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Message from the Executive Director

2023-01-24T11:10:26+10:0018 January 2023|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

We have some good news, effective from 7am this morning, Queensland has shifted to GREEN in the COVID-19 traffic light system. This is a great reprieve for our patients, staff and the broader community.

What does this mean?

Staff and patients are no longer required to wear a mask in low-risk areas of the hospital. At the moment, the only high-risk COVID-19 area identified across CKW is the Emergency Department where P2/N95 masks will still be required.

Whilst masks are no longer enforced in the low risk areas, staff, patients and visitors can still choose to wear them if they wish. Masks will continue to be available in all ward and clinical areas as well as entry into the facilities for those who wish to access them.

Usual infection control precautions continue when delivering care or support to patients with a known or suspected infectious status.

I thank you for your continued diligence in relation to how we continue to keep our patients, ourselves and each other as safe as possible as you work across all areas of CKW.  Our continued practice of good hand hygiene, social distancing, and high compliance with transmission based precautions not only keeps you and your family safe, it protects our patients and community.

Managers Call to Action:

To communicate these changes, we ask that you please:

  • Remove all AMBER posters from service areas / wards.
  • Please PRINT IN COLOUR the GREEN posters (Poster APoster B)
  • Place GREEN posters at the entrance to wards and in common areas.

(thank you)

If you have any questions or need any further clarity, please don’t hesitate to ask your Service Line Leads or reach out to the Infection Control team. We are all here to help!

I encourage you all to think of how you can have a little bit of celebratory fun amongst your teams.

Thank you again for all of your continued efforts across CKW, your sense of commitment and community is always very humbling.

Take care,


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