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Message from the Board Chair and Chief Executive

2022-12-13T11:34:55+10:0012 December 2022|Board, Chief Executive, Executive Messages|

Jackie Hanson

Adj. Prof. Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

On Friday night we celebrated the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards 2022. The event was a lot of fun and it was fantastic to see people so enthusiastic about recognising your colleagues’ achievements.

We were joined on the night by the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services the Hon Yvette D’Ath and the Queensland Health Director-General Shaun Drummond who were impressed with the achievements of Metro North staff this year.

Congratulations to the 2022 winners:

  • People Focus – Post-Acute Care Service, Community and Oral Health
  • Innovation – Nurse-led overdose prevention training, Metro North Mental Health
  • Excellence in Integrated Care – Co-responder service, Metro North Mental Health and Queensland Ambulance Service
  • Values in Action – Allied Health Teams, Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service
  • Excellence in Training and Education – Dr Nathan Peters, Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • Excellence in Performance – Emma Glenn, Community and Oral Health
  • Leadership – Margherita Chiavone, Metro North Mental Health
  • First Nations Staff – Advocacy for Health Equity and better outcomes for First Nations people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team
  • Improving First Nations Health – Better Together, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team

Congratulations also to Chief Executive Award recipient Annette Sweeney, Community and Oral Health. Annette is an assistant in nursing at our Gannet House residential aged care facility who takes kindness to the next level by purchasing blankets and quilts for residents and a suitable washing machine, and voluntarily mending clothes for residents and colleagues.

You can see the full list of winners and highly commended finalists on QHEPS.

We also launched a thank you video on the night to acknowledge the work that has happened across the health service this year. You can watch the video here.

The Metro North Staff Excellence Awards were sponsored by QSuper, RemServ and QBANK.

Kind regards,

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Adj. Assoc. Prof. Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive

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