I’m filling in for a few weeks while Angie enjoys spending time with her daughter, who started Prep yesterday. A very special time. Thanks for all the hard work and caring that you have all been doing.
Special thanks to those who have pulled extra shifts and overtime, to keep our teams going and the community cared for. Our COVID admission numbers are still high, thanks for helping us get over the peak and hopefully start our downhill soon. Let’s stay calm, continue to focus on providing good patient care and helping people get back home as early as is safe to do so. Key information in the attached Staff Update.
A few key points for today:
- Vaccinated students are allowed on site, as they were in Tier 4, but still no volunteers.
- Bring your arms. Our regular staff booster clinic will run in the Caboolture Hospital library 8am to 3.30pm tomorrow (Wednesday (9 February).
- Once you have had a booster, please upload the vaccination certificate on the COVID-19 Extranet page (not TMS). Find the blue ‘Register Your Evidence’ button in the middle of the page. Note this page is internal access only (but don’t use Internet Explorer).
- The requirement to use the Check-In Queensland app has been removed for locations not covered under the vaccine mandate. That means no more checking in at the supermarket, but it’s still required at pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes and visiting a hospital.
- A special ‘Shout Out’ to Ward 3B which has been managing a huge amount of our COVID-19 workload at Caboolture Hospital.
Thanks for doing such a great job! Stay calm, slow COVID-19 and please take practical steps to show appreciation to team members who are doing overtime. Today’s important updates and key information.
Please remember to print and display this information in areas where staff cannot easily access email.
Dr Simon Bugden
A/Executive Director