Adj Assoc Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive, MN Health
Metro North is committed to improving health outcomes and providing culturally safe healthcare services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This week we launched a new initiative through BreastScreen Queensland Brisbane Northside Service to provide beautiful modesty shawls for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
As you can see from the photo of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team staff Kim Minniecon, Rayna Cowburn and Jodi Dyer (pictured l-r), the Sistas Shawl features a design from Aboriginal artist Sharon McAvoy.
We have received some positive feedback already in response to our Facebook post about the shawls:
“This modesty shawl is a Godsend for all us Tiddas, Thankyou”
“Beautiful I hope to get one when I get my annual screen this week”
You will have heard that the national requirement for mandatory isolation for COVID positive people is ending today. There are still directions in place that prevent people with COVID, including staff, from entering vulnerable facilities – hospital and healthcare settings, aged care and disability accommodation facilities, and correctional facilities. I ask that, while formal policy and procedure documents are developed, everyone continues to be sensible and stays home if you have symptoms.
This week Jane Hancock and I held the first of our listening posts at Caboolture, TPCH and RBWH. It was great to meet with staff and hear your comments and thoughts. I’m looking forward to hearing from more of you next week.
In our recent Health Equity vidcast, we had a question from a Nurse Unit Manager about where she could find information and resources to help her staff improve their knowledge and understanding of health equity. As a result, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Team is developing a resource guideline for managers. Thank you for asking the question!
We are half way through spring and expecting another wet summer. This week is Get Ready Week – time to think about how you are prepared for dangerous weather events. The Get Ready Week Emergency Services Expo is on this Sunday at Victoria Park from 10am-2pm with a range of activities and information about how to prepare. The Australian Warning Systems have also recently changed so it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with the new icons you’ll see on warnings and the recommended actions for each level – advice, watch and act, and emergency warning.
Tickets for the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards gala dinner will go on sale next week, so start planning your tables. The event will be on Friday 9 December which is perfect timing for your team end of year get together.
Best wishes for the Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital Giving Day today. Last year’s giving day campaign raised more than $170,000 to support the hospital through the partnership with RBWH Foundation. This year some of the funds raised will support improvements for patient amenities in the Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Units.
Kind regards,