID-19 traffic light system. This is a great reprieve for our patients, staff ...Read more >
December 2022
Message from the Executive Director – VAD
30 December 2022As many of you will already know, the Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) legislation will come into effect in Queensland from 1 January 2023. As a healthcare worker, it is essential ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
23 December 2022Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of year. Thanks for your generosity, your kindness, your compassion and your leadership throughout 2022 to ensure the ongoing health of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 December 2022For me, Christmas is traditionally a time for joy and celebration. I saw so much of that today.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 December 2022My message comes a day early this week so that I can inform you of a very sad passing and arrangements.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 December 2022As the old song goes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go, of which I’m very much in favour!Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 December 2022With less than four weeks to go, I think we can safely say the countdown to Christmas has officially started! Entries in the popular annual CKW Christmas decorations competition are ...Read more >
November 2022
Message from the Executive Director
25 November 2022Our annual Length of Service ceremony yesterday was such a wonderful event.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 November 2022We must continue to protect ourselves and our community against COVID-19, which includes ensuring your vaccinations are up to date.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 November 2022November 11, Remembrance Day, is always a special time to reflect on the sacrifices of others so that we can enjoy peace and a time to take a moment to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
4 November 2022Queensland’s new traffic light advice system for living with COVID-19 was released earlier this week. In simple terms, green means low community transmission of COVID-19, amber is moderate and red ...Read more >
October 2022
Message from the Executive Director
28 October 2022‘Compassion is a state of mind that allows us to notice the distress in ourselves and others and to step forward with genuine understanding and a determination to do something ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
21 October 2022While this year has been a challenging one for so many reasons, it has also been inspiring and uplifting.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
14 October 2022A few weeks ago I wrote about the move away from the pandemic response we have been well practiced at towards a more business as usual approach. I also mentioned ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 October 2022It is now less than eight months until we reach construction completion of the new Clinical Services Building (CSB)! We have so much to look forward to and many aspirations ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
7 October 2022Our charity partner, The Common Good, will host its inaugural Caboolture Hospital Giving Day on Wednesday 30 November.Read more >
September 2022
Message from the Executive Director
30 September 2022It has been a really big week across the Directorate. It has been 12 months since the independent external review into surgical services at Caboolture Hospital was conducted by eminent ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
23 September 2022A very big thank you to everyone for being so welcoming and helpful during my week as Acting Executive Director. We really do have a great team at CKW!Read more >Message from the Executive Director
16 September 2022This week has been a week of global reflection over the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. We have heard the voices and opinions of monarchists, republicans, our Aboriginal and Torres ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 September 2022The Common Good Café servery re-opened this morning.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
9 September 2022We have now had over a week to get used to being in a Tier 1 COVID-19 and Influenza response. It’s a definite change from the months of Tier 3!Read more >Message from the Executive Director
2 September 2022R U OK? Starting a conversation when you spot the signs that someone you care about might be struggling with life is important every day, every week, every month, every ...Read more >
August 2022
Caboolture Hospital temporary Fast Track area open
31 August 2022We recently identified an urgent need to temporarily extend capacity of the current Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department (ED).Read more >Message from the Executive Director
26 August 2022Working in effective teams improves clinical outcomes, increases professional satisfaction and provides crucial peer support (James, 2021).Read more >Message from the Executive Director – Common Good Cafe changes
22 August 2022To ensure we are ready to open the new Clinical Services Building next year, construction work needs to happen throughout the kitchen area of the Common Good Café.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
19 August 2022The pressures that we have been facing from external sources are not to be underestimated. I recognise that this – on top of all that you have been doing every day ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director – Tier 2 changes
16 August 2022Here’s some great news! At 7am tomorrow morning (Wednesday 17 August), Metro North Health will move to a Tier 2 response in our COVID-19 and Influenza Response Plan.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 August 2022I’m sure you have heard me say before that we need to look after ourselves and care for each other to ensure we can continue to provide high-quality care to ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
5 August 2022Did you catch the Metro North vidcast yesterday with Incident Controller Louise O’Riordan and Acting Chief Digital Health Officer Dr Jason Brown? It included some very encouraging news.Read more >
July 2022
Message from the Executive Director
29 July 2022I truly value all your hard work. Weeks like this are a good reminder of the strength of the CKW team. You have all shown this in the cross-collaborations and ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 July 2022Working in healthcare can be very challenging and very rewarding. Each and every one of us at CKW contributes to delivery of excellent patient and family centered care for our ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
15 July 2022It’s been a familiar story. Patient demand for health services across all areas of the Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford directorate continues to rise, combined with many staff furloughed due to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 July 2022My favourite quote from Lord of the Rings is “There may be a day when the hearts of men and women may fail … but today is not that day ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
