Jane Hancock, Acting Chief Executive, Metro North Health
This week we have seen a large drop in our COVID patient numbers and the number of staff on sick leave is coming down. Please visit a pop-up kiosk next week to upload your COVID booster information if you haven’t done it already.
Despite now over two years of focus on the pandemic response, across Metro North we are continuing to pursue our longer-term goals and strategies. We are forging ahead with our clinical planning and infrastructure developments to keep our health service apace with population growth. Researchers are continuing to find new and better ways to treat patients and improve outcomes for all the communities we serve.
One excellent example of this is the groundbreaking work announced this week from the teams at Herston Biofabrication Institute and the Comprehensive Breast Cancer Institute, led by Metro North surgeons Dr Michael Wagels and Professor Owen Ung. The team have commenced phase one clinical trials for a world-first 3D breast scaffold surgery for women requiring breast reconstruction.

Professor Owen Ung and Dr Michael Wagels
The surgery uses the woman’s fat cells injected into the scaffold which dissolves over a few years leaving only her own tissue. A huge shout out to the many people who have contributed to the work over many years to reach this point and to RBWH Foundation for support.
I have been reminded this week about the importance of trust. I remember doing trust exercises at school, including the “TRUST FALL” – falling backwards hoping that your team or partner would catch you. I distinctly remember that feeling of discomfort when I didn’t trust the girl I was paired with!
In any environment when trust is missing, we experience discomfort. Understandably, in a low trust environment the enjoyment of work and productivity is diminished. Trust is very important in both personal and professional relationships. Trust also contributes to individual health and social wellbeing improved health outcomes and the health of the workplace.
The famous Stephen Covey said: “Contrary to what most people believe, trust is not some soft, illusive quality that you either have or you don’t; rather, trust is a pragmatic, tangible, actionable asset that you can create.”
There is a lot we can do to build trust and we must do better across Metro North Hospital and Health Service.
Here are my top five suggestions:
- Be honest – there is great power in this – don’t just give the news you think that people want to hear, be respectful know what you want to say and then say it. This importantly includes concerns about patient care or your experience within the workplace.
- Use data and facts – relying on hearsay and promulgating gossip is destructive.
- Give credit and recognition – if you have achieved something as part of a team or your team has delivered a positive outcome, make sure that you give visibility to your team’s contribution.
- Ask for and be able to receive feedback – give honest and timely feedback and then be open to receiving feedback.
- Manage your emotions – be conscious of the impact that your mood and behaviours can have on others.
Your call to action:
- Identify your key important relationships in the workplace
- For each relationship determine if the trust is low or high
- Prioritise one relationship where trust is low
- Consider ways in which you will build trust in this relationship over the next four weeks
- Put your plan into action
Next week Jackie Hanson will be back in the CE chair. Thanks again for your support! I am taking a very short break, so Tami Photinos will continue as Acting Chief Operating Officer until Wednesday.
If you’re taking the family to the Ekka, please wear a mask, take your hand sanitiser, and remember your social distancing! And don’t forget Ekka Strawberry Sundaes aren’t just delicious treats, they help fund research through The Common Good!
Remember, be kind to yourselves and each other.
Warm regards,