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Message from the Executive Director

2024-05-24T11:06:42+10:003 May 2024|Redcliffe Hospital, Facility Messages|
Cang Dang Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

Cang Dang, Executive Director

As I get to know Redcliffe better, I’ve been watching how different teams work together. Teamwork is one of our Metro North Health values, and it’s a big part of our refreshed I am Redcliffe Agreed Behaviours.

I saw a great example of that teamwork earlier this week when the Emergency Department, medical team, patient flow, and social work came together at short notice to help an NDIS patient.

That teamwork and collaboration gave this patient a positive outcome and the respect and dignity they deserved. The result of that teamwork was also an alternative solution that avoided what would have been an unnecessary admission during a busy clinical period.

Well done to everyone involved in this patient’s care.

As I’ve moved about the hospital this week, I’ve listened to staff and answered their questions where I could.

One of the questions I was asked this week was about the new demountable buildings that will accommodate teams moving out of West Block. The question was about if these buildings would include more meeting rooms.

The short answer is, unfortunately, no – due to the limited space we have available to accommodate our staff.

The good news is that we have been able to arrange enough temporary accommodation for staff and teams moving out of West Block without needing to put desks and offices into our existing lecture and meeting rooms in the Education Centre or MBICC.  These rooms continue to be available for meetings, training, and events as they always have been.

A lot of work has gone into designing the new temporary buildings’ layout and fit-out. The teams that will be using them have been heavily involved in that work to make the spaces as functional as possible, and we’re very grateful for how they’ve engaged positively toward these temporary solutions.

SET Staff Forum

More than 100 staff members attended and joined our Special Staff Forum yesterday with Acting Chief Executive Jane Hancock and the Metro North Senior Executive Team.

Thank you to everyone who came along, especially those who shared perspectives and asked honest questions.

Among the important issues discussed were the rollout of ieMR, the work of satellite hospitals, infrastructure challenges, and the priorities of the executive team.

These forums are another example of how we’re arranging more opportunities for direct access to organisational leaders and increasing transparency around the big issues and decisions.

Early success for Sip Til Send

Redcliffe Hospital has become the first hospital in Metro North to roll out Sip Til Send across all surgical services.

Sip Til Send is a new approach to perioperative fasting for our surgical and procedural patients, allowing most surgical patients access to small amounts of fasting fluids right up until they reach the theatre door.

While it’s too early to measure patient feedback just yet, we’re hearing encouraging things from clinicians working directly with our surgical patients.

This early success is down to some great teamwork and collaboration from staff across many teams.

Listening to consumer feedback

Each week, our consumer liaison team hears from many patients and consumers with feedback and suggestions for improving our care.  Among that feedback is this message from a recent patient’s family.

I am writing this letter to express my deepest gratitude to the doctors, nurses, and staff at Redcliffe Hospital for the exceptional care and compassion shown to [my family member] …

The nurses on the ward were incredibly attentive, always ensuring [my family member] was comfortable and well looked after. Their dedication and expertise gave us a sense of security and reassurance during a very difficult time.

I must also extend my heartfelt thanks to the doctors who provided top-notch medical care … they were thorough in their assessments, listened to our concerns, and kept us informed every step of the way. Their expertise and quick decision-making undoubtedly played a crucial role in [my family member’s] recovery …

I would like to commend the entire support staff at Redcliffe Hospital for their hard work and dedication to ensuring a safe and clean environment for patients.

The cleanliness of the hospital, the delicious meals provided, and the efficient administration of medications were all testament to the high standards of care upheld by your team.

I truly appreciate the care and attention given to [my family member] during [their] time at Redcliffe Hospital.

Your team’s professionalism and compassion have left a lasting impact on our family, and we are forever grateful for the exceptional care provided.

Not all consumer feedback sounds like this – but we can learn from both the positive and the negative.

This feedback tells us the impact that our care has, not only on our patients – but also on their families and their communities. It also talks about how, for this patient and their family, their experience of our care was as much about our clinical standards, as it was the kindness they received here.

Domestic and Family Violence Awareness

May is Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month. This year’s theme is ‘It’s in our control to end coercive control’, an empowering message about our responsibility to reject harmful attitudes and behaviours everywhere in our community.

We have the ability to make positive change in our communities; please find out more about how to add your voice to this important cause.

As health workers, we have a particular responsibility to recognise, respond, and refer those impacted by domestic and family violence. Please check to make sure your Recognise, Respond, Refer training is up to date.

We can all make a difference by sending a strong and clear message that violence in our community will never be tolerated.

Redcliffe Hospital Staff Flu Vaccination times and locationsMilestone for staff flu vaccinations

More than 1,000 hospital staff have now been vaccinated for the flu, thanks to this year’s staff flu vaccination campaign. The 1,000 vaccination milestone was reached on Wednesday during one of Infection Prevention’s roving trolley clinics.

Thank you to everyone who has rolled up their sleeves to be vaccinated at work, through their GP, or at their community pharmacist. Being vaccinated against the flu is one of the best ways to protect ourselves, our patients, and each other this winter.

It’s not too late either – more staff flu vaccination clinics will be available next week.

Privacy Awareness Week

As health workers and professionals, we deal with private and confidential information daily. During Privacy Awareness Week, we should remind ourselves of our obligations to patients and brush up on how we can protect that personal data. Metro North has some good resources available, and everyone can refresh their training on TMS.

With ieMR just weeks away, there’s never been a more important time for everyone to understand the rules around appropriate access to clinical records – and I encourage everyone to watch the People & Culture Forum session on this, from earlier this year.

Redcliffe Hospital Length of Service Awards save the date campaign adLength of Service Awards

Each year, Redcliffe Hospital celebrates the long and dedicated service of Queensland Health workers and hospital staff with Length of Service Awards.

Awards are presented in five-year increments, from 10 years onwards.

Janene Farr and the Facility Services team will coordinate our awards again this year. Let us know if you think that you (or a colleague) may be eligible for one of these awards.

Making it Count More

Our campaign to make clinical records more accurate continues this week with another tip from Health Information

Make It Count campaignThis week’s tip:

Patient in respiratory failure?
Document acute/chronic or acute on chronic and specific type if known.

​If you have any questions about how your team can make it count more, talk to Health Information Services on 3883 7295.

Lastly this week, we’ve reached an encouraging milestone in our ieMR journey, with 59 per cent of hospital staff now fully trained. With the majority of hospital staff now trained, we’re on track for our go-live date of Wednesday, 26 June.

There are now additional training sessions available too, with the opening of another training location down the road from the hospital at 180 Anzac Avenue. Hospital staff can also take advantage of the roving workflow scenario practice sessions and drop-in focused skills stations available each day in the Digital Training Hub.

Please talk to your line manager if you’re still waiting to be booked for ieMR training and keep an eye out for emails from Digital Metro North about more training and practice opportunities.


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