29 April 2020

Metro North Health Incident Controller

Dear Colleagues,

It’s great to come back into the EOC after three days in my EDMS role to see that we have had zero new positive COVID-19 cases in Metro North for a few days now. As our response continues, so too does the flattening of Queensland’s curve. I will be carefully watching the effect of changes to public health directions that allow greater movement of Queenslanders.

Today’s updates include:

  • PPE Updates
  • COVIDSafe App
  • Flu Vaccination Reminder

PPE Updates

Queensland Health have updated the Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for the Management of COVID-19. The update includes a wide range of clarification including the importance of performing a ‘fit check’ each time you use a P2/N95 mask, guidance for those with beards, expanded information on the types of flat surgical masks and their use and gowns and information in relation to home laundering care for your uniforms or personal apparel that you wear to work.

In the medium term, we will be further expanding our resources in relation to performing a fit check with a P2/N95 mask. In the meantime, please feel free to re-visit the available PPE resources relevant to COVID-19 on our extranet page.


As per the special broadcast received today from the Director General and Chief Health Officer, the COVIDSafe app is an important public health initiative in place to speed up contact training processes and to keep Australian’s, their families’ and our community safe.

I have, as be ‘benevolent dictator’ of my household (I do, after all pay for the phone bills) overseen the download of this app on all 5 of our personal mobile phones; and encourage you to consider downloading this app to your own private device/s. You can also download it on your Queensland Health device should you have one.

Please be aware there are scams circulating through the community. These have not been linked with downloading the COVIDSafe app, but are likely opportunists, and are under investigation by the appropriate state and federal departments. Don’t let these scams deter you from downloading the app. Further FAQs can be found online.

Flu Vaccination Reminder

Alanna put it best yesterday when she encouraged everyone to be vaccinated against influenza this year especially. I would like to reiterate the importance of this to your and your families’ health and to our workforce health. I had my vaccination on Monday, walking away with only a mild ache in my left arm.  If you’re unsure where at your facility you can receive your injection, speak to your line manager.

As always, thank you for your tireless work in our crusade against COVID-19, keep it up!

Kind regards,
Dr Liz Rushbrook
Metro North Health Incident Controller

Metro North HHS – Overview of Cases*






Patients being managed by HHS FEVER Clinics
Total In-patients  


Virtual Ward / HITH / or similar








Total cases managed by HHS (including recovered)






of clinics




ICU-NOT Ventilated



Last 24 hrs  


MN TOTAL  6   0   3  26  3  288  4  238  13,776

*With effect 1000 29 April 2020

**Metro North has three recorded deaths (one person a return traveller into NSW, who passed away in NSW)

*** These numbers reflect the cases being managed by Metro North

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