Jackie Hanson
Demand is still high and we have many staff off across Metro North. Thank you all for your ongoing work to ensure we continue to deliver high quality care. I appreciate there is a lot of work involved in postponing planned care and I hope we are able to get back to a business as usual approach soon.
We continue to run twice weekly vidcasts regarding the current acute respiratory illness surge as we approach an expected peak. All of the Metro North emergency operations centres remain active and the Metro North IMT continues to meet daily to receive directorate updates and monitor and respond to any emerging issues.
I would also like to gently remind everybody of personal responsibility regarding COVID vaccination third and fourth doses, and decisions about wearing masks outside of work. Personally, I continue to wear my mask in public to reduce my chances of getting sick, not just from COVID but the many other viruses that like to spread in the cooler months.
I understand that the governance is changing for the two existing Metro North Human Research Ethics Committees (HREC). While there may be some details to iron out, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Dr Russell Denman, TPCH Clinical Director Electrophysiology, for his commitment as Chair of the TPCH HREC over a number of years, giving up his time to ensure that research is active and prolific across Metro North.
As it is the start of the new financial year, may I remind us all of our obligations under the Gifts and Benefits framework. I have heard that there may have been an instance where a commercial entity was approached by Metro North staff to deliver a gift to a Metro North function. This is an example of non compliance to our obligations. A timely reminder to please refamiliarise yourself with the requirements of the Metro North Gifts and Benefits procedure and the Queensland Government Gifts and Benefits direction for public sector employees.
Metro North’s Executive Director of Strategy, Planning, Assets, Infrastructure and Strategic Developments Kate Copeland received yet another accolade last week from the Australian College of Health Service Management. Congratulations Kate, you must be coming close to being the most awarded Metro North employee! If you of someone in Metro North who could give Kate a run for her money with awards and accolades, please let my office know!
In my message last week I advised that I am arranging an internal briefing about the Queensland Cancer Centre. There will be two sessions held on Wednesday 27 July. Invitations will be going out soon but if you would like to be specifically invited, please contact Metro North Strategic Developments.
In addition, Kate Copeland and I will be running a series of facility based vidcasts during August around all capital commitments for Metro North including some timeframes for delivery. Details of the vidcasts will be in the bulletins.
Some of you may be waiting to hear the outcome of the Queensland Health Reform and Innovation submissions. I understand the system panel to determine successful applications is meeting imminently and we should be informed in the next week or two.
Metro North has partnered with Courageous Conversation South Pacific Institute to deliver a virtual course over three days at the end of July. The virtual Courageous Conversations session will provide Metro North staff with a set of tools to talk about race, intentionally and effectively. Together, these tools help to create a space that is authentic, safe, and generative for conversations about race that are insightful and compassionate. If you are interested, please talk to your line manager.
Finally, please share my ongoing appreciation to your teams for the work you continue to do each and every day.
Warm regards,