Home/Facility Messages/Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford/Message from the Acting Executive Director | CHRP program update

Message from the Acting Executive Director | CHRP program update

2023-09-20T15:24:53+10:0020 September 2023|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Adj. Prof. Alanna Geary, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

Adj. Prof. Alanna Geary, Acting Executive Director

Following on from the successful completion and opening of the new BEMS building, I am pleased to announce that practical completion for the multi-storey car park is forecast for this week.

At practical completion, the multi-story car park will be handed over to Metro North, and the occupancy period will commence. During this time, the Caboolture Car Park and CHRP teams will work to ensure the final systems and processes are in place to support opening. Based on this, we are on track for opening the multi-storey car park in mid-October.

The Clinical Services Building is now the last facility to come online. The builder and the CHRP team have been working tirelessly towards the final delivery of the building, with ongoing building systems witnessing and validation works occurring. While the end is in sight, the target occupancy date has moved.

We will notify you all as soon as practical completion is obtained, however at this stage the revised target occupancy date is 17 October 2023. Work is also still being done to determine the opening sequence and when clinical services will commence in the Clinical Services Building.

We’re aware the date has changed; however, our focus has always been on ensuring that we accept a safe, functional building for Metro North to commence the occupancy period.

The delivery of major infrastructure is always a significant piece of work and can often face challenges and complexities. Please rest assured that everyone is doing everything they can to ensure the building is completed as quickly and as safely as possible.

As always, thank you for your ongoing understanding and commitment to delivering this significant next chapter for Caboolture Hospital.

Stay safe,


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