Sherry Holzapfel, ED, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.

Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive, Metro North Health
Galang nguruindhau,
(Meaning ‘good day’ in local Turrbul language.)
Happy NAIDOC Week 2022!
This year’s NAIDOC theme Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! is a powerful and strong message encouraging the nation to create systemic change, and reminds us of the many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heroes and champions who have driven and laid foundation for change over generations here in Australia and internationally.
We had an exciting start to the week with the launch of the Metro North Health Equity Strategy 2022 – 2025: Our journey towards health equity. Our goal is to ensure all Aboriginal and Torres Islander people accessing our health services will receive high-quality person-centred care that is culturally responsive, empowers self-care and choice, and is designed to improve health and wellbeing. We encourage you to read the strategy and reflect on how this plays a part in your role at Metro North Health.
Unfortunately, due to the current COVID and influenza response many of the in person NAIDOC events planned for this week have been postponed.
We are half way through the Metro North’s third annual Virtual NAIDOC event. Each day this week short films are released via the Better Together Health Van Facebook page. The videos pay homage to local, national and international leaders, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and traditions. You might like to watch with your colleagues, family and friends. There is a broad range of topics suitable for all ages to educate and inspire. You can also watch all the videos on the Better Together Health van website.
So far, we’ve seen Welcome to Country from Shannon Ruska, Uncle Les Collins and Uncle Les Malezer talking about activism and fighting for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and Uncle Brian Whap and Aunty Mattie Bani talking about Torres Strait Islander culture.
Still to come are Torres Strait yarning, singing with country music star Uncle Roger Knox, Dion Tatow and Rocky Byrne talking about the LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy Rainbow mob, tribal dancing, children’s activities with Aunty Sharron Mirii Bell, and activist Allira Davis talking about the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
Jackie and Sherry