Home/Facility Messages/Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford/Message from the Executive Director

Message from the Executive Director

2024-05-23T12:45:51+10:0030 January 2024|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Karlene Willcocks, Acting ED, STARS

Karlene Willcocks, Executive Director

The wet weather certainly created challenges for our community today, and as a result a Code Brown was put in place.

Thank you to all the teams who worked together to ensure that patient and staff safety remained our highest priority.

Due to the impacts of the weather on staffing, a decision was been made to close the Caboolture Satellite Hospital Minor Injuries and Illness Clinic at 3.30pm this afternoon. Clinical staff from this area will move to the Caboolture Hospital Emergency Department to consolidate the ED workforce.

The Code Brown status will be reviewed at 10.00pm this evening and we are hopeful that it will be stood down.

As staff prepare to drive home, I want to remind you to drive with caution, as the roads are still wet and may be littered with debris.

For staff who cannot drive home (or do not feel safe to drive home), there is also an option to stay overnight at Caboolture Hospital. If you require this option, please contact your Hospital Coordinator.

Again, thank you to everyone. It was a well-coordinated CKW team effort today.

Here’s hoping for better weather tomorrow, please drive safely.



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