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Message from the Acting Chief Executive: Jackie Hanson

2021-08-27T14:26:00+10:0027 August 2021|Chief Executive|

Dear colleagues,

More than 50 per cent of the eligible population in Metro North has received their COVID vaccination. Much of this work has happened in our clinics across Metro North – well done!

As our supply increases I ask that you encourage people not to be vaccine hesitant.

It’s critical that we provide opportunities for priority and vulnerable cohorts to get their vaccinations. I was very pleased that last Saturday we launched two dedicated vaccination services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, providing walk in appointments at the Redcliffe and Caboolture clinics. These clinics will run for at least another five Saturdays. These dedicated clinics provide a culturally safe environment, supported with yarning circles and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.

Our vaccination team has also worked with Nudgee College to vaccinate 24 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at our Brighton clinic. These students will all have their second vaccination prior to school holidays before they return to their home communities. As we’ve seen interstate, COVID can cause significant harm in vulnerable communities, so these initiatives are an excellent way to limit the risks.

This week was Speech Pathology week, I thought it timely to take a moment to acknowledge this critical service and thank all of the staff across Metro North involved in delivering these services.

Next week managers across nearly 700 organisational units will receive their Have your Say survey results. The survey is a frank and honest reflection of how you as employees are feeling about the organisation and your experiences in Metro North, what we’re doing well and where we need to improve. I am looking forward to talking with many of you about the results as I move around the HHS.



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