Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
This morning we held our Australia Day Achievement Awards which were postponed last month due to the December-January COVID surge. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
- Anne Carle, Executive Officer, Human Research Ethics Committee, TPCH
- Erin Dunn, Pharmacist Team Leader, Internal Medicine Service, TPCH
- Bianca Rivera, Registered Nurse, Cognitive Assessment Management Unit, TPCH
- Redcliffe Hospital Better Together Medication Access implementation team
- Dr Catherine Yelland PSM, Medical Director, Medicine Service Line, Redcliffe Hospital
- Queensland Adult Specialist Immunisation Service, RBWH
- Edwina Powe, Senior Physiotherapist, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Business Service
- Shane Jeynes, Manager Administration Services, Women’s and Newborn Services, RBWH
- Les Richardson, Assistant Director, Safety and Implementation Service, RBWH
- Savannah Burkin, Senior Administration officer, Patient Flow Services, RBWH
- Jon Roberts, Business Manager, Surgical and Peri-operative Services, RBWH
- King Law, Data Manager, Surgical and Peri-operative Services, RBWH
- Freda Papoutsakis, Senior Administration Officer, Internal Medicine and Aged Care, RBWH
- Halligan Quin, Lawyer, Metro North Health
- Virtual Ward Team, Community and Oral Health
- John Walters, Principal Communications Advisor, Metro North Communication
- Janelle Laws, Acting Assistant Nursing & Midwifery Director, Education and Workforce Development, Metro North
One of the themes that emerged through the Have your Say staff survey last year was the need for physical improvements in staff and patient areas. We have allocated $2 million for minor infrastructure projects across our clinical directorates. This work is now starting so you may see improvements in your local area soon.
Over the next few weeks we will be starting to plan for the flu season and our annual flu vaccination program. With COVID still active in the community, we are looking at a combination of both COVID and flu infections and how we manage that in our hospitals and in our workforce. Current modelling shows an influenza peak in July, so our staff vaccination program will likely start in April.
Associate Professor Glen Kennedy will be the Acting Executive Director Clinical Services form 12 months from Monday while Dr Liz Whiting is working in the Department of Health. We are currently progressing recruitment processes for our Chief Operating Officer, Chief Finance and Corporate Officer, and Deputy Chief Operating Officer.
The HR review is continuing and this week the business case for change was presented at the Board meeting. Consultation meetings on the plan will begin next week. I will keep you updated on the progress and outcomes of the HR review and opportunities to be involved.
We are also working on some Metro North wide principles for flexible working arrangements, which has been a regular question topic in the vidcasts. To inform this work, I am seeking your feedback on your experience and thoughts about flexible working arrangements through this short survey.
We have received a letter from the CEO of Brisbane Airport Corporation thanking health staff for their work over the past two years at the airport since the borders were closed in February 2020.
The letter says that despite the challenges of the pandemic response, the health staff consistently demonstrated integrity, support and collaboration with airport staff.