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Message from the Chief Executive

2023-09-14T08:42:54+10:0013 September 2023|Chief Executive, Executive Messages|
Jackie Hanson

Adj Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive

Following on from this week’s earlier email from the Department of Health’s Chief Human Resources Officer, I would like to remind staff that consultation is currently open around the COVID-19 vaccination requirements for Queensland Health employees.

This is an opportunity for you to share your feedback on the future of our COVID-19 vaccination requirement.

All feedback received during consultation will be used to inform the final decision around the vaccine mandate and if it will continue as a requirement of employment moving forward.

To submit your feedback email whs@health.qld.gov.au by 12 noon, Monday 18 September 2023. 

For more information about the consultation process and why we have recommended the repeal of the mandate, please see the FAQs on QHEPS.

I ask that line managers advise their teams, including employees currently on long-term leave or secondment to other government agencies, and those unable to access QHEPS or a Queensland Health email account about the vaccine mandate consultation and how to have their say.

I acknowledge there are differing views on the vaccine mandate and discussing this change could cause some employees to feel uncomfortable or need support.

If you’re feeling distressed by the proposed changes, please talk to your line manager or reach out to our Employee Assistance Program.



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