Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
Celebrating our achievements is an important way that we create a workplace that is truly a great place to work. This week nominations closed for the Metro North Research Excellence Awards and it was excellent to see that even in this busy time we have received 71 nominations. Over the next few weeks the nominations will be assessed and I look forward to announcing the finalists soon. The winners will be recognised at the Research Excellence Awards event in June.
Today we reached a significant milestone in our pandemic response. After more than a year, our last community vaccination clinics closed today. There has been a lot of change since we opened the first clinic at STARS in March 2021, and we have established many long term and temporary clinics over the year. Metro North has one of the highest vaccination rates in Queensland. Thank you to everyone who has worked in and supported our vaccination clinics. Thousands of people have contributed to their success and it was an enormous demonstration of teamwork. Well done to everyone involved!
This week we started a valuable new partnership with QUT to provide current and incoming Deadly Start students with information and support to pursue university studies. The partnership with the Faculty of Health and Oodgeroo Unit and Student Ambassadors gives the Deadly Start students an overview of university life and the opportunities available to support them into their chosen careers.
Over the past two weeks Patient Support Services and Medical Imaging teams have been transitioning back into facility governance. I hope the transition has been smooth and these teams are enjoying having a closer connection to your home facility.
As a diverse workforce, we celebrate different occasions at different times of the year. Whether you personally celebrate Easter or not, hopefully this long weekend offers you some time to take a break and recharge. As we head into a month of short weeks, we need to support each other to care for our community. For those people working over the long weekends, thank you in advance.