In the lead up to the start of short notice accreditation, we are focussing each week on some of the standards. This week we’re looking at Standard 1 (clinical governance) and Standard 7 (blood management).
Standard 1: Clinical Governance
Intention of the standard
- To ensure that a clinical governance framework is implemented to ensure that patients and consumers receive safe and high-quality health care.
- To ensure that there are systems in place within health service organisations to maintain and improve the reliability, safety and quality of health care.
- This standard, together with the Partnering with Consumers Standard, sets the overarching requirements for the effective implementation of all other standards.
TPCH Priorities
- Documenting the TPCH Safety and Quality Operational Plan
- Ensuring all procedures, guidelines, work instructions and pathways are current
- Embedding the Clinical Care Standards into business as usual
- Boosting mandatory training and PDP compliance
- Improving way finding signage for our patients and consumers
What can you do?
- Make an appointment with your line manager to complete your PDP if it is due
- Log onto TMS and complete any outstanding mandatory training
- Watch this video Preparing for SNAAP: Standard 1
Standard 7: Blood Management
Intention of the standard
- To improve outcomes for patients by identifying risks and using strategies that optimise and conserve a patient’s own blood, as well as ensuring that any blood and blood products that patients receive are safe and appropriate.
TPCH Priorities
- Supporting patients to be involved in shared decision making around the administration of blood and blood products
- Improve documentation in the healthcare record that the patient has been involved in shared decision making regarding their blood management
- Develop Patient Blood Management brochures/ fact sheets that are culturally appropriate and available in different languages
- Boosting BloodSafe eLearning Clinical Transfusion Practice Course compliance
- Improve knowledge around processes including cold storage, patient preparation for transfusion to minimise the risk of product wastage
- Improve documentation of minimum observations for transfusion
- Increase awareness of blood management quality initiatives
What can you do?
- Update your Quality Board with local blood management data using the CWA audit results and data provided at Blood Management meetings
- Discuss your local blood management data with your team and consider any quality initiatives that could be implemented
- Attend Blood Management Standard 7 nurses meetings and disseminate information to colleagues
- Complete the BloodSafe eLearning course in TMS
- Support staff to attend education sessions and meetings
- Watch this video Preparing for SNAAP: Standard 7
For more information
Please contact Zachary Sheldrick, Manager Safety and Quality, via phone 3139 4191 or email: