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Message from the Chief Executive

2024-01-08T13:00:45+10:0015 December 2023|Executive Messages, Chief Executive|
Jackie Hanson

Adj Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive

Tonight is the ninth Metro North Staff Excellence Awards, celebrating the achievements of individuals and teams from across Metro North. I am looking forward to seeing all the finalists tonight. I’d like to remind those coming along that masks are encouraged.

Kallangur Satellite Hospital

On Monday Kallangur Satellite Hospital opened its doors for the first patients. Thank you to everyone who has been involved at all stages of the project through to operational commencement.

Caboolture Hospital

Karlene Willcocks has officially commenced as Executive Director Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford. An enormous thank you to Alanna Geary who has acted in the role for the past few months while we have undertaken recruitment and the transfer of services to the new Clinical Services Building.

Thank you also to Christine Burridge, Tanya Beaumont, and Cherie Franks who have each acted for a period as Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer while Alanna has been at CKW.


Congratulations to Community and Oral Health which has received official notification this week of accreditation by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. Most of our clinical directorates have been through the short notice assessment process in the past weeks and overall the feedback has been extremely positive. Thank you all for your efforts in ensuring we are accreditation ready every day.

Staying cool in the heat

We are currently experiencing heatwave conditions across South East Queensland, with temperatures in the mid to high thirties expected to continue through the weekend. You can see some tips for staying cool in the heat on our Metro North newsroom. Information for staff is also available on the Metro North emergency and disaster response extranet.

Hand hygiene

Thank you to everyone who has submitted a meme for the hand hygiene competition. We received quite a few entries. Congratulations to RBWH ETC, Emma Whittle, and Sara Winter.

Festive season

This is my last message for the year. I’m taking two weeks’ leave from tomorrow and will be back the first week of January. Jane Hancock will be acting CE in that time. I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy festive season and happy new year. However you choose to spend the time, I hope it’s an opportunity for relaxation and celebration with family and friends. Thank you to those working over the Christmas and New Year period.


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