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Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director

2022-07-05T08:22:40+10:005 July 2022|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|
Glynis Schultz

Glynis Schultz, Executive Director, Community and Oral Health

It’s great to be back in COH after a brief break with family in the bush – there’s nothing quite like looking up to a blaze of stars across an ink black sky to remember that despite COVID-19 and Influenza, we live in a wonderful country.

You will be aware that the high number of COVID-19 cases as well as influenza has led Metro North Health to move to Tier 3 of the NEW  Metro North COVID-19 and Influenza Response Plan 2022.

As always, the best response is to stay informed and I encourage you to read the plan and familiarise yourself with what this means for you and for our service.

In summary the key principles are:

Keep yourself, your fellow staff members and your families safe:

  • Wear high risk PPE for all clinical areas – minimum requirement is P2/N95 masks and eyewear (prioritise fit testing for new staff and annual review testing)
  • Keep your distance – avoid congregating in shared spaces and be particularly careful to maintain your distance in dining rooms when you have removed you mask to eat and drink
  • Look after yourself and your colleagues – eat and sleep well; check in on your colleagues and when you can, and when you find a moment – do the things that you enjoy.

Contain the virus:

  • Limit patient and staff movement across facilities to essential movements only
  • Speak with COH EOC and infection control if you need specific information for your area.

Create capacity:

  • Ensure graduates and new staff are supported – their training and education is essential
  • Maximise staff skills and safety – optimise online learning where possible or provide essential training ( OVP; fire evacuation, ALS, BLS) in a COVID safe way
  • Defer non-essential training
  • Limit meetings to those needed to plan and respond, and move to virtual meetings where possible.

Thank you for managing the outbreaks to keep the people in our care safe.

Thank you to the DNMs and other team leaders for finding staff at short notice to cover emergent leave.

Thank you to the staff who answer the call and step up to fill the gaps.

Thank you all for your continuing perseverance, strength and compassion to our patients and colleagues. I am proud to work alongside each and every one of you.

These are difficult times and you have been going over and above for some considerable time now so please look after yourself and each other and try and have fun.


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