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Fit Testing2025-01-22T11:45:43+10:00

Metro North fit testing program

Our fit testing program is now available across our facilities. We are focusing on ensuring staff identified in the priority high risk group are fit tested as soon as possible. This includes staff working in the COVID wards, infectious diseases wards, intensive care units, fever clinics, emergency departments and hotel quarantine.

Do I need a fit test?

Testing takes approximately 20-30 minutes per test. The Fit Testing Program is happy to discuss the available mask options. The purpose of the program is to find a mask/respirator that fits you. If a particular mask is not stocked by your facility, you will be required to commence ordering of this mask option to cater to those fitted with that particular mask. The program has selected the available mask options based on quality fit and ongoing supply.

If you are unable to find an appropriately fitting P2/N95 mask, you should notify and work together with your line manager (and Health Service leadership if necessary) to determine an appropriate solution.

Where culturally appropriate, please ensure you are clean shaven (or only have facial hair that does not interfere with the fitting surfaces of the mask/respirator). This will ensure you are able to achieve an effective face seal.

The Metro North Fit Testing Program will reach all relevant staff in due course. Please be patient while we roll this out to your work area.


A set of Fit Testing FAQs have been developed in response to staff feedback received on the Metro North fit testing staff feedback portal and consultation with fit testing service staff.

All booking systems need to be opened in Edge
FacilityLocationAreaMon - FriSat - SunBook Now
CABHEducation Centre Library, Small meeting roomAll Staff7:30 am – 4:00 pm7:30 am – 3:00 pmBook now
COHVarious COH facilities

If you are a Hospital Staff Member please book an appointment via your Hospital. COH bookings are not for hospital staff members.
All Staff8:00 am – 3:00 pmBook via the following links:
All other MN FacilitiesAll Staff8:00 am – 4:00 pmContact Local Facility fit testing service for information on sessions
RBWHRoom 6614, Level 6 Ned Hanlon Building

Queries can be addressed to Email
All Staff8:30 am – 4:00 pmBook now
REDHPlease contact your manager if you require an urgent fit testAll Staff8:00 am – 4:30 pm8:00 am – 4:00 pmBook now
STARSLevel 1 STARS, Room 102

Queries can be addressed to Email
STARS Staff Only8:30 am – 4:00 pmBook Now
TPCHEducation Centre
Room 1
All Staff7:45 am – 4:00 pmBook now
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