Adj Assoc Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive, MN Health
From 1 January, Queensland’s voluntary assisted dying legislation will come into effect. From that day anyone who meets the strict eligibility criteria will have the option of requesting medical assistance to end their lives. This change is only a few weeks away now and we need to ensure that all staff are informed of the process when someone makes a request.
The legislation acknowledged that some healthcare staff will have a conscientious objection to providing VAD, and it’s important that we all understand our rights and responsibilities under the law. All healthcare staff are encouraged to complete the VAD iLearn education session.
Metro North is also currently encouraging doctors and nurse practitioners who would like to become authorised VAD practitioners to complete training and register. You can find more information on the Queensland Health VAD webpage. We will be holding another VAD vidcast next Tuesday. If you have questions, you can submit them before the vidcast (or use the Q&A function during the vidcast). See recordings of previous VAD vidcasts on QHEPS.
Redcliffe Hospital has opened the first stage of the Zen Den, a staff wellness space. The Zen Den is located outside Zouki Café and has been decorated with a wellness-themed palette and water feature.
Thanks to all staff who participated in the decoration and the Redcliffe Hospital Wellness Working Group.
Redcliffe Hospital staff have also been busy collecting hampers for local families. The staff have already put together 42 hampers. It’s a wonderful example of our Metro North values in action.
Tonight Metro North will recognise staff achievements at our annual Staff Excellence Awards. After another busy year, it’s a lovely opportunity to acknowledge what we’ve all done together and celebrate. We received over 170 nominations from every corner of the organisation and it’s great to see such a diverse mix of teams and individuals in the finalists. Good luck!
We are seeing quite a few staff coming down with COVID. Please take care of yourselves and wear your masks in the community when you can’t distance and keep up your hand hygiene.
Kind regards,