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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2023-01-20T12:43:22+10:0018 January 2023|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, Acting Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Our move today from AMBER TO GREEN in our COVID 19 Traffic Light System, is great news for our patients, staff and the community we serve.

To settle ANY confusion and TO provide absolute clarity this does mean that the direction to wear a mask in our facility has been lifted.

I ask for your ongoing support and vigilance around how we continue to keep our patients, ourselves and each other as safe as possible whilst working at RBWH.

This does include the OPTION for you to continue to wear a mask should you individually identify that this is your preference.

Masks will continue to be available in all areas as well as our front entrance for visitors should they also opt to wear a mask. Again not a direction but an option.

As per our usual infection control practices and as we operate under business as usual mode we will need to continue to wear masks for the management of suspected or confirmed Covid patients.

Please continue to monitor yourself for symptoms and test should you become unwell.

Reach out and ask for additional information or advice should you have any further questions. Our Infection Control Team are here to help.

Friday 20th of January is Bright Smiles and Bright Lipstick Day so please join me and your fellow Team Royal colleagues as we celebrate and acknowledge  the lifting of the direction, the dedication you have all shown to keeping people safe and the recognition of what your amazing colleagues actually look like under their masks.

I acknowledge and thank you for your continued efforts at RBWH and encourage you and your teams to come up with novel ways to celebrate as a TEAM on Friday.

Warm regards
Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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