Every day we hear stories of individuals and teams who are putting the Metro North Values into action – VIA VIPs! Their actions are building a culture of resilience, support and wellbeing which reflects positively on our colleagues, our organisation and consumers in our care.
The Metro North Staff Shout Out portal was launched in April at the RBWH Staff Expo to provide an avenue for staff to acknowledge and thank their colleagues.
As part of the Shout Out Portal launch, the Values in Action team ran a promotion for two staff members to receive a VIA Polo for submitting and receiving a Shout Out. Lana Barrett, CNC from Wattlebrae was chosen for the Shout Out she received which embodies the Metro North Values.
Lana has been providing very valued support to clinical staff working within the COVID space. Her expertise in mental health has allowed for safe care for patients and staff, as well as establishing positive relationships between services.
When Lana received the call to tell her that her Shout Out was chosen, she was very humble in stating she was “just doing my job!”. Thank you Lana for making the Metro North Values more than just words.
Visit the Staff Shout Out QHEPS page for more information and to submit a Shout Out.