Adj Prof Jackie Hanson
I hope you are all staying safe and dry. This week’s rainfall has been intense, and we have already seen two of our facilities, Kilcoy Hospital and Woodford Corrections Health, isolated due to road closures. More rain is expected over the weekend, so please drive to the conditions, plan ahead and don’t attempt to cross flooded roads.
After the flooding and heavy rain a few months ago, many people have asked when the lifts in the Point Parking (Butterfield St) carpark will be operational. The carpark operators have advised that unfortunately we are looking at least another 10 weeks before the parts arrive for the repair work. The team are hoping to combine parts from both lifts to get one lift functional while the new parts arrive. Staff are asked not to park on Level 3 (ground floor entry) so patients with mobility issues can use this level.
Our Executive Director of Strategy, Planning, Assets, and Infrastructure Kate Copeland has also advised that the repairs to Campbell Place (Citilink Buildings) won’t be finished for another few weeks. A staggered return to the building is likely to start in June.
This week we put out an expression of interest for a Project Lead, Female Junior Doctor Advocacy Working Group. The aim of the position is to provide effective leadership and direction to create a targeted policy framework and supporting tools to support the female junior medical workforce. This will include engagement across professional groups and specialty areas to develop career pathway supports, mentorship programs and pathways to escalate concerns related to discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment. If you are interested, please send your CV and cover letter outlining your experience and what you would bring to the role to CE_MNHS@health.qld.gov.au by Friday 23 May. This position is a leadership opportunity and would be an at level secondment.
I’ve had some feedback about the health equity vidcast and want to acknowledge that Metro North is aware there are inequities for many patient groups across our organisation which we seek to address. The health equity vidcasts are specifically about the Metro North Health Equity Strategy which is a legislated requirement to help close the health gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. I encourage you to tune in for the monthly vidcasts about the health equity strategy.
Thank you to the people who have already submitted your ideas via our #innov8 portal. Submissions are open for another three weeks, so please share your genuine innovation ideas to improve patient flow and experiences, and staff wellbeing, or new ways of doing things.
We are seeing an increase in influenza patients in our hospitals. If you haven’t had your free flu vaccination, please get it as soon as possible to reduce your chance of serious illness. As the community COVID restrictions have lifted, it’s a timely reminder to reinforce hand hygiene, social distancing, mask wearing and staying home if you have symptoms. These simple measures can help protect you from flu, COVID and a range of other illnesses. Next week we our Incident Controller Louise O’Riordan and Infectious Diseases specialist Dr Andrew Redmond will host a vidcast to provide an update on the Metro North respiratory plan and winter strategies.
I need to remind you that accessing patient information, including for yourself, family members and friends, and patients not in your care is not appropriate. Improper access of patient information could amount to corrupt conduct and be referred to the Integrity Unit and may result in disciplinary action. If you need a refresher on what is appropriate, please see the Information Access and Privacy video and resources on QHEPS and revisit your privacy training in TMS.
Congratulations to STARS Cultural Capability Officer Tracy Grant who presented at the Clinical Excellence Queensland Showcase this week on ‘Delivering culturally responsive care’. Tracy regularly presents to small groups as part of her job but was on the stage presenting to hundreds about the excellent work happening at STARS to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.