5 July 2022COVID is surging again, at the same time as winter flu season. This surge is estimated to last for weeks to a few months. So we need to change gear ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
1 July 2022Let’s celebrate NAIDOC Week. Be encouraged to call into the central courtyard this Thursday between 11am and 3pm. At 11am, there will be a traditional Welcome to Country with Aunty ...Read more >
June 2022
Message from the Acting Executive Director
29 June 2022After night, the sunrise will come. After winter, spring will arrive. We will get through this season. Right now we are recruiting 50 new staff to help us. In 7 ½ ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
27 June 2022We are growing bigger and expanding. Who is moving to a new place soon?Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
24 June 2022This week we bid farewell to Caboolture Hospital Coordinator Sue Stork, who is transitioning to retirement after a remarkable 46-year nursing career.Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
20 June 2022While Angie Dobbrick continues as Acting Executive Director at TPCH and Dr Simon Bugden takes some planned leave, I am acting Executive Director for the CKW Directorate this week (to ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
17 June 2022What a week! Thanks for all of your valiant work in caring for our community. More staff are being recruited and more space is being created. Our CKW is growing and ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
15 June 2022Caring for people and helping them get better … it’s what we do. Doing this at the moment is very challenging for many teams. We have spent most of the ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
10 June 2022Remember when we all received two additional days of leave for full time and part time employees (pro-rata) in recognition of the contribution we all made to Queensland’s COVID-19 response?Read more >Message from the Executive Director
3 June 2022The Metro North Research Excellence Awards were held at Eatons Hill Hotel last night. It was a wonderful night, celebrating what can be achieved when we embed a strong research ...Read more >
May 2022
Message from the Executive Director
27 May 2022National Sorry Day yesterday and National Reconciliation Week (NRW) starting today are both important opportunities for all of us to reflect on shared histories, cultures, achievements and explore how each ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
20 May 2022We’re all committed to providing the best possible care for our patients and the community and so I would like to thank you for all of the work you have ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
13 May 2022Once again we are faced with an extraordinary weather event! I know, if it’s not COVID it seems to be water. It is always during these critical times that I ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
12 May 2022Metro North Health is committed to providing equity of access to high quality health care services and building relationships based on inclusion with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 May 2022It’s a familiar story. The Caboolture region has received a large amount of rain today with flooding in some low-lying areas.Read more >Congratulations CKW Nurses and Midwives!
11 May 2022We are so very pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 CKW Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
6 May 2022It has been another short week and our three facilities continue to be extremely busy. Thank you for doing such a great job again this week!Read more >
April 2022
Message from the Executive Director
29 April 2022Metro North Health facilities limited visitors during the pandemic. Now most people have been vaccinated and we have proven systems and policies in place to help stop the spread of ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
22 April 2022Here’s a wonderful milestone worth celebrating. This week is the 25th anniversary of the Chapel and chaplaincy services at Caboolture Hospital.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
14 April 2022We’ve all done a large amount of work the past few weeks to combat the latest surge of COVID-19. It’s been a tough road, particularly with so many of our ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
8 April 2022Pharmacy Director Tim Dunn received a mayday call from our friends at Longreach last Friday, flagging a critical shortfall in their pharmacy workforce due to COVID-19.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
1 April 2022I’m excited to officially welcome about 180 new staff to the CKW Directorate today … but we already know them well and value the work they do every day to ...Read more >
March 2022
A Message from the Executive Director on Trans Day of Visibility
31 March 2022It is not all ‘Days’ that I write to you to acknowledge but today is an important day. Today is Trans Day of Visibility, an international day of celebration which ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
29 March 2022The decision to move to the Metro North COVID-19 Tier 3 Response this week is primarily about preserving our acute staffing during this period of high staff leave.Read more >Message from the Executive Director
18 March 2022I want to acknowledge it’s been another challenging week for the CKW Directorate and I hope everyone is taking care to look after their wellbeing and to support their colleagues. ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
11 March 2022I want to acknowledge it’s been another challenging week for the CKW Directorate and I hope everyone is taking care to look after their wellbeing and to support their colleagues. ...Read more >Conversations that make a difference
8 March 2022CKW is proud to be partnering with Clinical Excellence Queensland to deliver the ‘Conversations that make a difference’ virtual sessions. Whether conversations are about safety, processes, behavior or expectations, there are ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
4 March 2022The flooding in our region and across South East Queensland has been a very extreme and for some a traumatic experience. I want to pay special tribute to all CKW ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director – CKW flooding update
2 March 2022The flooding we experienced last weekend was a defining event for CKW staff and the patients we care for. A very big thank you from me, particularly to the many ...Read more >
February 2022
Message from the Executive Director – CKW flooding update
28 February 2022The rain has stopped, but we are still seeing a lot of water over roads and in waterways and damage to road infrastructure. We remain on a Code Brown. Kilcoy ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director – severe weather update
27 February 2022Heavy rain is expected to continue through today and possibly into tomorrow. This is causing significant flooding around access roads to Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford. Kilcoy and Woodford have been ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director
25 February 2022A very big shoutout today to our friends and colleagues at Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health who are cut-off due to rising floodwaters blocking the D’Aguilar Highway and several ...Read more >Message from the Executive Director – Severe Weather
