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Message from the Chief Allied Health Practitioner

2022-10-27T12:30:13+10:0014 October 2022|Chief Allied Health Practitioner|

I am pleased and excited to acknowledge today is the internationally celebrated Allied Health Professions day (AHP Day).

AHPs day was first held in England in 2018 and is an event commemorating and bringing together the allied health professional community.

Perhaps more importantly than acknowledging the day, I would like to express my appreciation and regards to my allied health colleagues from over 30 distinct disciplines that make up allied health / health practitioner workforce. Allied health staff across Metro North Health comprise of important and valued assistant and support workers through to advanced practitioners of international repute. Some disciplines are solo positions, others are in the hundreds.

The common link that binds allied health together is our collective desire and work “helping patients live better”.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank allied health professionals that have been working on the frontline in response to COVID-19 and adapting to new methods of service delivery. From the ICU to community-based rehabilitation, from innovative drive through pharmacy service to new virtual care models, allied health professionals have had an important role to play. Opportunity now exists for allied health to turn their minds to the physical and mental recovery pathways for people who have had COVID-19.

A few years ago I heard Edward de Bono, the father of lateral thinking and Six Hat Thinking, outline some of the pressing challenges facing the world, including health care. He said a new way of thinking is needed to address complex issues and described a new word “ebne” (Excellent But Not Enough) as a starting point for resolving challenges. I like the model because it covers the situations where there is no direct attack on what exists but the suggestion is that other things may be needed.

So my challenge to allied health is to acknowledge the excellent service and outcomes we provide making lives better but also to enthusiastically look for new ways to deliver high value allied health care and to research and translate evidence into practice to provide the best and most cost effective care possible.

Thank you for your service and great work and for more information on AHP Day click on the following link Allied Health Professions Day – Allied Health Professions Australia (ahpa.com.au)

Kind regards,


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