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Message from the Acting Chief Executive: Jackie Hanson

2021-08-31T09:21:09+10:0031 August 2021|Chief Executive|

Yesterday Queensland Health released its findings from an investigation into the COVID-19 cases related to The Prince Charles Hospital earlier this year.

The independent report confirms The Prince Charles Hospital complied with all requirements of the direction, from staff vaccinations through to processes relating to the COVID-19 wards.

Thank you again to you all for following these important processes to keep our patients and each other safe.

The report detailed some opportunities to further bolster our infection control measures, including ensuring all staff swipe in to our COVID-19 wards each and every time they enter. If you are in a COVID-19 ward, please ensure you do this.

This independent investigation has reaffirmed the vigilance our TPCH community have towards infection control and I am grateful to everyone across Metro North Health who makes this a priority in our workplaces.


Jackie Hanson
Acting Chief Executive
Metro North Hospital and Health Service

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