Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
Thank you to everyone who has congratulated me on my appointment as Metro North Chief Executive. I am very pleased to be officially in the role and to continue delivering on our MN32 strategy.
We have already achieved some major milestones outlined in the strategy, such as the establishment of our research and knowledge institutes, developing our Metro North wide Better Together Health plan to close the gap, opening our first mental health step up step down centre, and the opening of the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service.
The next few years will see us deliver some significant work including the Caboolture Hospital redevelopment. We will also be launching our Health Equity Strategy in April. I look forward to working with you on these major pieces of work.
Recently the Director-General announced a program to strengthen the health system through the office of the Queensland Health Chief Operating Officer (COO). The QH COO portfolio includes a significant reform agenda to maximise the positive changes we’ve implemented in response to the pandemic.
Our Executive Director Clinical Services Dr Elizabeth Whiting will be the lead for this program of reform, working directly with the QH COO to develop and implement a plan to make the most of what we’ve learned over the past two years, and embed innovative ways of working into our everyday business.
Liz’s expertise in healthcare reform includes changing the way we deliver care for frail older people such as the development of RADAR and RADAR Rapid Response for residential aged care.
Liz will transition into her temporary new role from 28 February. Recruitment for the Acting ED Clinical Services is under way. Please join me in wishing Liz all the best for this important piece of work and we look forward to working with her in her new capacity.
I would also like to thank our Executive Director Strategic Developments Sam Betros for his work with Metro North. Sam has accepted an exciting position in another department and is finishing up with Metro North today.
Since joining Metro North as the Commercial Director for Herston Quarter Redevelopment Project, Sam has also been the Acting Executive Director Oral Health and headed up our major Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Project before moving into the Strategic Developments role. We wish him all the best for his future projects.
Congratulations also to our Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alanna Geary who has been appointed the Chair of the National Nurse Executive Faculty with the Australian College of Nursing.