Adj Assoc Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive, MN Health
Today is Remembrance Day, a special day to reflect on the sacrifices made during war so that we can live in peace. We have a long history with the defence forces at many of our sites. Across Metro North we have many active and former members of the military, who have seen conflict and have supported peacekeeping missions. Thank you to all of you for your commitment to protecting and serving our nation.
I had the pleasure earlier this week of attending some of the sessions at the #NextCare Health Conference. A big thank you to the Metro North Communication team and steering committee for all your work in delivering the conference. The feedback I’ve received has been extremely positive. Metro North’s role as an industry leader was well represented. It was great to see attendees from across the state and even one who travelled from New Zealand especially for the conference.
Today we have seen the new Queensland Health COVID traffic light system in action as we moved from green to amber, and it’s important to take precautions to protect yourselves, your patients, and your loved ones. Please stay home if you are unwell and take a RAT. While you’re at work, please wear a mask, practice physical distancing where possible, and keep up your hand hygiene. We are no longer in a declared public health emergency and living with COVID so we are not using the dedicated COVID extranet site. You can find COVID resources on the Standard 3 page of our intranet site.
As part of our commitment to health equity, today we held a community engagement forum at Deception Bay. More than 100 people including staff from across Metro North, Elders and community members sat down to talk, listen and get to know each other. We were also treated to entertainment from Uncle Roger Knox who even gave me his autograph.
I have received a lovely letter from a patient who wrote to the Minister about his care at RBWH. He wrote that he had surgery for throat cancer in August, a nine-hour operation that required two teams of highly skilled surgeons.
“Following the operation, I had 2 weeks of recuperation in ward 8A North. In that time the support, care, and consideration I received from the 2 surgical teams, the nursing staff (from NUMs to AINs), and the allied health staff was exemplary and cannot be gainsaid.
“After my discharge I have had nothing but the best care and advice from the groups I mentioned, as well as from the therapists assisting in my post recovery – speech, operational, dietician, and lymphoedema, and the administration officers in the various clinics….
“And all of this was carried out in the public health system.
“I am so grateful to everyone.”
Kind regards,