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Message from the Chief Finance & Corporate Officer: Melissa Carter

2021-11-05T14:35:51+10:005 November 2021|Chief Finance and Corporate Officer|
Acting Chief Finance and Corporate Officer: Alister Whitta

Acting Chief Finance and Corporate Officer: Alister Whitta

As I’ve been preparing to finish up with Metro North, I’ve been reflecting on my time here over the past four years. Working in Metro North has given me some amazing experiences I’m not sure many other accountants would have in their careers, and let me work with an incredible group of people.

Some things I consider highlights now didn’t seem so great at the time but prepared me for future challenges. Like working through the implementation of the new finance system rollout a few years ago.  Not only did it give me an understanding of procurement and supplies processes across the state, but it also prepared us for the work around securing critical PPE in response to COVID.

This role has even given me the opportunity to abseil for charity, something I’m glad I can say I did but never have to do again!

On a personal note, the connections I’ve made in my time with Metro North continue to enrich my life. I want to thank all the teams and individuals who make up our diverse corporate business services. The teams work often behind the scenes doing critical work to support our clinical colleagues to deliver high quality care.

Thank you also to our executive team for your support and camaraderie in the challenging times and the good times. I am honoured to have worked for Metro North and alongside you all.



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