23 February 2022A severe weather warning has been issued with the threat of intense rainfall over the next few days. Up to 300mm of rain has been forecast for the next three ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
21 February 2022Thanks for caring for people and helping them get better, in their local community. We are ramping up our outpatient and operating theatre activity, thanks to everyone who is making this ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
18 February 2022Good news! It looks like we have passed the crest of our COVID admissions wave & are on the way down.Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
16 February 2022The number of COVID-19 patients at CKW continue to decline so we’re starting to downscale our response accordingly.Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
14 February 2022The number of COVID-19 patients under our care continues to fall. This is great news, CKW. Well done! It’s now time to look forward and determine how we return to a ...Read more >Message from the Acting Executive Director
11 February 2022Thank you for your great work this week and ongoing commitment to improve the health of our community. There is plenty of COVID-19 still around, please check that your colleagues are ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
10 February 2022It looks like our admitted COVID-19 numbers are cresting. Hopefully we will know over the next few days.Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
9 February 2022Keep up the great work – we’ve got this! While COVID-19 presentations are declining across Queensland, our acute patient load is growing which means we continue to operate in a ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
8 February 2022I’m filling in for a few weeks while Angie enjoys spending time with her daughter, who started Prep yesterday. A very special time. Thanks for all the hard work and ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
4 February 2022As we approach the end of the week, I want to say an enormous thank you. I have seen incredible examples of leadership, problem solving and camaraderie this year, and ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
3 February 2022We are starting to see the number of new COVID-19 cases decline which is giving us a sense of hope that we have reached our peak. It’s also giving us ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
2 February 2022As we swelter through another day of this heatwave, I hope everyone is staying hydrated and keeping cool. My thoughts are with all of our staff wearing full PPE, working ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
1 February 2022I hope you can join me online tomorrow at 10:30am for the first CKW All Staff Update of 2022. I’ll provide an update on our COVID planning and response, and ...Read more >
January 2022
CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
31 January 2022I’ve seen and heard so many wonderful examples of teamwork this month. At all levels of our Directorate, everyone is chipping in to strengthen our response to COVID-19. Thank you ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
28 January 2022Thank you to all teams and staff that are volunteering to be redeployed and to those staff that are working extra hours. I want to acknowledge that we are experiencing ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
27 January 2022Big shout out to everyone who worked yesterday’s public holiday, particularly our nursing and medical staff that did a significant amount of overtime to cover staff shortages. Your commitment to ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
25 January 2022Fit testing is important to keeping you safe, especially those staff that are working in priority high risk areas. Call the CKW fit testing service on 2422 to make a ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
24 January 2022Shout out to team Woodford for their resilience and persistence as they face a COVID-19 outbreak in the prison. I can’t thank you enough for your commitment during what can ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
21 January 2022Today, we say a heartfelt farewell to our ICU Nurse Unit Manager, Rose Cooper. Rose is retiring after an impressive 33 year nursing career. She has dedicated 30 of those ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
20 January 2022Have you been fit tested? Our urgency for fit testing is very real and it is essential that all clinical staff are fit tested before the omicron peak, which is ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
19 January 2022Shout out to the MOPS team for their calm response and prompt action following yesterday’s Tier 4 announcement. The team safely and successfully transferred x4 patients to Caboolture Private Hospital ...Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
18 January 2022Thank you for continuing to provide exceptional care to all of our patients. Your resilience and ability to adapt to the changing COVID landscape is remarkable. Thank you!Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
17 January 2022Great work by everyone, what a COVID response- shout out to the ICU today for their management of a patient over the weekend!Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
14 January 2022Great work by everyone, what a COVID response- shout out to the Woodford Team today!Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
13 January 2022Latest modelling continues to suggest a peak in late January/ early February. Expect the admissions to increase soon, but ICU numbers to be much less (than expected with delta).Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
12 January 2022Great work by everyone, what a COVID response- I appreciate the calm and considered approach!Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
11 January 2022Great work by everyone, what a COVID response.Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
10 January 2022Latest modelling suggests a peak in late January/ early February. Expect the admissions to increase soon, but ICU numbers to be much less (than expected with delta).Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
7 January 2022Great work by everyone, what a COVID response.Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
6 January 2022Lots going on. I want to acknowledge that we have all been working really hard, so want to give a shout out to a few specific staff groups todayRead more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
5 January 2022Only Wednesday and we have already changed COVID gears several times this week. The fresh news is:Read more >CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update
4 January 2022Welcome back to everyone who has been on leave. Hope you are relaxed & ready to join our COVID response. Lots has changed in the last fortnight, we need to ...Read more >CKW IMT Daily Update
4 January 2022I use the word team today, because we really are working as a team, moving resources around, offering to help each other. Thanks for working together to achieve our shared ...Read more >