Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
Executive appointments
We have completed recruitment for the Chief Finance and Corporate Officer and I’m pleased to let you know Alister Whitta has been successful in the role. Alister has been acting in the position for several months, coming to us from a similar role in Metro South.
Recruitment is continuing for the Chief Operating Officer and we are now starting the process to recruit a Chief People and Culture Officer, following the business case for change for our human resources and staff wellbeing teams.
Domestic and family violence
May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. There are community events happening across the state including a candlelight vigil at Roma St next Wednesday for National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day. Metro South is also inviting other HHS staff to attend an online panel discussion next Friday with their DFV Strategic Reference Group.
Metro North has a range of training and support resources for managers, clinicians and all staff to help identify and respond to domestic and family violence.
If you are experiencing domestic and family violence, our employee assistance service Benestar as a free 24/7 confidential support service via a dedicated phone line, 1300 574 516.
COVID debrief
Our COVID staff debrief survey is still open. Local debrief sessions are also happening across Metro North. If you have some time, please share your thoughts on Metro North’s COVID response as these sessions and the survey will inform our transition to recovery planning.
This is our final long weekend for a while. I hope you have a chance to relax and do something fun over the next few days.