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Message from the Board Chair

2022-08-05T11:15:36+10:005 August 2022|Executive Messages, Board|
Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Jim McGowan AM, Metro North Board Chair

This month’s report is a little later than usual as I have had the opportunity to visit the hospital and health facilities on Norfolk Island. As you may be aware, from 1 January this year, Metro North has assumed responsibility to provide support for the Norfolk Island Hospital and Residential Aged Care Service (NIHRACS). The success of the transition to Metro North has been the result of close cooperation and excellent communication between the federal Department of Infrastructure and Territories, NIHRACS and Metro North.

The Commonwealth is responsible for the funding and oversight of health services on the Island. It was a privilege to be able to witness firsthand the transition arrangements and facilities at Norfolk and discuss the opportunities and challenges for our partnership. I would particularly acknowledge the role of Kath Boman, Manager of NIHRACS, and her team, Liz Unkles, Transition Manager, Sarah Vandenbroek and Michelle Gannon from the Commonwealth, and Michele Gardner and team from Metro North in facilitating the transition.

Norfolk Island is a small but beautiful island with a long and proud history emanating from the mutineers from the Bounty and their subsequent relocation from Pitcairn Island. Its convict past is also well preserved with many old Victorian buildings still being utilised.

We are developing a wonderful bond with the people of Norfolk and have enhanced obligations to care for those needing our high quality hospital care. It is a great place to visit, a unique cultural history, a beautiful environment and only two hours from Brisbane. The island is dependent on tourism. It’s worth a look!

The Board met on 26 July by Teams – gee I am sick of meetings on Teams! The acting Director-General, Shaun Drummond (remember him!) spoke with the Board about the State Budget outcomes, priorities including the need and incentives for clinical reform, and the new and preferred relationships between Queensland Health and the HHSs. The commitment to regular dialogues with the Board was welcomed.

There was a presentation from Associate Professor Glen Kennedy and Associate Professor Mel Eastgate on the Cancer Care Clinical Stream which highlighted a range of initiatives and, in particular, the announcement by Government of the Queensland Cancer Centre at Herston. The Board acknowledged that this had involved a significant amount of work over a number of years culminating in this wonderful initiative. The Board acknowledged the contribution of Glen and Mel and their colleagues as well as Shaun Drummond and Jackie Hanson to this outcome. The improved outcomes for First Nations people in terms of a significant reduction in “failed to attend” rates is pleasing.

With the Ekka week upon us, can I say best wishes to The Common Good for their Strawberry Sundae fundraising activity. If you are attending, please be conscious of the need to take precautions against COVID and the flu in order to prevent an escalation of the demand pressures on you and your colleagues. Wearing masks and social distancing are important but more important is having the COVID boosters and flu shots.

A couple of quotes to ponder

“When you’re back in England with the fleet again, you’ll hear the hue and cry against me. From now on, they’ll spell mutiny with my name. I regret that.” (Lt. Fletcher Christian, 1764-1793, a memorable life for one who died at 28 years.)

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” (Leo Buscaglia, 1924-1994, Professor of Special Education, University of Southern California.)


Jim McGowan AM
Metro North Board Chair

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