Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
Over the past nearly two years we have been planning for a surge in COVID-19 cases in our community and in our workforce. The current situation is challenging, but we knew it could happen and we have planned accordingly. Many of our healthcare colleagues interstate and overseas have been facing surge after surge since the pandemic started, so in many ways we are fortunate to have had time to prepare.
I want to thank everyone in Metro North who has rolled up your sleeves and got on with business to respond to this frequently changing situation. As I said in the vidcast yesterday, the information that’s current at my 7.30am meeting is rarely the same as the 11am or the 4.30pm. Despite the fluidness of the situation, there’s a sense of positivity, of resilience and of teamwork across the health service. I feel fortunate that we have a large workforce with those values. Thank you all.
The past few weeks we’ve seen people queuing for hours at our fever clinics. Thank you to the team who supported the quick set up of the QUT drive through clinic including staff who returned early from leave to assist with tasks like handing out water. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Due to the current COVID situation, the annual Australia Day Awards will be postponed for at least a month.
This week we stood up a vaccination clinic at Kippa Ring for children aged 5-11. Well done to the vaccination team and everyone who worked to get it operational. The clinic is seeing more than 500 children per day. We are looking to expand our vaccination services for children and families. For the remainder of January our pop up Kallangur First Nations clinic will expand to provide vaccination for all eligible groups.
Discussions are continuing with private hospitals to help manage the surge in inpatients over the next few weeks. We are fortunate to have strong relationships with private providers collocated with our facilities. Our Chief Medical Officer Dr Liz Rushbrook will be working with the Department of Health for a short period to support coordination across the state of public patients moving into private hospitals.
The Institute of Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) is providing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across South East Queensland access to a range of COVID related services and support through Mob Link. People can call 1800 254 354 or visit the IUIH website for information.
Metro North has made a submission this week to the Mental Health Select Committee: Inquiry into Opportunities to Improve Mental Health Outcomes for Queenslanders. As we’ve seen during the pandemic, our already busy Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug services have seen significant increases in demand with year-on-year presentations outstripping population growth.
Work is progressing for the three satellite hospitals in Metro North. This week we received an update including confirmation of practical completion dates. These facilities will expand our services to the Metro North community in the growing northern part of our catchment.
Our Deadly Start education to employment program is showing great results. Seven of the students who completed in the program in 2021 have been successful in gaining permanent part-time roles as AINs with Metro North.
Please take care and be kind to yourself and those around you. Don’t try to go it alone if you need support. Talk to a friend, colleague or family member or find wellbeing support and resources through our extranet. The employee assistance service is also available 24/7 for free confidential support on 1300 360 364.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our values and caring for our community.