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Message from the Acting Chief Executive: Jackie Hanson

2021-04-16T15:02:40+10:0016 April 2021|Chief Executive|

Dear colleagues,

With school holidays and increased activity across the health service, I want to thank you all for everything you’re doing to keep caring for patients and delivering excellent services. Where you do have concerns about workload, can I please encourage you to go through our formal processes for raising and addressing these concerns. Talk to your line manager or professional lead if you’re not sure what the correct process is.

As you’ll be aware, the Australian COVID-19 vaccination landscape is evolving day by day. We are working with colleagues across Queensland Health on our planning and will continue to keep you updated as more information comes to hand.

Please remember that under the Public Health Act 2005, clinicians are obliged to report serious, unexpected or uncommon Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI), including the Thrombosis with Thombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) or vaccine induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT).

Green Metro North

As part of our planning for the future, we have been looking at ways to make Metro North more sustainable, not only in the services we offer but also as a large organisation with a broader social responsibility. Our Green Metro North – Sustainability Strategy 2021-2026 is driving positive change to create a healthier, happier and more sustainable place to work.

Our first electric vehicle is on the way and we will rollout more across our car fleet. We are converting the gardeners’ equipment from petrol to battery power, and plans are underway to install more than 2400 solar panels across Metro North facilities which will capture 1.2 megawatts of power and save us over $170,000 in electricity bills each year.

This is, of course, in addition to the great work being done by the Green Teams across our facilities, as well as our staff who help to reduce waste and energy use in their workplace through actions we can all do every day, like recycling and .

You can read the Sustainability Strategy on QHEPS and contact greenmetronorth@health.qld.gov.au to get involved in your local Green Team.

Again, thank you all for everything you do and for demonstrating Metro North’s values every day.

Have a good weekend.



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