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Message from the Chief Executive and Director Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Team

2021-07-01T10:31:10+10:001 July 2021|Chief Executive|

Dear colleagues,

With National NAIDOC Week upcoming (4-11 July) and the lockdown and restrictions currently in place within our local community, it is highly prudent that all local NAIDOC face-to-face events be moved to an online forum, cancelled, or postponed.

It is our priority to protect our vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and community and our non-Indigenous colleagues who may be participating in events.

The great news is Sherry and her team will be launching a virtual NAIDOC event so everyone can still acknowledge and celebrate this significant cultural event.

This year’s NAIDOC theme Heal Country! – heal our nation is a call to action for stronger measures to recognise, protect and maintain all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and heritage.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people hold significant spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical connection to Country. It is not just a place, it is home, it is life, it is family, it is lore. Country is incredibly sacred and part of healing and connecting with family and culture. Healing Country means embracing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia’s national heritage and equally respecting the culture and values of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders and non-Indigenous Australians equally.

The 2021 Metro North Health National NAIDOC Week virtual event celebrates an extension of this theme, Heal Country, Heal Health acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

A series of short films are being released each day during NAIDOC Week (4-11 July) via the Better Together Health Van website and Facebook. We hope you enjoy immersing yourself in the stories and performances showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, culture and activities and take this opportunity to reflect on shaping health equity across Metro North.

We are all aware of how quickly COVID-19 can spread, particularly the Delta variant. Following on from Shaun’s earlier message, we strongly advocate for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and those working in Indigenous health services to please get the vaccine and if you are feeling unwell, get tested.

We recognise this is a challenging time for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues. Let’s all work together to get through this.


Shaun and Sherry


Shaun Drummond
Chief Executive
Metro North Hospital and Health Service

Sherry Holzapfel
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Leadership Team

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