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Message from the Chief Executive

2023-05-24T14:15:20+10:0019 May 2023|Executive Messages, Chief Executive|
Jackie Hanson

Adj Assoc Prof Jackie Hanson, Chief Executive

Today you will receive an email inviting you to participate in the 2023 Have your Say staff survey.

The survey is open until 9 June. It will take about 20 minutes to complete.

This is the third time the survey has been conducted and the results have been extremely informative. In 2021, 52% of staff participated and provided more than a million pieces of data and comments.

Although the survey will ask you to provide your payroll ID when you login, this is only to ensure we know how many individual employees have participated. This information is removed by the third-party survey provider BPA Analytics before any results are shared with Metro North, so there is no risk to you in being completely honest about your experiences and opinions of working in Metro North.

The survey not only provides an overview of sentiment, it also lets us know what improvements are needed. Since the first survey in 2019, the feedback has led new programs, facility upgrades, and changes to processes.

Metro North Health Staff Survey 2023 graphicFor example, one of the themes of the 2021 survey feedback was around the need for more transparency around how employees and managers can make and respond to workplace concerns. As a result, last year we developed  a resource kit which includes a step by step process for employees wanting to raise a complaint, manager’s guide for resolving workplace concerns, and a guide for employees who receive a complaint.

We have also introduced new training and support for middle managers such as the Manager Milestone Micro Skills resources, the new Managers Memo newsletter, and more leadership training options.

The internal jobs EOI portal, expanded psychological safety and wellbeing support, new Green Teams, and upgrades to tea rooms and staff amenities have all come from your feedback in the survey. We’ve made changes to orientation, introduced values based
recruitment, trained more peer responders and RUOkers, and increased opportunities for
staff to talk to executives such as listening posts, regular vidcasts, and executive rounding.

I look forward to receiving the results later this year and seeing what you feel we’re doing
well and what we need to do to make Metro North a truly great place to work. I strongly
encourage you to take 20 minutes and share your thoughts.

Kind regards,


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