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Message from the Executive Director

2024-03-19T11:39:10+10:0018 August 2023|RBWH, Facility Messages|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director

Last Thursday I attended the Australian Defence Force Reserves’ Employer Support Awards, an event recognising the sustained support of employers of Australian Defence Force Reserves. RBWH has a long and proud tradition of supporting the ADF Reserves, and I am pleased to say that RBWH received an honourable mention in the Public Sector category.

Our nomination came from Dr Anthony Holley, ICU Consultant, and many of his ADF Reserves colleagues. Reservists develop exceptional skills and leadership through their commitment to the security of our country. I had the absolute privilege of talking with Anthony about his experiences from several overseas deployments, including the challenges, his observations, and his lasting impressions of caring for soldiers and civilians.

If you get an opportunity, talk to your ADF Reserves colleagues and learn about their courage, resilience, humility, and determination to grow as people and leaders, as well as serve the greater good of our country. Thank you to all the managers that support the leave of our Reservists and let’s always remember how fortunate we are to benefit from the skills and humanity of our ADF Reserves colleagues.

Five Things Nursing Podcast

I want to extend a massive congratulations to our RBWH colleagues Liz Crowe, Staff Wellbeing Officer, and Jesse Spurr, RSQ Education Team Nurse Educator. Their podcast Five Things Nursing has been listened to in 63 countries and has almost reached 30,000 downloads. It is a very remarkable achievement given their limited resources, however, it is also a testament to the talented and skilled RBWH guests who join in the conversation. Each episode provides a deep dive into a range of topics, including the kidney, pain and gender diversity. I encourage you all to have a listen — I’m sure you’ll find it interesting and valuable.

Brief the Boss

Thank you to everyone who has come along to a Brief the Boss session in the Level 1 Atrium. I have greatly enjoyed talking with you and learning through your valuable insights and perspectives — I have heard a lot of good ideas and opportunities for improvement. In the coming weeks and months, I plan to host Brief the Boss sessions on different days, as well as at other RBWH health campus facilities, to hear from people who may not have been able to attend a session so far.

Have Your Say Survey

Last week I received the executive overall results of the Have Your Say Survey. I have also been given several reports with in-depth information about your answers. I am taking the time to thoroughly read and understand these results, as your feedback will inform our approach moving forward as a hospital. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. The survey results will be shared with you soon through your Service Lines.

Mandatory and Requisite Training

This is a friendly reminder to ensure you are up-to-date on your mandatory training requirements. Check you have completed your online training by logging into the Metro North Talent Management System. And as always, keep practicing Hand Hygiene. Our Short Notice Accreditors will be making sure we remember the Five Moments of Hand Hygiene and have completed our trainings.

Medical Leadership Intensive Program

This recently launched program aims to develop the leadership skills of senior medical staff across Metro North. The program helps medical leaders to navigate the challenges of the complex and changing healthcare environment, as well as influence positive change. It is available to Metro North Clinical Directors and Medical Directors. It is delivered in three individual sessions over a 12-week period. For more information, please email MedicalLeadershipIP_MN@health.qld.gov.au.

RBWH Foundation Grants

The RBWH Foundation is accepting grant submissions from 1 to 30 September 2023. The grants are for up to $50,000 for patient care and research projects. The grant round from March 2023 saw a number of innovative projects that demonstrated RBWH’s diverse case mix and patients.

Thank you all for the work you do for our community.

Kind regards,


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