Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
This Sunday marks the anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generation. National Apology Day is a significant day in Australia’s journey to reconciliation which acknowledges the damage and intergenerational trauma of government policy which allowed horrendous treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly the forced removal of children from their families.
I’d like to acknowledge the importance of National Apology Day, and respectfully acknowledge the Turrbul, Jagera, Yugara, Kabi Kabi and Jinibara Peoples, the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land where our services are located, and pay my respects to Elders both past and present.
Health equity
Metro North is currently developing a health equity strategy which will guide changes in our health service to ensure everyone can access the care they need and improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
For me, the simple explanation of health equity is that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should have the same health outcomes and healthy lives and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies should be as healthy as non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies. It’s our responsibility to do the things within our control to make that possible.
In Queensland we now have only nine years to close the health gap and achieve life expectancy parity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The strategy addresses the five key performance measures outlined in the Hospital and Health Boards (Health Equity Strategies) Amendment Regulation 2021:
- Actively eliminating racial discrimination and institutional racism within the service
- Increasing access to healthcare services
- Influencing the social, cultural and economic determinants of health
- Delivering sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare services
- Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations to design, deliver, monitor and review health services.
It’s important that we look at this work as an opportunity to improve healthcare outcomes and not as a criticism of the work we have all done to date. Unconscious bias is difficult to eliminate until we recognise that it exists and actively take steps to address it.
The Metro North Health Equity Strategy will be launched in April. It is being co-designed and developed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, patients, community and Elders and partnership organisations.
Over the next few weeks we will hold a series of workshops for managers about our legislative and moral obligations to achieve health equity. We will also be relaunching our values in action with a health equity focus.
The health equity strategy will build on the work we have started through the Better Together Health plan, such as boosting Ngarrama maternity services and the appointment of a Strong Start to Life clinical nurse consultant, the women’s business pathway, the Better Together Medication Access program, our Deadly Start and Indigenous Cadet education to employment programs, and the many identified positions that have been created across our workforce.
Across the health service we have also rolled out the Better Together artwork as a visual indication of our commitment to creating culturally safe environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, visitors and staff.
Last year we signed a Statement of Commitment between Hospital and Health Services in South East Queensland, Mater Hospital, Children’s Health Queensland and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Healthcare Organisations to work together to achieve health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South East Queensland by 2031. You can read the full statement in the February Talk About newsletter.
This week I held a vidcast on health equity with Sherry Holzapfel, the Executive Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. There will be more vidcasts throughout the year updating you on our progress and providing opportunities to get involved. You can watch the vidcast recording on QHEPS.
Integrity and fraud awareness
As public service employees, we each have a responsibility to understand our obligations and responsibilities under the Code of Conduct, which outlines four main principles:
- integrity and impartiality—being honest, fair and respectful, and ensuring decisions are unprejudiced, unbiased and just
- promoting the public good—delivering the programs and services that benefit the people of Queensland
- commitment to the system of government—respecting the government and its institutions and upholding the law
- accountability and transparency—taking responsible actions and making decisions that can be explained and easily understood.
Code of Conduct is included in orientation for new staff and all staff are required to do annual refresher training through TMS.
February is also Queensland Health Fraud Awareness Month. Over the next three Mondays the Department of Health is holding a series of online seminars that Metro North staff are invited to attend:
- Monday 14 February, 1.00–2.00pm – Influencing an ethical organisational culture with Acting Chairperson Mr Bruce Barbour, Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC)
- Monday 21 February, 1.00–2.00pm – If you see something, say something… the importance of encouraging and supporting staff to speak up with Ms Louise Rosemann, Principal Advisor Public Interest Disclosures, Queensland Ombudsman
- Monday 28 February, 1.00–2.00pm – Keeping watch: Fraud risk monitoring and management with Patrick Millwood, Senior Manager Fraud Risk & Controls team PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Two of our finance teams were recognised at the 2021 Health Finance Awards on Monday.
Metro North Commercial Services were Runner Up for Team of the Year for developing budget tools that have improved financial literacy for clinical staff and a greater understanding of the relationship between our operational and financial activity.
The Revenue Advisory Services Team were also Highly Commended for Team of the Year. The team created a suite of training material to support ongoing development and education around patient revenue.
Thank you
We received a nice note from the security team at QUT in relation to the fever clinic:
On behalf of my team, I just wanted to convey appreciation for the professionalism shown by Travis and the entire Metro North team who have worked on or at QUT Covid Testing site. From setup – stand-down there were no issues that were ever a problem which is a testament to the hard work of all your staff. They often worked, and continue to work, in trying and testing conditions however remained both professional and courteous to all of my staff, QUT personnel and the wider community (some of our staff used the services of the testing site and all the feedback was extremely positive).
I know that all the hard work your team does is often thankless, and even more challenging during the current climate.
On behalf of QUT, I would like to thank you, your team and the wider QLD Health team for all the hard work and it has been a pleasure to work with your team.