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Message from the Board Chair

2022-02-14T09:34:07+10:0014 February 2022|Board, Executive Messages|
Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Appointment of Jackie Hanson as Chief Executive, Metro North Health

I am pleased to advise that following the recommendation from the Metro North Hospital and Health Board, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services the Honourable Yvette D’Ath has approved the appointment of Adjunct Professor Jackie Hanson as Health Service Chief Executive.

Jackie has acted as Chief Executive since July 2021, and previously for a significant period throughout 2019.

The Board has valued her capability, expertise and leadership as she has guided Metro North Health during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Jackie has a deep knowledge of the operations of Australia’s largest hospital and health service and a demonstrated commitment to delivering high quality patient care while looking after the wellbeing of our staff.

Jackie actively demonstrates Metro North’s Values in Action and her genuine commitment to living the values resonates with staff across the health service. She is committed to strengthening the delivery of healthcare in Metro North through strong partnerships with the health and community sectors as well as research alliances.

Jackie joined Metro North as Chief Operating Officer in 2018. Prior to this, she was Chief Executive of a South Australian local health service and has held numerous executive roles in the health sector, including Chief Operating Officer of Sunshine Coast HHS.

Jackie has a clinical background in nursing with particular specialisation in the areas of peri-operative and neurosurgery.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to express our appreciation to Jackie for acting during this transition period and congratulate her on her appointment as Chief Executive. As our HHS continues to respond to the challenges of COVID-19, the Board will work closely with Jackie to deliver on our long term aspiration of MN32.


Jim McGowan AM
Board Chair, Metro North HHS

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