As we head into December and Christmas, it’s timely to remind everyone about our obligations under the Gifts and Benefits Procedure. As public sector employees we need to be mindful of the perception of gifts and benefits.
All staff should be aware of the procedure, when it is appropriate to accept a gift, and the requirements declaring gifts and benefits valued over $50 or where there is a real or potential conflict of interest.
In all cases, regardless of value, cash and items easily converted to cash such as gift cards and vouchers, lotto tickets and scratch-its must be refused.
Examples of gifts and benefit include (but are not limited to):
- Offers of shares
- Wine
- Flowers
- Gift baskets
- Tickets to events
- Restaurant meals
- Lucky door prizes at external events
- Preferential treatment
- Discounts on commercial items.
If you have any queries about gifts and benefits, please contact our Financial Control Reporting Policy team.
Alister Whitta
Chief Finance and Corporate Officer