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Message from the Chief Medical Officer

2022-11-25T12:54:20+10:0025 November 2022|Executive Messages, Chief Medical Officer|
Dr Liz Rushbrook Chief Medical Officer Emergency Management and Business Continuity

Dr Liz Rushbrook, Chief Medical Officer,
Emergency Management and Business Continuity

We are approaching our peak weather and natural disaster season. This year the Bureau of Meteorology is predicting a hot and wet summer. This means we will likely see more storms and flash flooding, and possibly some more extreme bushfire risk days. Metro North provides essential services and we know that our staff live all over our catchment and beyond. We have developed an extranet site as a single point of truth for our response to any emergency management or disaster incidents.

When we stand up a response to an incident, we’ll put key messages for staff on this site (as well as communicating via SMS or email as needed) such as which of our facilities are affected and any advice about action to take. The site also has general information about the types of incidents that may affect us, including bushfire, storms and flooding, heatwave, and communicable diseases of concern, and links to useful sites like Get Ready Queensland and traffic updates. I encourage you to have a look.

Voluntary Assisted Dying

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) will be available for eligible Queenslanders from 1 January 2023.

VAD gives eligible people diagnosed with a life-limiting condition, who are suffering during the dying process, an additional end of life choice that allows them to choose the timing and circumstances of their death.

I encourage all healthcare workers in Metro North to complete the VAD ilearn education module.  It is a great resource to understand this new service – whether you are a practitioner or a conscientious objector to part or all of the process. It takes 45 minutes and is a valuable tool to learn and understand about Queensland’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021, and our roles and obligations in enabling patient choice to access information about VAD.

We are also taking this opportunity to do a call out for Senior Medical Officers who may be interested in becoming an Authorised VAD Practitioner. If you are interested, please submit an application via the portal.

The Queensland Health website has useful information for those interested in becoming an Authorised VAD Practitioner including:

There is support available (backfill of ordinary hours or additional ordinary hours) to enable you time to complete the required mandatory training to become an Authorised VAD Practitioner. If you are interested or have further questions, please contact Dr Jeffrey Rowland or myself.

If you have any questions about the VAD service or would like to receive more information, please contact MetroNorth_VAD@health.qld.gov.au.


Dr Liz Rushbrook
Chief Medical Officer
Emergency Management and Business Continuity

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